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chCounter and TXP
can someone tell me how to make chCounter work with TXP.
I just installed it, but when I insert some chC code into a page template I see nothing. The counter seems to count my visits though. This is how I inserted the PHP into my page template:
$chCounter_template = <<<TEMPLATE
total visitors: {V_TOTAL_VISITORS}
What am I doing wrong?
(sorry to post this here, but the “chCounter with TXP” link on http://www.christoph-bachner.net/chcounter is broken…)
Version Textpattern: 4.0.3 (r1188)
PHP-Version: 4.4.1
Hosting: all-inkl.com
Re: chCounter and TXP
Have you tried using the proper TXP tags <code><txp:php></txp:php></code>?
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: chCounter and TXP
uhmmm, no. thanks for the hint, but it still doesn’t output anything :(
Version Textpattern: 4.0.3 (r1188)
PHP-Version: 4.4.1
Hosting: all-inkl.com
Re: chCounter and TXP
Sorry. I use SlimStat but with that you can’t bring stats into your page. Well I suppose you could if you knew a bit of PHP to do it. It’s very good though. Have you thought of sending an email to Christoph Bachner? He may not be aware that the page is off-line.
Actually, just looking at that code, and I’m no PHP expert I should add, I would have thought that the bottom line, the “include”, should have been at the top as it needs to know where to look for the data. On the other hand I use a similar line for SlimStat which goes into the index.php page in order to “register” the hit and monitor a visitor’s movements so I could well be wrong about that.
Last edited by thebombsite (2006-01-31 08:34:48)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: chCounter and TXP
most part of the code example above is taken from the installation manual. however, it says that the include line should always be the last one.
I sent christoph a mail the same day I posted here, but nothing has happened so far. Also posted in the chCounter forum, but there’s no reply :(
anybody else?
Version Textpattern: 4.0.3 (r1188)
PHP-Version: 4.4.1
Hosting: all-inkl.com
Pages: 1