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#349 2005-09-15 06:15:08
Re: upm_img_popper
well. i am now getting close. I have added the code <code>
<txp:article form=“header” />
Back between <code> <HEAD> </HEAD> </code> sections of the ARCHIVE form, and the HEADER image is replaced at the article level!! whew!
BUT… The “comments” fields are added twice: once the way i want at the end of the artilce, but it also appears a second time in large fornat at the head of the page!!! if i can get rid of this wee problem …all will be ok!
…. texted postive
#350 2005-09-15 06:24:18
Re: upm_img_popper
mary – i may soon be out of your hair! I added JUST this line to the ARCHIVE form; <code><txp:article form=“header” /></code>
so that it reads:
<code><div id=“main”>
<div id=“content”>
<txp:article form=“Single” />
<txp:article form=“header” />
<txp:link_to_prev><txp:prev_title /></txp:link_to_prev>
<txp:link_to_next><txp:next_title /></txp:link_to_next>
and so far it’s all hunky dory!
Last edited by bici (2005-09-15 06:25:20)
…. texted postive
#351 2005-09-15 07:16:44
Re: upm_img_popper
yep its now working. many thx mary for all your help and patience!
…. texted postive
#352 2005-09-15 07:48:59
Re: upm_img_popper
PS: i used this to properly place the image:<code>
<style type=“text/css”>
#header {
background: url(<txp:upm_img_full_url />) no-repeat bottom;
width: <txp:upm_img_full_width />;-
height: <txp:upm_img_full_height />;
…. texted postive
#353 2005-09-17 06:12:46
Re: upm_img_popper
i’m back! This piece of code :
<code><txp:article form=“header” /></code> does allow for a new image on the article page, but it also
adds a <b>second</b> “comment_form” to the end of the article. I seems that the “header” is calling for a comment form to be added… can this be changed? if so where?
…. texted postive
#354 2005-09-17 06:29:23
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
#355 2005-09-18 00:49:14
Re: upm_img_popper
ok. done.
Would it be cleaner to have added an option to yr plugin that one can toggle off/on the comments_display option? …just a thought.
…. texted postive
#356 2005-09-18 01:50:08
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
article isn’t part of my plugin.
#357 2005-09-27 02:11:16
Re: upm_img_popper
Hey Mary,
I need some help again.
On this page:
The thumbnails were working fine for a while and suddenly are not. Where you see “Time Traveling With The Genius” in the box with the border around it should be a thumbnail image. For some reason when I check the html code now img src is “” empty. The db shows that this image does have a thumbnail associated with it.
The code being used in that form is:
<div class=“article_thumb_right”>
<a href=”<txp:upm_img_full_url />” onclick=“mapthumbnail(‘<txp:upm_img_full_url />’,’<txp:upm_img_alt />’,<txp:upm_img_full_width />,<txp:upm_img_full_height />,’<txp:upm_img_caption />’); return false;”>
<img src=”<txp:upm_img_thumb_url />” alt=”<txp:upm_img_alt />”
height=”<txp:upm_img_thumb_height />” width=”<txp:upm_img_thumb_width />” /></a>
<p class=“thumb_caption”><txp:upm_img_caption />
<br />
<span class=“thumb_link”><a href=”<txp:upm_img_full_url />” onclick=“mapthumbnail(‘<txp:upm_img_full_url />’,’<txp:upm_img_alt />’,<txp:upm_img_full_width />,<txp:upm_img_full_height />,’<txp:upm_img_caption />’); return false;”>Click for full image</a></span></p>
I can’t figure out why all of the sudden txp:upm_img_thumb_url doesn’t seem to be returning anything.
Last edited by arkham (2005-09-27 02:11:35)
#358 2005-09-27 04:37:07
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Can you tell me:
- the tag and parameters you’re using (the tag that calls the form you posted above)?
- does your host have allow_url_fopen on or off?
#359 2005-09-27 09:15:05
Re: upm_img_popper
> mary wrote:
> Can you tell me:
- the tag and parameters you’re using (the tag that calls the form you posted above)?
<code><txp:upm_image type=“popup” image_id=“37” class=“image” form=“article_thumb_right” /></code>
- does your host have allow_url_fopen on or off?
allow_url_fopen On On
Unless I’m overlooking something, the changes I made yesterday before I noticed this involved getting rss_thumbpop and your file plugin working for the gallery section.
Thanks for your assistance in advance. ;-)
#360 2005-09-28 00:21:32
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: upm_img_popper
Hmm. Can you tell me what the changes entailed? It may have nothing to do with it, but best to cover all bases. Oh and are you running the latest version, 0.8.4?