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figcaption - searchable by default
Thanks devs for deploying <txp::figure />
, I am using it always, even for pure text figures.
Unfortunately, the visible live text of an article from figcaption
is not searchable — would it not to be included by default?
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
I would think that this has to do with performance. It is for this reason, I have adapted that code to
<txp:if_yield name="caption">
<figure<txp:if_yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name="class" />"</txp:if_yield>>
<txp:image id='<txp:yield name="id" />' />
<figcaption class="caption"><txp:yield name="caption" escape="tidy,textile" /></figcaption>
<txp:else />
<txp:image id='<txp:yield name="id" />'<txp:if_yield name="class"> class='<txp:yield name="class" />'</txp:if_yield> />
and call it using
<txp::figure id="#" caption="some caption" class="some classes" />
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
Thank you very much!
I also forgot the ability to replace an image’s caption with the same custom one by including such attribute of <txp::figure caption="" />
at very important occasions.
Links to pages with a matching query are included in search results now without citation, though.
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
Vienuolis wrote #321623:
Links to pages with a matching query are included in search results now without citation, though.
Bug? I don’t know. What did our devs intent for this?
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
colak wrote #321624:
Bug? I don’t know. What did our devs intent for this?
As I get it, all tags are stripped before extracting search excerpts, including the attributes of
<txp::figure id="#" caption="some caption" class="some classes" />
You can try to pass captions as content instead:
<txp::figure id="#" class="some classes">
some caption
This will require some snippet modifications (4.8-style):
<figure<txp:if_yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name="class" />"</txp:if_yield>>
<txp:image yield="id" />
<figcaption class="caption"><txp:yield escape="tidy,textile" /></figcaption>
<txp:else />
<txp:image yield="id, class" />
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
etc wrote #321625:
This will require some snippet modifications (4.8-style):
Now you tell me:) I’ll check how many instances I have before I change the snippet. Your solution is actually much more readable.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
What the clear code poetry! Sorry, I am still plowing with the old legitimate Textpattern 4.7.3ω — nothing critical, will wait for the final release of TxP 4.8… Thank you very much!
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
I have upgraded Textpattern to the new version 4.8.0 successfully, and then replaced this form for <txp::figure />
, with some failure: only images <txp::figure> described </txp::figure>
in such manner are enclosed by <figure>
and <figcaption>
tags — all the others are presented by <img>
tags only. I am trying to understand what the plain condition <txp:if_yield>
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
Vienuolis wrote #321908:
I am trying to understand what the plain condition
In this example, the <txp:if_yield>
simply asks “is there any content passed to the form in the <txp:output_form>...</txp:output_form>
If there is, the figure/figcaption is shown. Otherwise, a plain image.
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Re: figcaption - searchable by default
I guess you are asking about Oleg’s recommendation, above.
The way I understand it is that it refers to <figcaption class="caption"><txp:yield escape="tidy,textile" /></figcaption>
ie, if caption does not exist, fall back to the img
Stef was faster but he has a different interpretation.
Last edited by colak (2020-02-25 17:58:01)
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: figcaption - searchable by default
This code seems to work for me so far — is it valid?
<figure<if::yield name="class"> class="<txp:yield name='class' />"</if::yield>>
<txp:image yield="id, class" />
<figcaption><txp:yield escape="tidy,textile" /></figcaption>
<txp:else />
<txp:image_info yield="id" escape="tidy,textile" wraptag="figcaption" />
Edited: tidy
breaks Textile URL quoting.
Edit 2: replaced ‹figcaption›
by the same more robust wraptag
Edit 3: pardon, tidy is innocent, it was my fault — the space is necessary after URL.
Last edited by Vienuolis (2020-02-27 21:06:34)