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FreshlyPressed Reboot
FreshlyPressed has been redesigned in TXP. Kept it nice and simple this time. :)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
It loads very quickly, I like that in a site.
Just one question, what was the reasoning behind left justifying the content instead of centering it?
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#3 2006-02-15 20:18:09
- NyteOwl
- Member
- From: Nova Scotia, Canada
- Registered: 2005-09-24
- Posts: 539
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
Yep, nice and speedy, bright and clean (though I liked the old citrus fruit – can I borrow them?) :)
I have the same question about the left postiitoning of the main page block. It looks odd, full screen at 1280×1024 :)
Obsolescence is just a lack of imagination. / 36-bits Forever! / #include <disclaimer.h>;
#4 2006-02-15 20:47:19
- alexandra
- Member
- From: Cologne, Germany
- Registered: 2004-04-02
- Posts: 1,370
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
Do i hurt your feelings Stu, when saying i am not font of the color scheme?
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
@Alex – you could never hurt my feelings but you are going to have to check on “font” cuz that’s just really funny. I know you would pronounce it that way but it’s not how we spell it. :)
@hcgtv and NyteOwl – the left alignment for 2 reasons. a). I didn’t want it looking bloggish and b). I did have a version where I placed very faded, spaced, repeated logos into the body background which looked better when it was all on one side. Anyway the logos bit the dust but I still thought of “a”.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
#6 2006-02-15 21:08:55
- alexandra
- Member
- From: Cologne, Germany
- Registered: 2004-04-02
- Posts: 1,370
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
okay -> fond ..correct?
still the color scheme is not correct yet. you have to work on it a bit ;)
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
Yes “fond” is much better. Let me know when the new colour scheme is ready. I shall want something a little different for FreshText and FreshWord when their new logos arrive. :)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
#8 2006-02-15 21:22:47
- alexandra
- Member
- From: Cologne, Germany
- Registered: 2004-04-02
- Posts: 1,370
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
no problem.. i do a nice color scheme for FreshText and FreshWord for you if you want me to. But no discussions on my color-design please! ;)
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
Me? Discuss? ;)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
I like it… i like the way you use “big” font sizes and how you manage the empty spaces…
Also, I like the colour scheme.
What I dont like too much is the reflection in the logo/banner… I’m talking about the reflection (or shadow) that say “freshly pressed” again, not about the effect in each character, that, btw, is very nice.
Also, a question: how did you add the class="active"
to each item in the menu? with a plug-in or maybe some hard-coding and a bit of little magic dust of txp:if_section
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
Oh now I quite liked the bottom reflection. Thought it made a nice change from the standard “shadow”.
Plug-in? The site only uses one plug-in. I wonder if you can guess what that is?
The top_nav is done using an in-line, un-ordered list with an “active” class added to the “li” tag using “if_section” conditionals like so:-
<txp:if_section name=”“>
<li class=“active”><a href=”<txp:site_url />”>: Packages :</a></li>
<txp:else />
<li><a href=”<txp:site_url />”>: Packages :</a></li>
<txp:if_section name=“service,nonhost”>
<li class=“active”><a href=”<txp:site_url />service”>: Support :</a></li>
<txp:else />
<li><a href=”<txp:site_url />service”>: Support :</a></li>
<br />
There are a few questions about top_navs like this. I’ve just done an article over at FreshText about SEO that you might want to add your comments to. Maybe my next one should be on top_navs and “active” classes.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: FreshlyPressed Reboot
> thebombsite wrote:
Plug-in? The site only uses one plug-in. I wonder if you can guess what that is?
Easy one: zem_contact_reborn! what did I win? :D
There are a few questions about top_navs like this. I’ve just done an article over at FreshText about SEO that you might want to add your comments to. Maybe my next one should be on top_navs and “active” classes.
I have read it and added my comment few days ago! BTW, a nice article, I’m reading it again…
The top_nav is (…)
Nice method!
I asking myself if something like this would work:
<li<txp:if_section name=”“> class=“active”</txp:if_section>><a href=”<txp:site_url />”>: Packages :</a></li>
<li<txp:if_section name=“service,nonhost”> class=“active”</txp:if_section>><a href=”<txp:site_url />service”>: Support :</a></li>
</ul></code><br /><br />
But, the “problem” there can be if the <li>
arent well-formed… That’s why I put the <txp:if_section>
together with the li
and added an empty space between the <txp:if_section>
and the class="active"
So, if that is a problem, that can also be done with something like:
<txp:if_section name=”“><li class=“active”><txp:else /><li></txp:if_section><a href=”<txp:site_url />”>: Packages :</a></li>
<txp:if_section name=“service,nonhost”><li class=“active”><txp:else /><li></txp:if_section><a href=”<txp:site_url />service”>: Support :</a></li>
</ul></code><br /><br />
(both inspired from here)
Finally… there is the <txp:section title= "1" link="1"/>
magic, but I’m seeing that you use your default section as a one named “Package”.
Mary is the number one, but you Stuart, are the number two… errr… i mean 3