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#1 2006-06-27 08:31:10

From: Canberra, Australia
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 342

[request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

I have written a small plugin for my own site that simply removes the opening and closing paragraph tags from an excerpt. This is my first plugin – an easy one but you have to walk before you can crawl!

Basically, it works exactly the same as the normal <code><txp:excerpt /></code> tag except that the opening <p> and closing </p> tags are removed. The idea is that I can then apply my own styled <p> tag, and also include other bits and pieces within the same paragraph as the excerpt – rather than outside the paragraph.

This approach addresses my specific need. I’ve looked at a few of the plugins out there, but they all seem to do a lot more than I want whilst generating the excerpt from the article body. I like the semantic nature of having an excerpt as a distinctly separate piece of content, but just wanted more control over it.

I know that excerpts might not always start with a <p> tag eg. when the author has used textile to use alternative formatting, and I also know that excerpts can be created without textile – I figure I can trap those ones in my plugin.

So, my questions are:

  1. has this already been done before? My searches haven’t shown anything similar, although I have seem some discussion about hacking the basic excerpt processing …
  2. is this worth releasing into the wild? I know how it works on my own site, but of course can’t control how it works on real sites created by others.
  3. what else do I need to know about Textpattern’s use of excerpts? As I say, this is my first attempt at a plugin, my knowledge of Textpattern’s internal workings is pretty slim (although I know I love it!) and I could be completely stuffing up some core functionality!

Thanks for any ideas.


#2 2006-06-27 18:01:06

From: Bristol, UK
Registered: 2005-09-22
Posts: 491

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

theres a plugin called etz_striptags which you can use to achieve a similar result, but it actually strips all tags out of the excerpt, including any textile-added formatting…


#3 2006-06-28 00:26:28

From: Canberra, Australia
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 342

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

Yep, I have seen that plugin. My problem was that I only really wanted to insert some additional content at the start and end of the excerpt – stripping out all tags runs the risk of corrupting the excerpts formatting completely.

As I say, I know that this will work for me because I can control how I create excerpts.


#4 2006-06-28 13:22:49

From: Bristol, UK
Registered: 2005-09-22
Posts: 491

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

I’d use it if you published it :)


#5 2006-07-20 16:58:07

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

I just tried to get kgr_safe_excerpt and etz_striptags to work together (I am running an svn version a couple of days old) and the output was badly mangled. So after examining the code for both, I customized the return statement to

<code>return strip_tags(parse($excerpt));</code>

and finally got the validator to tell me that I wasn’t nesting paragraphs.


#6 2006-08-10 16:56:34

Archived Plugin Author
From: Vancouver, British Columbia
Registered: 2005-08-19
Posts: 202

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

Here is a modification to give you what you need. Just swap it with the existing code source.

function etz_striptags($atts, $thing) { extract(lAtts(array(‘allow’ => ‘’),$atts)); if (empty($allow)) { return strip_tags(parse($thing)); } else { $allow = explode(‘,’, $allow); foreach ($allow as $tag) { $allow[$tag] = ‘<’.$tag.’>’; } $allow = implode($allow, ‘,’); return strip_tags(parse($thing), $allow); }

To use wrap a block of text or a txp tag (excerpt for example) in <code><txp:etz_striptags></code>. The plugin now takes one argument, <code>allow</code>, a comma seperated list of tag names that you want retained within the section wrapped by the tag. All other tags will be stripped.


<code><txp:etz_striptags allow=“em,strong”><p><em>I hate paragraph tags, but like <em>emphasis</em> and <strong>strong</strong> tags!</p></code>.

Would give you: <code>I hate paragraph tags, but like <em>emphasis</em> and <strong>strong</strong> tags!</code>.

This modification worked well with my very limited testing.


#7 2006-10-17 15:56:35

minimal design
Registered: 2006-10-15
Posts: 38

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

Before I get crazy implementing this plugin, few questions:

#Is there a way to do this without plugin in 4.0.4?

#If no, anyone has it working on 4.0.4 – compatible?

#How would you get rid off the paragraph wrap in excerpt with just textile?



#8 2006-10-18 05:17:54

Plugin Author
From: Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Registered: 2004-11-22
Posts: 169

Re: [request] Remove paragraph tags from excerpts

Isn’t this feature already built into textpattern? “Article —> Advanced Options —> Excerpt (Dropdown) —> Leave text untouched”

I guess the only annoying thing is that you have to do it for every single article, but with etz_strip you’d still have to type it in all the time.



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