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#1 2005-12-27 07:22:29
- the002
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-12-12
- Posts: 2
A few issues with aba_image_import, glx_admin_image, & rss_thumbpop
hi all… i’m having some troubles (had a lot more at first but “search” helped fix those)
I posted this exact message in the rss_thumbpop thread but that one seems to have been forgotten more than likely because it’s on its ninth page.
Here are the plugins i’m using:
Here is the section in question, for reference: http://www.mjmachon.com/the002/002/index.php?s=image
Let’s stick to the thumbpop issues first and then I’ll go from there.
1. My single image gallery using jpop is working fine (functionality), which indicates that the image categories are working. I have set up two different gallery lists and the jpop method works fine. The problem: There is no thumbnail image in the list view on the left of the title, date, etc.
2. Although the jpop gallery works alright, there is text appearing that I no longer want to have appear. Before it used to say “Mouse over blah blah blah” but I edited the code so that it shows a “.” However, it still shows “null” after I have begun clicking away on images. Any way to get rid of that, or do I have to style the text to appear the same color as the BG? :o)
3. Back to the list view… the tag to allow the image thumbnail count seems to do nothing. It stays blank. (glx_admin_image issue?)
4. Possibly non rss_thumbpop related, but I thought I might ask here anyway: When uploading images with aba_image_import using the ftp to “import” method, it allows me to resize my images, and it manages to create a squared and cropped thumbnail of my images. In the Content > Images menu, it will show everything correctly, yet on the live site it wil show the thumbnails sqared and cropped, yet the images not resized. After I refreshed a few times and logged in and out of the control panel, the thumbnails went back to shrunken down proportional images (not to my liking), although the main images DID in fact shrink to the size I wanted them to.
To summarize it all:
1. List view thumbnail image is missing
2. I want the “null” next to go away using jpop mode.
3. Thumbnail count is not appearing
4. (too complicated to summarize) :-D
All-in-all, I want these galleries to look close to http://www.durchgedreht24.de/galerie/
I’ve played around with my own styles so far and I’m getting close.. just need to solve some of those issues.
Thanks ahead of time for all the help! And thanks to all those who indirectly helped me with other existing forum info!
- Mario