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if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
I am having troubles with if_comments not working properly. Here’s my code:
<a href=”<txp:permlink />#komentari” title=“Čitaj komentare”>0<txp:comments_count /></a>
and it doesn’t work. It won’t spit out “ema komentara” if there are no comments. I am using it in the default article form.
I have downloaded my copy of TXP yesterday, so I guess it should be up to date, right? I was reading on these forums about some patches for this, but the patch appears to be gone (utterplush.com I believe the adress was – Marry is the user who made the plugin).
OK boys and girls, thanx in advance for all your help. :)
Whoops, bbcode’s code doesn’t seem to be working.
Last edited by Dragan (2005-10-26 09:40:39)
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Oh my god, something’s wrong … :(
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Where are you using this and what do you want to happen?
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
i am trying to do a comment_count if there are comments and display a sentence “Nema komentara” if there aren’t any comments.
my site is down untill nov. 1st for the css reboot
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Fine but where are you using the above code – in your article form template? Try something like:-
<txp:comments_count />
<txp:else />
<p>ema komentara</p>
<br />
There are some extra attributes for the “comment_invite” tag which will arrive in 4.0.2 which will work alongside this methinks.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
if_comments is kind of broken in 4.0 and 4.0.1. The behaviour will change (= be corrected) when 4.0.2 is released.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
is it known when it will be relesed?
@ thebombsite: as i said in my first post, i am using it in the default article form, on the default and the archives pages. :)
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Unless something comes up, it will probably be available in about a week.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Oh shoot me Sencer! I forgot that was a fix. Damn. Dragan, you have 3 choices – wait for 4.0.2 – learn to use SVN very quickly – grab a later revision.
Last edited by thebombsite (2005-10-26 20:42:07)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
i’m sorry … svn?
can you give me some links to look deeper into it?
thanx for everything people.
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
just to saz big ups to bombsite and this upgraded version, it fixed the problems. :) i have just copied over the old files, it works cool. can you tell me which files and/or folders are important to copy from your version, since i didn;t go over all of them?
Re: if_comments troubles (I'm new, sorry...) :(
Sorry Dragan. I don’t have a list of changed files since 4.0.1 You can go through the timeline and see all the changes made though it’s a bit long-winded. There are instructions for using SVN in TextBook. It’s a method of updating your TXP files to the latest revision by only downloading files that have changed. I should remind you that this puts you on the bleeding edge and whilst there may be new facilities to try out and old bugs squished, the new code can introduce new bugs so beware.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.