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#37 2017-03-06 08:05:14

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

Oh maybe this can help pinpoint?

Tag error: <txp:glx_if_not_category_list> ->  Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist while parsing form None on page words
Tag error: <txp:glx_if_not_category_list> ->  Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist while parsing form None on page words
Tag error: <txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments> ->  Textpattern Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND textpattern.Annotate = 0' at line 4 while parsing form @^comments on page words
Tag error: <txp:glx_if_not_category_list> ->  Textpattern Warning: tag does not exist while parsing form None on page words

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#38 2017-03-06 08:34:42

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,143
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

alicson wrote #304424:

Really appreciate this! I added the code, and I’m sure twas a good thing, however the error remains.

hmmm. Just paste the code below in the plugin. It’s strange as all works fine on my end.

if (class_exists('\Textpattern\Tag\Registry')) {

function glx_if_frontpage($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, $pretext["s"] == "default" &&
                                  empty($pretext["c"]) &&
                                  empty($pretext["q"]) &&

function glx_if_not_frontpage($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, $pretext["s"] != "default" &&
                                  empty($pretext["c"]) &&
                                  empty($pretext["q"]) &&

function glx_if_section_frontpage($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext, $is_article_list;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, empty($pretext["c"]) &&
                                  $is_article_list == true));

function glx_if_not_section_frontpage($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext, $is_article_list;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, !empty($pretext["s"]) &&
                                  $is_article_list == false));

function glx_if_search($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext;
    return (!empty($pretext["q"])) ? parse($thing) : "";

// This function is written by jase
function glx_if_not_search($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext;
    return (empty($pretext['q'])) ? parse($thing) : "";

function glx_if_category_list($atts, $thing)
    global $pretext, $is_article_list;
    return (!empty($pretext["c"]) && $is_article_list == true) ? parse($thing) : "";

function glx_if_comments_open($atts, $thing)
    global $thisarticle;
    $id = $thisarticle["thisid"];
    $rs = safe_row("*", "textpattern", "ID='$id' AND Annotate=1");
    $output = "";
    if ($rs)
        $output = parse($thing);
    return $output;

ignorecomments: If this is set to false the plugin will ingnore any
comments, if set to true the text will only show if there is no
comments already. It is false as default
function glx_if_comments_closed($atts, $thing)
    if (is_array($atts)) extract($atts);
    global $thisarticle;
    $ignoreComments = (empty($ignorecomments)) ? false : true;
    $id = $thisarticle["thisid"];
    $output = "";
    $rs = safe_row("*", "textpattern", "ID= $id AND Annotate=0");
    if ($rs)
        if ($ignoreComments)
            $rs2 = safe_row("COUNT( discussid ) AS num_of_comments", "txp_discuss", "parentid = $id");
            if ($rs2)
                if ($rs2[0] == 0)
                    $output = parse($thing);
            $output = parse($thing);
    return $output;

If this tag is not enclosed with other tags or text it will output
how many comments that has been recorded before the article was closed.
well, that didnt work very well so that lines are just commented out.
instead just use <txp:comments_count />
function glx_if_comments_closed_comments($atts, $thing ="")
    if (is_array($atts)) extract($atts);
    global $thisarticle;
    $id = $thisarticle["thisid"];
    $numOfComments = 0;
    $output = "";
    $rs = getRow("SELECT COUNT( ".PFX."txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM ".PFX."txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN ".PFX."textpattern ON ".PFX."txp_discuss.parentid = ".PFX."textpattern.ID
                  WHERE ".PFX."textpattern.ID = $id AND ".PFX."textpattern.Annotate = 0");
    if ($rs)
        foreach ($rs as $row)
            if ($row[0] != 0)
                //$numOfComments = $row[0];
                $output = parse($thing);
    //return ($thing) ? $output : ($numOfComments != 0) ? "$numOfComments" : "";
    return $output;

This function was requested on the TXP Forum by lee.
It takes two attributes
value: the value to compare with
operator: how to comapare
function glx_if_comments_count($atts, $thing)
    if (is_array($atts)) extract($atts);
    global $thisarticle;

    $value = (empty($value)) ? 0 : $value;
    $operator = (empty($operator)) ? "" : $operator;
    $output = "";

    switch ($operator)
        case "equal_to":
            if ($value == $thisarticle['comments_count'])
                $output = parse($thing);
        case "not_equal_to":
            if($value != $thisarticle['comments_count'])
                $output = parse($thing);
        case "less_than":
            if ($value < $thisarticle['comments_count'])
            $output = parse($thing);
        case "greater_than":
            if ($value < $thisarticle['comments_count'])
            $output = parse($thing);
        case "less_than_or_equal_to":
            if ($value <= $thisarticle['comments_count'])
            $output = parse($thing);
        case "greater_than_or_equal_to":
            if ($value >= $thisarticle['comments_count'])
            $output = parse($thing);

    return $output;

function glx_if_image_display($atts, $thing)
    global $p;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, !empty($p)));
function glx_if_not_image_display($atts, $thing)
    global $p;
    return parse(EvalElse($thing, empty($p)));

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#39 2017-03-06 08:41:23

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

Thank you, I did that, and also tried again turning off all plugins except for glx_if, and the only difference is that the same error showed up accompanied by all the other tags of the plugins turned off.

does this mean anything useful?

Textpattern Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND textpattern.Annotate = 0' at line 4 while parsing form @^comments on page words

I’m sure it’s not the plugin’s fault; I just don’t know what..

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#40 2017-03-06 08:47:49

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,640
Website GitHub

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

alicson wrote #304428:

You have an error in your SQL syntax

Yiannis/alicson: this isn’t anything to do with the registered state of the tag or not. The error message states “tag does not exist”. That’s different to “unregistered tag”. If a tag doesn’t exist it’s either because:

  1. The plugin’s not installed/activated.
  2. The plugin’s type is wrong and isn’t being loaded on the public side.
  3. There’s a syntax error in the code that’s making the plugin not be loaded at all, thus no tags get defined.

In this case my money’s on (3) given the SQL error that alicson is seeing. The tag trace will show you the entire query (temporarily switch gbp_pl off or it swallows the tag trace output for some reason). Look for the one mentioning the plugin and/or textpattern.Annotate in it and paste the query here. That should help us diagnose it.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#41 2017-03-06 09:07:06

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

   1419.93 |     1.96 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1419.96 |     0.46 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2415' AND Annotate=1 ]
   1420.44 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1420.49 |     1.37 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   1420.90 |          | 					Tag error: <txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" /> -> Textpattern Notice: unregistered_tag while parsing form <strong>@words</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
   1420.95 |     0.38 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2415' ]
   1421.34 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1421.39 |     0.35 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2415' and visible='1' ]
   1421.75 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1421.90 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1421.92 |     0.29 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1421.95 |     0.25 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2415 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   1422.20 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1422.21 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1422.22 |     0.36 | 			<txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1422.25 |     0.31 | 				<txp:asy_showcat link="true" />
   1422.53 |          | 					Tag error: <txp:asy_showcat link="true" /> -> Textpattern Notice: unregistered_tag while parsing form <strong>@words</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
   1422.58 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1422.59 |          | 		</txp:if_article_list>
   1422.61 |     0.03 | 		<txp:if_individual_article>
   1422.62 |          | 			[<txp:if_individual_article>: false]
   1422.64 |          | 		</txp:if_individual_article>
   1422.64 |     0.02 | 		<txp:if_individual_article>
   1422.65 |          | 			[<txp:if_individual_article>: false]
   1422.66 |          | 		</txp:if_individual_article>
   1422.74 |          | 		[Article: '2414']
   1422.79 |          | 		[Form: '@words']
   1422.80 |          | 		[Nesting forms: '@words']
   1422.83 |     0.01 | 		<txp:article_id />
   1422.85 |     3.01 | 		<txp:if_article_list>
   1422.86 |          | 			[<txp:if_article_list>: true]
   1422.88 |     0.49 | 			<txp:smd_if field="excerpt" operator="isempty">
   1423.22 |     0.02 | 				<txp:excerpt />
   1423.24 |     0.09 | 				<txp:permlink>
   1423.33 |          | 				</txp:permlink>
   1423.37 |          | 			</txp:smd_if>
   1423.38 |     0.06 | 			<txp:rvm_if_privileged>
   1423.40 |     0.01 | 				<txp:site_url />
   1423.42 |     0.01 | 				<txp:article_id />
   1423.44 |          | 			</txp:rvm_if_privileged>
   1423.45 |     0.08 | 			<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_author">
   1423.47 |          | 				[<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_author">: true]
   1423.49 |     0.03 | 				<txp:custom_field name="cite_author" />
   1423.52 |          | 			</txp:if_custom_field>
   1423.53 |     0.03 | 			<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_title">
   1423.55 |          | 				[<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_title">: false]
   1423.56 |          | 			</txp:if_custom_field>
   1423.57 |     0.03 | 			<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_author">
   1423.59 |          | 				[<txp:if_custom_field name="cite_author">: true]
   1423.60 |          | 			</txp:if_custom_field>
   1423.61 |     0.12 | 			<txp:if_custom_field name="nodate">
   1423.63 |          | 				[<txp:if_custom_field name="nodate">: false]
   1423.64 |     0.07 | 				<txp:posted format="%e%b%y" />
   1423.73 |          | 			</txp:if_custom_field>
   1423.73 |     0.07 | 			<txp:permlink>
   1423.80 |          | 			</txp:permlink>
   1423.81 |     1.60 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1423.83 |     0.39 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2414' AND Annotate=1 ]
   1424.23 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1424.27 |     1.12 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   1424.30 |     0.64 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2414' ]
   1424.95 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1425.00 |     0.27 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2414' and visible='1' ]
   1425.28 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1425.41 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1425.42 |     0.33 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1425.44 |     0.26 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2414 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   1425.71 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1425.76 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1425.77 |     0.07 | 			<txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1425.80 |     0.03 | 				<txp:asy_showcat link="true" />
   1425.84 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1427.14 |     1.56 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1427.16 |     0.59 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2413' AND Annotate=1 ]
   1427.75 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1427.79 |     0.88 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   1427.85 |     0.26 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2413' ]
   1428.12 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1428.16 |     0.37 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2413' and visible='1' ]
   1428.54 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1428.70 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1428.71 |     0.68 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1428.74 |     0.61 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2413 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   1429.36 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1429.40 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1429.41 |     0.13 | 			<txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1429.47 |     0.07 | 				<txp:asy_showcat link="true" />
   1429.54 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1430.79 |     2.00 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1430.82 |     0.78 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2411' AND Annotate=1 ]
   1431.60 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1431.64 |     1.12 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   1431.70 |     0.34 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2411' ]
   1432.05 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1432.09 |     0.56 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2411' and visible='1' ]
   1432.66 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1432.80 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1432.81 |     0.56 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1432.83 |     0.50 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2411 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   1433.34 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1433.37 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1433.38 |     0.19 | 			<txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1433.50 |     0.06 | 				<txp:asy_showcat link="true" />
   1433.57 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   1492.54 |     1.09 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1492.58 |     0.37 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2372' AND Annotate=1 ]
   1492.96 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1493.00 |     0.62 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   1493.04 |     0.26 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2372' ]
   1493.30 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1493.33 |     0.20 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2372' and visible='1' ]
   1493.54 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   1493.63 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   1493.64 |     0.35 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   1493.66 |     0.31 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2372 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   1493.97 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   1493.98 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>

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#42 2017-03-06 09:27:22

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,640
Website GitHub

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

Hmm, no errors showing there in <txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments> which is where the previous error indicated a problem would be. Can’t see any errors in the tag trace.

The only time it’d throw a wobbly would be if it tried to find the comments when outside an article context, because the ID would be empty and that would cause the syntax error you saw. Is your ‘@^comments’ Form only executed for individual articles or inside article_custom lists? i.e. not called when on, say, a category page at a time when there are no articles being listed or something?

Check in smd_where_used to see where it’s being called and make sure it always has some kind of article context. Beyond that I’m not sure why it would be kicking an error out based on the tag trace above.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#43 2017-03-06 09:39:47

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments> shows up in three forms, all of which are article forms. Am checking tag trace again..

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#44 2017-03-06 09:43:52

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

Is this different?

   2003.51 |     2.77 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   2003.54 |     0.69 | 				[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2415' AND Annotate=1 ]
   2004.24 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   2004.30 |     1.96 | 				<txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" />
   2004.67 |          | 					Tag error: <txp:gho_comments_invite showcount="yes" zero="comment" one=" comment" more=" comments" nocomment="" /> -> Textpattern Notice: unregistered_tag while parsing form <strong>@words</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
   2004.72 |     0.33 | 					[SQL: SELECT Annotate, AnnotateInvite FROM textpattern WHERE ID='2415' ]
   2005.06 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   2005.11 |     1.03 | 					[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM txp_discuss WHERE parentid='2415' and visible='1' ]
   2006.15 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
   2006.29 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_open>
   2006.30 |     0.33 | 			<txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   2006.33 |     0.28 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT( txp_discuss.discussid ) AS num_of_comments
                  FROM txp_discuss
                  LEFT JOIN textpattern ON txp_discuss.parentid = textpattern.ID
                  WHERE textpattern.ID = 2415 AND textpattern.Annotate = 0 ]
   2006.61 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
   2006.63 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_comments_closed_comments>
   2006.64 |     0.36 | 			<txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>
   2006.66 |     0.32 | 				<txp:asy_showcat link="true" />
   2006.95 |          | 					Tag error: <txp:asy_showcat link="true" /> -> Textpattern Notice: unregistered_tag while parsing form <strong>@words</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
   2007.00 |          | 			</txp:glx_if_section_frontpage>

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#45 2017-03-06 09:50:14

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,640
Website GitHub

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

The tag traces show it returns Rows: 1 which indicates the query succeeded. If you can find one that shows an error, or one that looks like this:

WHERE textpattern.ID = AND textpattern.Annotate = 0

then that’ll likely be the culprit.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#46 2017-03-06 09:58:00

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

That doesn’t exist in tag trace.. I tried a couple variations.

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#47 2017-03-06 10:03:41

Registered: 2004-05-26
Posts: 465

Re: txp:article_custom misbehaving?

    354.90 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 156 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    354.92 |     0.84 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    355.76 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    356.06 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 25 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    356.14 |     0.81 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    356.96 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    357.24 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 168 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    357.26 |     0.73 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    358.00 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    358.19 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 41 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    358.21 |     1.13 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    359.35 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    359.38 |     0.84 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '185' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    360.22 |          | 		[Rows: 6]
    360.59 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 192 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    360.60 |     0.78 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    361.39 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    361.67 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 9 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    361.69 |     0.74 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    362.43 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    362.61 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 197 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    362.62 |     0.64 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    363.27 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    363.50 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 200 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    363.51 |     0.67 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    364.19 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    364.55 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 165 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    364.57 |     0.75 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    365.32 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    365.52 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 138 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    365.54 |     1.60 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    367.15 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    367.37 |          | 		Tag error: <txp:rss_unlimited_categories_cloud parent="quotes" linktosection="quotes" /> -> Notice: Undefined offset: 15 while parsing form <strong>None</strong> on page <strong>words</strong>
    367.38 |     0.67 | 		[SQL: SELECT * FROM textpattern as t LEFT JOIN textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE  c.category_id = '' and t.Status = 4  and Posted <= now() ]
    368.06 |          | 		[Rows: 0]
    369.38 |          | </txp:ob1_if_section>
    369.40 |  1463.02 | <txp:if_article_list>
    369.42 |          | 	[<txp:if_article_list>: true]

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