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#1 2005-12-13 16:14:15
- bartalzo
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-12-12
- Posts: 2
[wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
I am completely new to TxP, but I love it already, since I managed to get my site up and running in just a few minutes yesterday. Now I would like to learn all about how to actually build and shape up my site, Textile, tags, what is possible, what is not, etc. and my question is:
Is there any (beginner) documentation about TxP, like (parts of) the TextBook also available in say pdf, for those of us who would like to print a copy and do some relaxing reading in the soffa at home?
-Zoltan, Vienna
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
See <a href=“http://textpattern.org/tutorials/439/txp-tag-reference-pdf”>Textpattern Tag Reference (pdf)</a>. It’s not the whole TextBook, only the tag index, and parts of it may not be strictly up to date, but there should be enough material to last a while.
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#3 2005-12-17 10:25:50
- davidgordon
- Member
- Registered: 2005-04-10
- Posts: 23
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
I’d quite like to have a copy of the wiki on my local Mac for times I am away from ‘net access.
There must still be ways to download whole websites for local viewing. What’s the best way to do this on Mac? Safari seems just to grab individual pages.
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
I did a little poking around and found Web Dumper. (Look at the user comments for a note about wget that looks good for command-line junkies like me!)
After a little more digging, I found a link to Deepvacuum. One of these tools should work for you. I haven’t tested them.
I also think some of the research packages, like DevonThink, can grab whole website (and index them). I played around with DevonThink for awhile, but didn’t see how it would help me. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good program; it’s just not a program that I need.
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Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
> davidgordon wrote:
> I’d quite like to have a copy of the wiki on my local Mac for times I am away from ‘net access.
If you’re running OS X, you can run wget with the mirror option.
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Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
I don’t know if anyone’s noticed it yet, but the wiki has a link in the toolbox navigation (bottom of left column) called “Printable Version”, which is a link to a printable version of the given page you happen to be on. I haven’t been able to test it because I don’t have a printer at the moment (need a new one) so I don’t know how well it works, but I would like to get some feedback on it.
Seems to me you should be able to use this to print document sections as needed, which is nice because you aren’t forced to print the entire manual, which probably wouldn’t be practical anyway.
#7 2005-12-19 15:21:32
- davidgordon
- Member
- Registered: 2005-04-10
- Posts: 23
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. I also searched around and have tried Blue Crab which downloads sites.
I started downloading the TXP wiki but have stopped at 85MB. I don’t think I need all the versions of everything! Its also not fair for me to use up all that bandwidth…
So please, lets have some kind of downloadable version of the documents. Its true that I can download and print a copy of the current page, but that’s nor what I’m after. I’d like to be able to refer to the documents when I’m travelling and don’t have ‘net access.
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
HTTrack is pretty nice and it can be compiled on the mac
Shoving is the answer – pusher robot
#9 2005-12-19 15:37:03
- davidgordon
- Member
- Registered: 2005-04-10
- Posts: 23
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
> hakjoon wrote:
> HTTrack is pretty nice and it can be compiled on the mac
Absolutely, there’s loads of these applications!
My point now however is; if we all start downloading 100 or is it 200 MB worth of wiki there’s going to be a Big Fuss from the bandwidth police ;-)
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
davidgordon wrote:
My point now however is; if we all start downloading 100 or is it 200 MB worth of wiki there’s going to be a Big Fuss from the bandwidth police ;-)
A very good point. One thing that I think would be beneficial would be to indetify what sections would be good candidates for offline availability. To me it would seem that many of the sections on upgrading, subversion, changing hosts and XAMP, WAMP, MAMP installs aren’t really as necessary offline.
Last edited by hakjoon (2005-12-19 15:48:54)
Shoving is the answer – pusher robot
#11 2005-12-19 15:47:38
- davidgordon
- Member
- Registered: 2005-04-10
- Posts: 23
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
> hakjoon wrote:
> To me it would seem that many of the sections on upgrading, subversion, changing hosts > and XAMP, WAMP, MAMP installs aren’t really as necessary offline.
Fair point too although I’d like a full version. You might be researching/learning how to upgrade while on a trip.
Re: [wiki] Printable documentation (pdf maybe)?
I found this article about MediaWiki PDF Export that could be useful if we pursue this.
I think ideally PDF documentation should probably be created in some sort of regular interval with the understanding that the online wiki will always be the most up to date source.
Shoving is the answer – pusher robot