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#1 2005-12-23 11:32:49

New Member
Registered: 2005-07-22
Posts: 2

strange CSS-tab problem here - bug or my fault?

good day to you.

hope i can explain this in english. i’ll try my best.

i’m trying to program a site for my company using textpattern. today a problem occured: when i open the STYLESHEETS tab, textpattern does not display the css-code as it should – it displays ITS OWN CODE in the css-window as well.

so, the last entry in my css-form is (or should be):

{ font-size: smaller; color: navy;

but it is NOT – in the same area(!) the code continues like this:
<code></textarea><br /><input type=“submit” name=”“ value=“Speichern” class=“publish” /><input type=“hidden” name=“event” value=“css” /><input type=“hidden” name=“step” value=“css_save” /><input type=“hidden” name=“name” value=“default” /></code>..

and it goes on like this for a long time… this is obviously the textpattern-code itself, and since it is displayed in the css-window, mozilla cannot interpret it, and the stylesheet-tab does not have the “save” button anymore, or the “logout” button or anything. changing the css-code can now only be done in the “CSS editor” window. How did this happen? What can i do to fix it? if this has been discussed elsewhere, maybe you could just point me to the thread…

thanks in advance
greetings benjamin


#2 2005-12-23 12:58:27

New Member
Registered: 2005-07-22
Posts: 2

Re: strange CSS-tab problem here - bug or my fault?

solved the problem.
accidentaly, i put a little “<” into the css-code – that obviously confused the textpattern engine.
thanks anyway,


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