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#1 2005-10-10 14:40:53
- cargan
- Member
- From: Uk, Exeter
- Registered: 2004-03-18
- Posts: 10
custom fields or any other reasonable way
hallo, i need somehow to store more information in article like: place, price and etc. (real estate website) and i would like it to be stored seperate. are custom fields made for this reason? is the best (easiest?) way to make 5 custom fields to keep data i want and then how to display it (with form)? maybe there are some plugins written, but somehow i manage to miss them. actualy i haven’t been here for 4 month and i am missing couple of old plugins. thank you for any kind of help
Last edited by cargan (2005-10-10 14:41:21)
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
You do not need plugins for custom fields.
Custom fields are made for whatever reason the user decides. You could have images, urls etc.
ie for linked urls you could have
<code><txp:if_custom_field name=“custom1”><a href=”<txp:custom_field name=“custom1” />”></txp:if_custom_field></code>
<a href=“http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=80410#p80410”>Here’s</a> an explanation I have provided in a thread with a similar topic.
limitations ofcustom fields: They have to be short texts They have to be called from a form
Textbook returns <a href=“http://textpattern.net/wiki/index.php?search=custom+fields&go=Go”>these</a> results.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
#3 2005-10-12 10:47:52
- cargan
- Member
- From: Uk, Exeter
- Registered: 2004-03-18
- Posts: 10
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
thanks very much for help, now I have got another question is it posible like article image just put 4 in a custom field created for thumbnail instead of writing all the img src 4t
plus, how to make individual article to display in new window? <code><txp:permlink target=”_blank”></code> doesn’t work :)
Last edited by cargan (2005-10-12 11:15:37)
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
is it posible like article image just put 4 in a custom field created for thumbnail instead of writing all the img src 4t
That’s not possible. There’s no way for TXP to “know” that your custom field is being used for images or thumbnails.
#5 2005-10-12 13:57:24
- els
- Moderator
- From: The Netherlands
- Registered: 2004-06-06
- Posts: 7,458
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
cargan wrote:
is it posible like article image just put 4 in a custom field created for thumbnail instead of writing all the img src 4t
Have you tried <img src="/images/<txp:custom_field name="customfieldname" />t.jpg" />
Why would you want an individual article to show up in a new window? Nothing so irritating as browsing a site and ending up with 10 or so windows open…
#6 2005-10-12 15:05:34
- cargan
- Member
- From: Uk, Exeter
- Registered: 2004-03-18
- Posts: 10
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
I have got idea to display articles as a table (real esate: place, price, picture,etc), realy good example would be www.autoplius.lt (only with cars) and table idea http://www.real-estate.lt/?pid=11. the idea is we have house with 5 pictures and realy long description, user-customer finds something quikly browsing through articles displayed like table(he can see 50 articles-adverts, brief description) and identify what he needs, if he is realy interested he clicks and the window popup whith full description. he close the window and doesn’t need to press back or browse again. what do you think, thats not final decision. thank you
Last edited by cargan (2005-10-12 15:09:59)
#7 2005-10-13 02:17:15
- zem
- Developer Emeritus
- From: Melbourne, Australia
- Registered: 2004-04-08
- Posts: 2,579
Re: custom fields or any other reasonable way
FWIW, I added some information about custom fields to the FAQ.