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Category list problem
Hi there guys,
I’ve done a bit of a search and can’t find any answers on this…
I’ve got a problem displaying categories on these two installations of txt 4.0.3:
Brewtopia – just in production so bear with me
Deathwishteria – blog for a friend
the category tags I’m using in the head of each post are:
<code><h3>Posted by: <txp:author link=“n” /> on <txp:posted /> | Filed in: <txp:category1 link=“y” /> | <txp:comments_invite /></h3></code>
does anyone have any ideas why the category links aren’t working?
thanks in advance,
Re: Category list problem
It was changed to an integer. Try using “link=1”. You can also add “title=1” if you’ve set up titles for your categories.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Category list problem
thanks heaps Stuart – mcuhly appreciated.
I’ve made the change to – <code><txp:category1 link=“1” title=“1” /></code> – and the titles thing works a treat. but the categories still aren’t filtering. the same goes for the category list in the sidebar:
<code><txp:category_list wraptag=“ul” break=“li” /></code>
any ideas?
thanks again,
Re: Category list problem
h figured it out – I retraced my steps and went back towards a basic installation to see what was messing things up.
it was the chh_article_custom that was cuasing the trouble… when I just used a few conditionals (gotta love em) for the excerpts and change to just txp:article it was all gravy.
thanks for you time,
Pages: 1