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#493 2006-01-30 15:28:37

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: upm_img_popper

There are links in the popup that will do different things. The links under “article image” will put that image in the article image field for the article. You will have to use one of the Article_image tags to retrive those images. The links under insert will insert tags for the image.

  • image – will insert it using a upm_image tag.
  • custom – will use a upm_image tag pointing to a form.
  • XHTML – will simply insert the xhtml img tag.

More information about the upm_image tags are in the plugin help.

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#494 2006-01-30 17:55:20

Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 647

Re: upm_img_popper

Thank you

But how can i make the thumbnail popup if someone clicks on it. Can the plugin do that or do i have to write my own html or javascript to do that.


#495 2006-01-30 18:30:11

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: upm_img_popper

Sorry I left some stuff out.

If the image has a thumbnail associated with it (you will see the thumbnail in the plugin popup) you will have two extra options.

  • Thumb – inserts the thumbnail
  • popup – inserts the thumbnail with a popup of the larger version.

So to do what you want just choose the popup option and you should be all set to go. It will insert a upm_image tag that looks kind of like this <txp:upm_image type="popup" image_id="12" class="image" />

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#496 2006-02-06 20:11:51

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: upm_img_popper

I’m planning on starting an update for upm_img_popper this week and I would like input as to what users would like to see.

I’ve heard requests for integrated image upload and I’m going to try to include that in but I would like thoughts on how you would like that to behave since uploading an image into TXP is a two step process to set the caption, category etc.

General thoughts from interface refinement ideas to anything else are welcome.

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#497 2006-02-06 22:01:27

From: tuvalahiti
Registered: 2004-04-22
Posts: 743

Re: upm_img_popper

hakjoon, this may be another plugin, but… multiple article images, where you can display one on the page at a time, with links showing next/prev to reload the page with next/prev article images

just like jmr_gallery … but with article images instead of having to create image categories

probably another plugin : ) but this is such a good way of having images attached to an article


#498 2006-02-06 22:05:23

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: upm_img_popper

That’s a good one to keep in mind.

I’m hoping to eventually turn upm_image into it’s own plugin that will be a swiss army knife for images (at least that’s the plan). I want to make some of Mary’s code a little more modular before I do that though.

Keep them coming.

Last edited by hakjoon (2006-02-06 22:05:58)

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#499 2006-02-12 04:00:42

From: Ca
Registered: 2005-07-30
Posts: 29

Re: upm_img_popper

question—ive installed this plugin on previous installations of txp, but in the latest release (as of feb 11, 2006) 4.0.3., i can’t get it to work! It goes to the textpattern/index.php page instead of installing it. any ideas?



#500 2006-02-12 04:03:14

From: Ca
Registered: 2005-07-30
Posts: 29

Re: upm_img_popper

also, in regards to the multiple image upload, you should have it like flickr and facebook, where it makes little forms next to each image where one can write in captions and picture titles, and also to upload the thumbnails.

Basically what happens is the second screen for uploading images in textpattern (where you put in caption, alt, thumbnail, etc) will be its own little form that is repeated as many images the user wants to upload, know what im sayin? That would be rad


#501 2006-02-13 00:40:00

From: Arlington, VA
Registered: 2004-07-29
Posts: 1,634

Re: upm_img_popper

darrenemo wrote:
question—ive installed this plugin on previous installations of txp, but in the latest release (as of feb 11, 2006) 4.0.3., i can’t get it to work! It goes to the textpattern/index.php page instead of installing it. any ideas?

Is this in the plugin installation screen? That’s pretty weird. Are you using the version from upm-plugins?

About multiple image uploads, do you think that’s something that belongs in this plugin? I mean I can see the value of what you described, but I always saw img_popper as an image selection tool not an image management tool.

I’m even starting to wonder if image uploads belong in it at all. I fear that if everything gets crammed in this plugin it will just become unwieldy un-focused. I’m not giving up on image uploads yet, but I’m curious why everyone wants to move that away from the image tab.

Shoving is the answer – pusher robot


#502 2006-02-13 03:30:58

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: upm_img_popper

Patrick, Hey man, as you and I have discussed a bit: I am in favor of image upload in the upm_img_popper plugin.
  • Image upload through the images tab can be awkward considering the vast majority (so it seems) of people use images within an article environment, making an separate image tab more useful for organization (at least it will be someday when the devs add search function and sorting options as is now available in the article tab and which I believe Mary submitted a patch for before she left)
  • Image upload through the upm popup is more intuitive and follows better workflow logic (imho).
I am NOT in favor of multiple image upload for this plugin
  • at the level of multiple images, one should be able to do so at the image tab at this point in TXP history. I think it may cause a bloating of the upm_popup and should not be added.
  • Perhaps in the future, or submitted as a patch to the core?

I AM in favor of dividing the plugin so that the popper is separate.

I would like to see multiple alignment possibilities (left center right) at least
  • other forms get more complicated and should be discussed at length before inclusion (again imho)
  • these alignment possibilities should be shown as images (like a wyswyg editor).
I think all the “include alt” “include class” etc, which is now housed at the top of the popup, should be relagated to the extensions/upm_img_popper tab
  • with the option to include them in the popper if someone throws a hissy about that suggestion. Though I can’t now think of any reason why they should be there. The only thing one would want there is the class (alignment option). Since when do you post an image and include the alt sometimes and not others? That’s weird? Right?
Captions, alt, etc.
  • in regard to what Darrenemo said above, I think this unfortunately makes sense.
  • If you are going to have an image upload you should really have some of the image adjustment/edit/descript. features available right?
  • This is unfortunate because you don’t want that popup to become clogged and cramped.
  • Is there a solution to this issue in some AJAX or JS? If you were able to toggle some of the options, it could keep the popup small?
If image size is an issue
  • perhaps the plugin could use a very basic resizing proportion from glx_admin_image_resize for instance, that said: “if the image is uploaded via upm_img_popper, then the max width for the image is 350px”?



The plugin could go in a totally other direction.
What if the plugin added functionality to the core image tab?
Basically making it possible to open the core image tab as a popup, but give it some of the features that users are looking for here? More thoughts on this later, if you care to discuss – or email me.

So, that’s my short (ha ha) synopsis of ideas, issues, etc.

Hope it helps.


Last edited by ma_smith (2006-02-13 03:34:02)


#503 2006-02-13 04:21:12

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_img_popper

Just popping by briefly to drop in some realism. Obviously whatever anyone does to it is up to them, I don’t care one way or another :), but I thought I’d clarify things from a developer point of view, for those that aren’t and so have honest misunderstandings about what is and isn’t possible with this particular plugin and Textpattern. It’d be a real shame for someone to invest more time on a losing battle.

darrenemo: I don’t get what you mean by, “It goes to the textpattern/index.php page instead of installing it.” What is the first “it” you mentioned? what are you expecting the plugin to do, but it isn’t?

Having the image upload within the plugin itself is not the greatest idea. I agree, image upload via the write tab does make real sense, but that doesn’t mean any plugin should be doing it, never mind this one. The plugin is already humongous, and was never intended for image management, as Patrick (hakjoon) mentioned. If a plugin could make the existing core image management better, that’s what I or someone else would have done. It just isn’t possible, there is no way for a plugin to do that. And really, it shouldn’t, that’s just asking for it to completely break every time the core program is updated. Better to make the existing core image management better (go strike up a conversation with the core devs and see what they think). Even if you could make the plugin improve the core image management (and I repeat, you can’t), by the time you’ve made the plugin do all that, you’ll have rewritten the core image management, so why bother making the plugin do that, rather than Textpattern itself?

“include alt”, etc, are where they are because people do (did) want to change them on an image by image basis. The extension page determines the defaults for those that never change them. Removing it would be removing functionality that others strongly expressed that they wanted. Though I agree, you could conceivably make it an option.

“multiple alignment possibilities” are already covered. Place it in a Textile paragraph, and it has alignment. Or if you’re using something like TinyMCE, that has alignment as well. And with/without either you’re free to setup a couple classes you can use.


#504 2006-02-13 04:45:28

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: upm_img_popper

Holy Cow! Did you all see that? We’ll have to report this to the vatican, its a sighting of MARY! LOL!

As usual Mary comes in to let us all know what’s going on :)

Mary, Hakjoon, et all,

Mary, I know that alignment is possible in the current version of upm_img_popper, I just wonder if it couldn’t be a little more intuitive for the end-user (or more explicitly, the less than techy end-user), with something they are more familiar with like the wyswyg images.

Per the alt on alt off functionality, I figured you put it there for a reason, but I just wanted to throw in my two sense that this kind of thing feels awkward to the end user who doesn’t know what to make of any field they don’t know what to do with, so the more than can be accomplished behind the scenes, the better – imho.

However, you are probably (disapointingly) right about the core image functionality needing to be the elephant to push along rather than the plugin.

Elephants are heavy.

I think I’ll go cry my head to sleep on mee huge pilla’ now. I feel like a kid whose just told he may not really want a pony after all :(,

ah well, we’ll see what Patrick comes up with,

Good to see you around here Mary.



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