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[fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Bonjours a tous!
Quel est un bon Registrar pour acheter un nouveau domaine (<strong>.fr</strong>)? (Si possible, quelqu’un avec un site web avec l’assistance anglaise, mais pas necessaire.)
(Comment dit-on “registrar” en fracais?)
Desole pour mon franglais?
Last edited by Destry (2005-10-08 10:45:13)
#2 2005-10-08 11:46:28
- Logan
- Member
- From: Saint-Denis, France
- Registered: 2005-08-24
- Posts: 28
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Oublie mon message.
Last edited by Logan (2005-10-08 11:47:54)
Rien de spécial…
#3 2005-10-11 12:18:10
- davidm
- Member
- From: Paris, France
- Registered: 2004-04-27
- Posts: 719
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Salut Destry,
Your french is fine, I understood what you meant perfectly :-)
Registrar in french is “centre d’enregistrement” but most of the time we say registrar (shorter and sexier, english always is ;-p)
Donc pour répondre à ta question : per Jason’s advice <del>tu peux essayer Gandi (ugly website, but good service and english/french)</del> Sorry I checked they don’t do <strong>.fr</strong> :-(
Après une petite recherche Google j’ai trouvé 2 registrars qui proposent des .fr et qui sont english-speaking :
European Domain Centre
But I don’t know what they’re worth…
Last edited by davidm (2005-10-11 12:18:47)
.: Retired :.
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
OVH does this. I use them for a couple of years now, no trouble at all and good prices.
Remember that you have to give the Afnic (the authority behind/above the registrars, but they will manage it to the Afnic if they have average services) some documentation to be able to register a .fr tld. It’s not an open registration, like .com .org .net etc.
Last edited by Jeremie (2005-10-12 03:46:46)
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Merci Gents, pour l’information. J’ai cru il y a ete quelque chose en particulierement avec .fr registration. Je devrai faire de la recherche de Afnic maintenant.
merci encore!
Last edited by Destry (2005-10-12 08:27:30)
#6 2005-10-13 07:27:43
- davidm
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- From: Paris, France
- Registered: 2004-04-27
- Posts: 719
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
@Jeremie : OVH has an english interface ??? Also use them with no problem but didn’t notice an english interface…
About the .fr registration procedure, it is currently changing, see the latest Press Release The AFNIC opens a forum on the liberalization of .fr and .re about this.
About registration criteria, there is no english translation yet, but it’s apparently under way.
Last edited by davidm (2005-10-13 07:29:07)
.: Retired :.
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Thanks again, davidm. Good information!
I wish my French was good enough to contribute to that AFNIC Forum that is going on right now (until the 20 Octobre) about opening up .fr to private individuals. I’m surprised actually by how short of time frame AFNIC is allowing discussion on the issue, but even more by how few people there are voicing anything in the forum. Seems to me this would be a chance to jump all over it.
In any case, it looks like .fr extensions will be opened up to private individuals sometime next year, but the question is…under what restraints/conditions? I’ll be watching for sure.
#8 2005-10-13 11:07:33
- davidm
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- From: Paris, France
- Registered: 2004-04-27
- Posts: 719
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
You’re welcome…
I didn’t check the AFNIC forum yet, but I might join in the discussion, I think it’s time for .fr to be open to individuals : once again “l’exception française” (the french exception : we never do like others…) :-(
.: Retired :.
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Well right now anyone can register almost anything, but these “anyones” must be registered in the governement database in some way: that include if you own a trademark, if you have a corporation, a registered non-profit organisation, if you are a registered freelancer, these kinds of things.
That will probably change, but not before next year.
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
I understand. Thanks
Here’s what it’s all about for me, which I think is a rather unique situation. I am a registered freelance business, but in the U.S., not France; nevertheless, I’m open for business from international clients, if they are so inclined. What is unique about it all is that I now reside in France, continue to run my U.S. business, but am beginning to look at opening up more focus on French clients (since I’m here).
With that in mind, I’ve been considering acquiring wion.fr because I already have wion.com (my freelance business site), but I think a .fr sister site would be more visible (and legitimate) to potential French clients. (wion.fr certainly looks better than fr.wion.com) And of course the .fr site would be in French, thus providing more internationalization.
What does concern me, though, is the whole tax issue, essentially getting taxed twice, and that’s why I have not bothered with registering anything here in France because I want to lay-low as long as possible. (For God’s sake, what’s up with all the paperwork in France anyway? And even more, having to have a middle-man to handle everything? Rhetorical.) And therefore my keen interest in this concept of .fr tlds going private.
I suppose I could use a subdirectory of wion.com as the French site (which might help me with respect to the tax issue; ducking the radar, as it were), but then I lose the “visibility” factor.
In any case, I have a ways to go with my French, so I could easily wait another year to think about things more (and hope wion.fr doesn’t get snatched up).
Last edited by Destry (2005-10-14 06:53:10)
#11 2005-10-14 08:38:42
- davidm
- Member
- From: Paris, France
- Registered: 2004-04-27
- Posts: 719
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
OK I get the picture… but I don’t think the website aspect is what should worry you. Do you have a “carte de séjour” or some paper saying you rightfully can live in France ? I guess this is yes since (if I am not mistaken) you’re married to a french woman. The thing is the longer you stay here, the more probability there is for the french IRS to wonder how you earn a living anyway.
I am no international lawyer thus I don’t know if having a company running in the US, paying taxes in the US and living/working in France is legal or not (what I know though is even with Europe I couldn’t create a company in Great Britain as a french if I did not live there). I understand you wanting to avoid loads of paperwork here, and also trying not to be ripped off by the french IRS, taxes being what they are here :-( But how do you manage social security for health expenses ? If you’re registered there, then you’re not bellow radar anymore… Registering wion.fr but not opening it could be an intermediate way to keep the domain but staying bellow radar… Don’t worry, I don’t think the AFNIC is communicating with other government services (Trésor Public aka IRS or the Ministère de l’Intérieur), they’re not that efficient… that’s the good side of living in a bureaucratic country…
That being said, if you need polishing the french on your website when you launch wion.fr, don’t hesitate…
As far as the visibility factor is concerned, I for instance did not register a .fr yet and it’s not hurting visibility (at least not too much, I found that being hosted by a company having servers in the US (txd) hurts more in google’s “Pages:France” than not having a .fr) , the only thing it could hurt is credibility but that’s still to be proven… I guess what you need most of all is at least a french page to attract french customers. But even that has a limited impact, I don’t know what you think about this but web agencies and freelance webdesigners are in such big numbers that you don’t get a lot of business simply by way of search engine positionning. Plus the best positionned agencies are those who do not hesitate using spamdexing and other not-so-clear techniques (but they’re also selling sh%t)…
Partnership with referals might be the way to go, other than business networking which is still the best way to do things in France, even if it’s hard penetrating “circles” (those nicely polished so-called elites that grab all the good stuff most of the time…)… My two cents…
Last edited by davidm (2005-10-14 08:45:25)
.: Retired :.
Re: [fr-fr] Un bon "Registrar" pour domaine francais?
Once again, David, your feedback is good reading.
But how do you manage social security for health expenses ? If you’re registered there, then you’re not bellow radar anymore
You’re right, I’m in the databases, Interpol will be knocking soon ;)