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#13 2006-01-08 18:16:43

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,330
Website Mastodon

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

Ok, then probably the plugin should contain exactly this code (though I am not sure why you should get an error message by leaving the txpinterface condition in place):

if ( !in_array ($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”], array(‘/rss’, ‘/atom’)) && !in_array ($_SERVER[“QUERY_STRING”], array(‘rss=1’, ‘atom=1’)) ) { @include_once( $_SERVER[“DOCUMENT_ROOT”].”/slimstat/inc.stats.php” );

This assumes that slimstat is installed into its default directory, /slimstat.

Last edited by wet (2006-01-08 18:18:38)


#14 2006-01-08 18:32:44

From: Cologne, Germany
Registered: 2004-10-20
Posts: 31

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

Now it works fine, but the code must be ‘/rss/’ and /atom/’ to work properly ;-)

Nevertheless Thanks for your patience & support!


#15 2006-01-08 19:53:01

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,330
Website Mastodon

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

You will notice that different aggregators use permutations of these URLs with or without trainling slashes, eg Rojo uses /rss while Bloglines uses /rss/ ignoring the way your feed link is spelled in reality. But, as I’ve mentioned before, you can extend both arrays to include any ressource you wanted to suppress.


#16 2006-01-09 03:12:22

From: Cologne, Germany
Registered: 2004-10-20
Posts: 31

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

Okay, just one little thing… I want to exclude the css-file, which is like for e.g. /textpattern/css.php?s=contact
How do I exclude it ? Is there some kind of placeholder in php? so I can exclude css.php_whatever_ ??
Or is there another way to do this ?


#17 2006-01-09 05:08:47

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,330
Website Mastodon

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

That is why the conditional txpinterface == 'public' was there. When css.php is active txpinterface is css.

So you will have to deal with the error you get when this conditional is left in the code.


#18 2006-01-09 21:21:35

From: Cologne, Germany
Registered: 2004-10-20
Posts: 31

Re: Block rss link in shortstat

Ooops, my fault. I pasted the php-start & end-tag, this caused the error. Everythings fine now…really!


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