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#1 2005-12-22 12:19:27
- Ji31
- Member
- Registered: 2005-08-24
- Posts: 103
I have inserted this tag <txp:feed_link label=“RSS” section=“article” flavor=“rss” /> and it makes this http://wordstudio.xf.cz/rss/?section=article
Translate is “Processing of XML wasn’t successful: wrong declaration (Line: 1, Letter: 0)”
Or is it wrong tag? I just want RSS like here http://martagnan.co.uk/rss/ for example.
Re: Rss
I usually code mine by hand and use something like <code><a href=“wordstudio.xf.cz/?rss=1&section=article”>RSS 0.92 Articles</a></code> which will validate “Strict”.
Now the other point is that your browser will not be able to read the RSS or Atom feeds because they are correctly declared XML feeds. You should view them in a feed-reader which is what feeds were designed for.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
#3 2005-12-22 22:32:14
- Ji31
- Member
- Registered: 2005-08-24
- Posts: 103
Re: Rss
> I usually code mine by hand and use something like <code><a href=“wordstudio.xf.cz/?rss=1&section=article”>RSS 0.92 Articles</a></code> which will validate “Strict”.
It has made the same.
> Now the other point is that your browser will not be able to read the RSS or Atom feeds because they are correctly declared XML feeds. You should view them in a feed-reader which is what feeds were designed for.
No I use Opera and if I want to add my rss to RSS Reader it makes this error, but if I want to add http://martagnan.co.uk/rss/ it’s ok.
Re: Rss
Right then. I’m wondering if there is something invalid about you article content. have you validated the page that contains your article?
Also have you tried the Atom feed? Does the error occur with that as well?
Last edited by thebombsite (2005-12-22 23:52:21)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
#5 2005-12-23 02:24:23
- KurtRaschke
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-05-16
- Posts: 275
Re: Rss
Yeah, the feed’s invalid—no wonder Opera balks. See the feed validator for the Atom feed and the RSS feed.
When I pull the feed down with curl, there’s a blank line before the XML starts. I’m wondering where that came from. Maybe a blank line somewhere after a <code>?></code> tag somewhere? <code>while (@ob_end_clean());</code> in rss.php and atom.php before any content is output would clear out the buffers and the blank line.
Last edited by KurtRaschke (2005-12-23 02:25:52)
#6 2005-12-23 18:02:36
- Ji31
- Member
- Registered: 2005-08-24
- Posts: 103
Re: Rss
NO, this guy morethanseven.net has adviced me just add link like this www.wordstudio.wz.cz/RSS and it’s working! Super.
Thanx to everybody.
#7 2005-12-23 20:52:03
- Ji31
- Member
- Registered: 2005-08-24
- Posts: 103
Re: Rss
What does this http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwordstudio.xf.cz%2Frss mean? What can I do? It should be in TXP, because on my second web at the same server http://worstudio.wz.cz/rss it’s working ok.