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#13 2017-03-17 12:50:09

Registered: 2012-12-18
Posts: 59

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

hmm. currently no PMA on that server, but it’s one package only, so I go for it and try my best.
Added the 2 columns already … yes, that seems to help! Thanks, looks much better now.

Now to the next issues, this time warnings around rss_suparchive:

Tag error: <txp:rss_suparchive_bycat section=“publications” showcats=“0” showdate=“1” dateformat=”%B %Y” datesep=” / “ /> -> Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist while parsing form None on page blog

thanks so far!


#14 2017-03-17 13:23:48

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

Lots of plugin related errors all over the place. Have you turned off plugin execution in Admin > Preferences or deactivated them in Admin > Plugins?

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#15 2017-03-17 13:54:09

Registered: 2012-12-18
Posts: 59

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

uli wrote #304847:

Lots of plugin related errors all over the place. Have you turned off plugin execution in Admin > Preferences or deactivated them in Admin > Plugins?

No. I turned on all plugins now for check, rss_suparchive errors again.


#16 2017-03-17 15:43:52

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

sgw wrote #304850:

No. I turned on all plugins now for check, rss_suparchive errors again.

rss_suparchive is an old unsupported plugin. Most of its functionality can now be achieved using native tags.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#17 2017-03-17 16:20:07

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

With “all over the place” I meant several other sections of your website: There’s an error on contact with the dtj_obfuscated_email plugin (can probably be replaced with another plugin, yab_email.)

On references there’s mem_glinklist in use (no idea what it does).

We can help you with aged plugins when you post your plugin list from Admin > Dagnostics here.

Easiest to soothe is probably on the category pages (see services): There’s aged code for sort attributes in an article tag: Change instances of … sortby="keywords" … sortdir="desc" … to a unified … sort="keywords desc" …

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#18 2017-03-17 16:41:05

From: Southeastern Michigan, USA
Registered: 2005-01-14
Posts: 976

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

uli wrote #304858:

On references there’s mem_glinklist in use (no idea what it does).

Manfre’s plugin allows you to output link lists sorted by their category. Quite a nice little plugin in its day. Did this ability ever get rolled into the the native txp tag? If not, it seems rather like it should have.


#19 2017-03-17 17:30:08

Registered: 2012-12-18
Posts: 59

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

uli wrote #304858:

With “all over the place” I meant several other sections of your website: There’s an error on contact with the dtj_obfuscated_email plugin (can probably be replaced with another plugin, yab_email.)

On references there’s mem_glinklist in use (no idea what it does).

We can help you with aged plugins when you post your plugin list from Admin > Dagnostics here.

Easiest to soothe is probably on the category pages (see services): There’s aged code for sort attributes in an article tag: Change instances of … sortby="keywords" … sortdir="desc" … to a unified … sort="keywords desc" …

thanks for your offer and the tips how to proceed. I will look into it as soon as I find the time to do so (tmrw rain ahead …)

plugin list: kml_twitter-1.4, yab_email-0.7, dtj_obfuscated_email-0.3, zem_contact_reborn-, altum Email Obfuscator-1.1.2, rss_suparchive-0.18, mem_glinklist-0.8.5m, pap_contact_cleaner-0.1, rah_metas-0.9.2., upm_image-0.6.2, upm_img_popper-1.3.7, glx_admin_image-2007.1, rvm_plugin_diff-0.2, upm_insert_tab-0.3, rss_article_edit-0.1, gbp_admin_library-, yab_copy_to_new-0.2, wet_quicklink-0.8.2, wet_peex-1.0, smd_where_used-0.30, l10n-

I am perfectly aware of the fact that some of these are outdated and/or obsolete.
Might be that the former designer tested this and that, for example that email obfuscation stuff (3 plugins or so). Tried yab_email already yesterday, will see how to clean the traces of the other ones.

I am quite cautious so far as there is no rollback or versioning here, so I started commenting stuff which didn’t fully work out afai see. Learning plus debugging plus upgrading at once ;-)

thanks, Stefan


#20 2017-03-17 18:20:55

Registered: 2012-12-18
Posts: 59

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

colak wrote #304855:

rss_suparchive is an old unsupported plugin. Most of its functionality can now be achieved using native tags.

Should I quote the rss_suparchive tags here?


#21 2017-03-17 18:40:07

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

I removed those plugins from the list that seem up to date. Remains:

altum Email Obfuscator-1.1.2 delete
dtj_obfuscated_email-0.3 delete
gbp_admin_library- usually companion for gbp_permanent links, but I might be wrong. Wait for others to confirm that.
glx_admin_image-2007.1 Do you see an image on the write pane for articles using an image? If not try bot_show_image
kml_twitter-1.4 might be replacable with arc_twitter or tips here and here
mem_glinklist-0.8.5m replace with core tag txp_linklist
pap_contact_cleaner-0.1 newer version: pap_contact_cleaner_v0.1.2
rah_metas-0.9.2. newer version rah_metas_v1.5
rss_suparchive-0.18 functions might be rebuildable with core tags, difficult to say, depends on your use
upm_image-0.6.2 core tags
wet_peex-1.0 do you use wet_quicklink? Else axe both.
wet_quicklink-0.8.2 see line above

I’m quite cautious so far as there is no rollback or versioning here

And that exactly on your site ;) Were you the one colak recommended rss_admin_database_manager to? Not exactly versioning, but quite easy to deploy.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#22 2017-03-17 18:47:10

Registered: 2012-12-18
Posts: 59

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

Thanks for the list! Some work already done, more maybe tomorrow or so. I appreciate your help!

And that exactly on your site ;) Were you the one colak recommended rss_admin_db_manager to? Not exactly versioning, but quite easy to deploy.

What do you mean by “exactly on your site” ? Related to backup etc? ;-)
no, didn’t hear of rss_admin_db_manager so far. I tend to not add new stuff for now. My goal: getting everything in shape and understand it at least at a level that allows me to edit things in a sane way.


#23 2017-03-17 18:58:39

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

sgw wrote #304863:

Related to backup etc? ;-)

Excactly. rss_db_man is as easy to use as a copy machine, but you’ll have your tools.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#24 2017-03-17 19:58:08

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: newbie issues (?) - what is wrong with my forms?

sgw wrote #304861:

Should I quote the rss_suparchive tags here?

Probably difficult to grasp what it did for the most of the average users. I’d rather put it into its own topic, in order to profit from knowledgable topic subscribers. But it’s really aged (users might have changed CMSs long ago), and answers came in really sparingly in the last years.

While searching I came across some posts with code you could try: Starting from here are three approaches from Monicahu, when she tried to replace suparchive. Takes some reading deeper down the topic for corrections of her errors.

BTW, here’s the generic colak tip that Monica mentions.

Last edited by uli (2017-03-17 20:03:03)

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


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