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#421 2005-11-02 16:34:21
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Okay, that’s a fair enough consideration (though that’s a huge photo…). Implementing that could be difficult, depending on how to approach it. How about simply detecting the user’s resolution and if the photo is bigger, making the window size cap? That’s easy enough for me to add and you’d have it today (like in, say, 5 minutes).
#422 2005-11-02 16:40:06
Re: upm_img_popper
“windows size cap”?? do you mean a window with slider??
Your principle sounds reasonable : not to force the settings of teh window but just in case the photo is bigger be able to slide in it…
#423 2005-11-05 04:42:24
Re: upm_img_popper
Mary, I think I’ve found a slight issue. I’m developing a site which has a photoblog integrated into it. Right now the site is on debug mode, so your plugin is throwing notices my way. I realize it’s not a massive issue, but I figured you’d want to know.
tag_error < txp:upm_image type=“image” image_id=“3” class=“image” /> -> Notice: Undefined variable: show_caption
I looked through your source code a bit and saw that in the upm_image function there was no array index for the show_caption option in $attrs (line ~1380 in just the source).
Am I doing something wrong here, or is the plugin actually missing the show_caption attribute?
Last edited by akokskis (2005-11-05 04:42:52)
#424 2005-11-05 05:27:14
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
I always test in debugging mode (when I haven’t forgotten that I’ve just installed my bazillionth fresh install and haven’t set that again…), but thanks for checking.
That error would be from the preferences being missing from the database. Re-visit the plugin’s perferences page, and re-save your options. That should populate the database again and the notice should go and stay away. Let me know if it doesn’t. :)
#425 2005-11-05 06:04:30
Re: upm_img_popper
Well, I updated, and it’s not doing the trick. Looking into the txp_prefs table through phpMyAdmin, I’m pretty sure that the caption radio button is modifying the “upm_img_popper_show_title” record. When I change the status of the “show caption” radio button the value of “upm_img_popper_show_title” switches from 0->1->0 (etc). So I assume that’s where the problem lies.
#426 2005-11-06 05:14:02
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Ugh, these are bits from an older bug. For shame on me. I don’t know why you’d be getting errors on that particular line, but… Try it now.
Oh and: how is the public-side image popup working for any IE Win users?
It used to work just great for me on my three installed browsers, the latest versions of Firefox, Opera and IE. Now IE has stopped working for me, continuing on to the image link, rather than returning false. There is a popup window opened, but it just sits there, empty and loading, until I close it in frustration. I’m hoping that is only happening to me, but I don’t want to have false hope.
(Oh and if you know how to fix that too, that would be helpful… ;D)
Last edited by Mary (2005-11-06 05:14:20)
#427 2005-11-06 06:04:09
Re: upm_img_popper
The fix works well. Thanks!
#428 2005-11-06 07:21:51
Re: upm_img_popper
> mary wrote:
Oh and: how is the public-side image popup working for any IE Win users?
Here: IE6, WinXP SP2 plus security patches: popup works, but window size is a little bit too small, thus scrollbars obsure the low and right margins of the image. I suppose this stems from the fact that IE defaults to showing an inactive vertical scrollbar without necessity. You seem not to account for the space this scrollbar occupies and so in turn the horizontal scrollbar is shown as the image is partly covered by the default vertical scrollbar. See http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwetzlmayr/sets/1303005/.
Two remarks regarding the admin side:
- The div which displays the “Success” message upon image insertion is positioned in a way which makes it invisible whenever you choose an image on the very end of a long list, causing the div to flow out of the visible part of the browser window. It would be nice if you managed to relocate this div into the visible portion of the viewport.
- My installation of IE6/WinXP throws two JS error indications claiming that string constants are not closeed properly.
Both appear after the controls (Search, include width, include height, include alt text, include caption, assign class, Custom form) are painted but before the actual image list is drawn.
#429 2005-11-08 06:01:06
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Thanks Robert, that’s helpful.
Okay, for the success and return messages, scrolling is now taken into account (in my private copy, haven’t updated the plugin yet).
Edit: My IE was definitely borked. Thank God it wasn’t more painful than this.
Last edited by Mary (2005-11-08 06:27:22)
#430 2005-11-08 07:07:24
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Scrollbars accounted for.
I’m on WinXP as well, all up-to-date. I don’t get any JavaScript errors or warnings. I double-checked my settings – script debugging is on, and so are notifications – and restarted the browser. Still nothing. Maybe it was something I managed to fix without meaning to. Let me know if v.0.9.6 (not released yet, gimme a day or two) still gives you errors.
#431 2005-11-10 09:16:52
Re: upm_img_popper
Mary, did you find time to solve issue we discuss in previous page (slider vs no slider window for big photo)?
#432 2005-11-10 09:31:15
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Yes, I did. :)