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[archived] cnj_excerpt
Here is a simple plugin that allows logic if the excerpt is empty or if it is not empty. How to use the code, and an example of how I use it is part of the plugin help. Basically if I have a long post I put the short front page part in the excerpt and then continue the article in the body, but if it is a short entry I just use the body of the article, this plugin enables my form to display just the excerpt or the body depending on if the excerpt has content.
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
Thanx for the plugin, works great, i’m using it now for my site!
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
Thank you for a very handy plugin! This solves an issue I had with long articles very effectively!
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
Uh… am I missing something? I downloaded the text file, changed the “txt” extension to “php,” and put it in my “textpattern” directory.
But as far as I can tell, nothing is happening. It’s still showing full articles, even for articles with excerpts.
I suspect I’m doing something stupid. Anyone want to tell me what it is?
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
Isn’t it a plugin? I don’t use it, but have you tried admin > plugins > choose file > install ? Remember to make it active after you upload it.
And it is a .txt file for a reason, be sure to upload it as you got it.
Last edited by Damelon (2004-07-18 17:39:30)
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
Yes, I was being stupid.
OK, so, I installed it via the admin panel. I clicked to make it active. It is now active — have confirmed a couple times.
However, when I have an article for which there is an excerpt, it’s still showing the full article.
Is there some basic TP tag that I ought to have in my page template, maybe? Something required for this plugin to work?
Sorry, again, for being dense.
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
On the very left side of the page on the plugins tab, if you click the name of the plugin the directions are in there.
I know, because I just downloaded it, installed it, and checked.
Last edited by Damelon (2004-07-18 18:14:44)
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
[blushes again]
As you can tell, Damelon, I’m new to all this. I’m in the long and involved process of moving three MT weblogs over to TP on TD. This is the first time I’ve even attempted to use a plugin. I suspect it will be easier next time.
Anyway, that’s got it working. Many thanks to you! (And to octover for making it.)
Re: [archived] cnj_excerpt
great!! thank you so much.