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Hi! I want to make a newspaper...
Hi, I have a science newspaper at www.diariocientifico.com .
I wanted to remake it so it can support CMS Tecchnology,.
I tried Cofax, but I’m a beguinner at CMS, PHP, Mysql… So I didn’t make it thru the instalation proocess. It’s too “unuser friendly”!
I then eard about Textpattern. They say it’s super user-friendly. The best. I’ve allready registered a domain at textdrive and I’m prepared to make it happen…
My question is: Can one adapt textpattern to do a newspaper just like mine www.diariocientifico.com.
And can I produce instant news in way like I have previous defined the:
…and the only thing I had to do on every new would be to insert the data on the above fields ?
My fear is that textpattern can only be used in traditional blogs, and does not support newspaper stile editing….
Thanks for the help
Camello (Beginner)
Re: Hi! I want to make a newspaper...
Textpattern can do more than just blogs for shure. Take a look at the selection of txp sites by category at the TXP Magazine
Re: Hi! I want to make a newspaper...
Thanks a lot. I searched the web for a site like the one u gave. Cau u beleive it ?
Pages: 1