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[archived] ob1_if_category
Notice: topic closed, see <txp:if_category>
Name: ob1_if_category
Version: removed
As someone (see below) pointed out, there is allready one plugin for this.
Excuse my poor eye-sight. s
Last edited by els (2009-04-23 22:24:48)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
Re: [archived] ob1_if_category
Just wondering, does this do anything different to mdm_if_category?
Jon VC#9
Re: [archived] ob1_if_category
You’re right, how could I miss that one? My bad.
And his plugin even has negate. Neat stuff.
I’ll blame late hours ;)
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
Re: [archived] ob1_if_category
> obeewan wrote:
> You’re right, how could I miss that one?
Personally, there’s so much stuff here, I think its very easy to miss!
Jon VC#9
Re: [archived] ob1_if_category
So true and the older plugins are not listed in the central plugin list which is my first stop. This along with the search function not beeing exactly perfect (if you search for if_category you’ll find nothing) the older ones are easy to miss.
ob1_advanced_search 1.032b, ob1_search_score 1.0, ob1_pagination 2.5, ob1_title 4.1, ob1_modified 2.1
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
— Sun Tzu
Pages: 1
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