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#1 2005-02-22 18:52:24
- Calítoe.:.
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-02-22
- Posts: 3
Spanish localisation: español de España
I’ve reviewed the Mexican Spanish localisation a huge job done by felixe & notuo, congrats :) and made a “Spanish Spanish” :p version for Spaniards like me who are more familiarised with some other terms for certain words… I also corrected a couple of tiny orthographical errors ;D and translated a couple of phrases that hadn’t been translated, such as Scots (“escocés” o “gaélico escocés”), Time offset (“diferencia horaria”) and so on.
Oh, and as I am a girl, and gender is important in Spanish, I did some tiny retouches to make a couple of phrases sound more “neutral” :p
By the way, to make Spanish versions work better, I’ve changed the charset in the database and in index.php, _update.php and publish.php files of the textpattern directory into charset=iso-8859-1 (and in some of the include directory too).
Here you are :)
(Se admiten sugerencias y críticas constructivas amables…)
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comment_required => Debe escribir un comentario
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convert_linebreaks => Convertir saltos de línea
cookies_must_be_enabled => Las cookies del navegador deben estar habilitadas
para utilizar Textpattern.
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imágenes. Cambie los permisos del archivo a 777.
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recent_posts => Entradas recientes
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referrers_only => Sólo enlaces remitentes
remember => Recordar
replace_image => Reemplazar imagen
reset_time => Cambiar la fecha o hora a la actual
restricted_area =>
Re: Spanish localisation: español de España
> Calítoe.:. wrote:
> By the way, to make Spanish versions work better, I’ve changed the charset in the database and in index.php, _update.php and publish.php files of the textpattern directory into charset=iso-8859-1 (and in some of the include directory too).
I’m curious. What characters are presents in Latin1 but not in UTF8 ?
#3 2005-02-23 00:21:12
- Calítoe.:.
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-02-22
- Posts: 3
Re: Spanish localisation: español de España
Please don’t laugh at me… It’s just that changing that is the only way I’ve got to not see everything messed up in ANY browser… It happened to me with WP and MT too.
Some enlightenment please? Anyway, if I just change that I don’t ‘t have to go to Encoding and so on in the browser menu.
And talking about the translation, there’s another (and probably much better :p) translation into es-es that comes with RC3.
Re: Spanish localisation: español de España
That’s an issue with your personnal setup, not the charset itself :)
Last edited by Jeremie (2005-02-23 00:24:49)
#5 2005-02-23 00:49:18
- Calítoe.:.
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-02-22
- Posts: 3
Re: Spanish localisation: español de España
I guessed it was so, but I know more people who have that issue too.
What should I change?
Pages: 1