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reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
In an attempt to create a theme that could be dropped in without the need for changing any of the default/existing page tempaltes or forms I hit a bit of a snag — there currently is no way to override the form used to dsplay the comments block.
In 4.0.3 the value for the form use is currently hard coded inside of publish.php, at line 720 inside the doArticle function.
Instead, like most other forms it should be a parameter that could be fed, along with a default value — something like a commentdisplayform=”“ on the article tag
Unless I’m missing some reason for this not to have been done already it seems like a bug/oversight and a quick fix.
All other forms i’ve looked at so far (comments, comment_form, default, Links, files) can have alternatives specified from the txp tag that calls it.
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf
#2 2006-02-14 00:38:59
- zem
- Developer Emeritus
- From: Melbourne, Australia
- Registered: 2004-04-08
- Posts: 2,579
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
It’s only hard coded if you use the “auto append comments” setting, which is a back-compatibility feature. See the FAQ.
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
thanks. I’ll have to look at that entry and see if it gets me closer to nirvana
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
Maybe its early and I haven’t had enough coffee but I seem to be missing something here…
I don’t want to bypass the comments_display form and the logic that only calls that code at the right times.
I want to change the form used when the app calls it, not change when the app calls it.
If I turn the auto append off and move the calls to txp:comments, txp:comments_form into the article form then I get stuff on the home page and elsewhere where I don’t want it. And I don’t see a direct if_whatever tag to mimic the auto append functionality… it is simply a matter of coming up with a combination of <code><else /></code> cases that only print this stuff when you’re in the right place or am I missing something more fundamental?
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
of note.. .my form looks something like the following, so there is a wrapper of markup beyond just the if_comments statements and the logic behind txp:comments
<div class=“comments”>
<txp:comments />
<txp:comments_form />
<txp:else />
<p><txp:text item=“comments_closed” /></p>
</div> <!— /comments —>
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
> placenamehere wrote:
And I don’t see a direct if_whatever tag to mimic the auto append functionality… it is simply a matter of coming up with a combination of <code><else /></code> cases that only print this stuff when you’re in the right place or am I missing something more fundamental?
Hi placenamehere,
I’m not totally sure if I understand… but some simple use of if_article_list or if_individual_article should mimic the autoappend functionality.
something like:
…all your comment snippet here…
…your comment invite here…
…your comment invite here…
…all your comment snippet here…
Because, you are always in an article_list context or in an individual_article context.
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
yeah.. maybe i’m overthinking things and overlooked that tag… was looking for something in the specific context of the article form/comments appending scenario
but I think i have it sorted now, thx
Last edited by placenamehere (2006-02-14 16:56:35)
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf
Re: reference to form comments_display hardcoded with no override
yup.. moving my old wrapping my old comments_display form to the end of my article form and wrapping it in a txp:if_individual_article block was what i needed…
now to tackle the search_results form
Last edited by placenamehere (2006-02-14 17:01:25)
Site: placenamehere.com
Microformat Plugin: pnh_mf