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#1 2006-01-13 21:29:31

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

[archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

UPDATE Nov. 1, 2006:

Notice: Unless there is interest enough to update NM, the successor to this project is Postmaster, found here.


– Ben


Version 0.3 remains a TEST for now — please don’t move over to this until we’ve: 1) tested it more thoroughly, 2) resolved any bugs, 3) refined the table structure and the language control and etc.

Get the plugin here: http://www.benbruce.com/txp/bab_newsletter_v_0.3d.txt

This latest upgrade [“v_0.3d”] fixes two bugs: the broken bab_subscribe issue and the multiple “Install Tables” links.

UPGRADING: Before you do anything, copy your list of email addresses somewhere. Then you should “Drop” the table called “txp_subscribers” from your database, using either the Database Manager plugin, phpMyAdmin or some other mysql tool. You can leave your txp_nlprefs database alone. When you click on the “newsletter” tab, you will see the “Install Tables” link. Click this link to install the new “txp_subscribers” table — the script will leave your “txp_nlprefs” table alone.

See the help documentation for more [I’m a copy editor, so please post any mistakes in the doc in here as well].

Please note that this is a solution for smaller lists. Sencer says, “Depending on the host and configuration, it’s possible that it starts making trouble when reaching 50-100 adresses … keep this in mind with regards to people’s expectations.” Bumping this up is a priority, but if you need something more robust, try this. Bulk mail capability is coming — I’ve already emailed over 4,000 emails at a time with this plugin.

Please use this forum thread to post bugs, modifications and requests. I don’t have tons of time so if anyone can help anyone else out, please do, and we’ll edit this top post with new versions as they come along.

There is also a new plugin, the Email-on-Post Manager.

UPDATE 2/20:

  • fixed the fix — the “prefix” fix from earlier wasn’t completely implemented and left bab_subscribe broken. This should be resolved.
  • Fixed the “Install Tables” bit.


  • fixed the database table “prefix” issue [from – jw -: this affects only those who added a prefix to their tables. Please test this fix when you have a moment].
  • fixed a small error that had some email programs missing some of the mime instructions [thanks, ma_smith].
  • added the ability to insert more than one email address at a time in the admin area [separated by a comma followed by a space].
  • changed the structure of txp_subscribers table in order to prepare for future requests [subscriber preferences, etc].


  • Fixed bab_subscribe issue [thanks – jw -]
  • Added – jw -‘s </div>


  • Added form control
  • Added “Add email” function in Admin [one at a time for now]
  • Streamlined Admin area
  • More.


  • Fixed the character issue;
  • Satisfied those who hate “zip”;
  • Implemented text and HTML emails that gracefully degrade to text;
  • Fixed the “privs” issue;
  • Added some language control and more.
  • Fixed a security risk that Sencer emailed about
  • fixed the character issue.



This is my first post — figured I better come to the introductions bearing a plugin.

The Newsletter Manager adds a newsletter admin to your TXP admin [a new tab under “content”], and adds several new tags for use on the Web site.

It features:

  • Easy installation.
  • A Dashboard, for a quick overview of your Preferences and Statistics.
  • Preferences: Admin Email, Signature, Unsubscribe Address, and Archive Section.
  • A Test Mail button as well as a Mail to Subscribers button.
  • An optional Unsubscribe Link at the bottom of each email.
  • HTML and Text emails
  • A customizable Subscribe form, which you can place anywhere on your Web site.
  • An unsubscribe tag you can place on a customized “Goodbye” Web page.
  • Extensive help documentation.


– Ben

Last edited by benbruce (2006-11-02 01:15:14)


#2 2006-01-13 22:18:13

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Can’t wait to try this out. I am currently running php lists on 2 sites and it’s way too bloated for what we need. Does this use dada mail? Saw it on your site.



#3 2006-01-13 22:22:49

From: Westcoast of Sweden
Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 209

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Are you kidding? This sounds like a super-plugin! Will try it in a few days when I have enough time. And welcome to Textpattern.

Last edited by skoggy (2006-01-13 22:25:18)


#4 2006-01-13 22:35:50

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Skoggy, thanks for the welcome.

Soulship, it’s not based on Dada Mail — DM is written in Perl, but it’s an awesome script and I use it because I need some of the special features it’s got.

This was written in response to folks asking for newsletter script that asks for less investment than, say, PHPlist, and that plugs right into their TXP installation.

Last edited by benbruce (2006-01-14 07:52:50)


#5 2006-01-13 23:00:44

From: Westcoast of Sweden
Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 209

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

One thing. Couldn´t help testing it :)

Language “control”, have you thought about that? Or do I have to hardcode the messages myself (like You’ve successfully subscribed and the title of subscription form)?

Or maybe use a form to write messages once submitted.

Edit: While testing I also noticed that swedish characters like å ä ö becomes ? in newsletter.

Edit 2: Besides that everything seems to work right out of the box.

Wonderful plugin!

Last edited by skoggy (2006-01-13 23:20:47)


#6 2006-01-13 23:29:05

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern


For now, it’s hardcoded. I didn’t think about that. But that’s definitely something that should be customizable — I wanted to make it so that on the frontend, it can look how you want. That can be added to the Preferences down the road.

We’ll work out the Swedish character issue too.


#7 2006-01-13 23:50:32

From: Westcoast of Sweden
Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 209

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Thanks. I won´t push you, noticed that you don´t have tons of time and I know what that means.

edit: Like your music too :)

Last edited by skoggy (2006-01-14 00:08:51)


#8 2006-01-14 01:03:06

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

I’m working on the character issue. I think I’ve got it worked out but it needs a little wrestling to make all the moving parts work correctly.

– Ben


#9 2006-01-14 02:34:00

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Helluva first post, great work. I’ve been setting about using phplist myself. And this looks like it’ll be a whole lot easier.

Q:Can you do html or multi-part mime emails with this plugin?

Last edited by mrdale (2006-01-14 02:38:22)


#10 2006-01-14 07:57:01

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Skoggy, I think I fixed the character issue — haven’t had time to test. Let me know if that did the trick.

mrdale, HTML emails and MIME are on the to do list.

– Ben


#11 2006-01-14 09:52:37

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,143
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Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

A couple of comments and a question.
  • I’m not sure that name is necessary and definitely not “required”. In newsletters I would think that email should be “required”
  • zip is very us-centric (what if that is replaced with country?
  • Is there a way to just have one email field with a subscribe/unsubscribe radio button or pull down menu?

Last edited by colak (2006-01-14 09:55:54)

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#12 2006-01-14 11:41:04

From: Westcoast of Sweden
Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 209

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Ok. deleted my first version of the plugin in my admin and tried to upload the new one(?) but I get a message suggestion that theres something wrong in the code and that the plugin wasn´t installed.

Edit: No problem. Solution posted below this one…

Last edited by skoggy (2006-01-14 16:02:13)


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