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Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
arkham wrote:
i guess i’m the only one who couldn’t get this working. i’ll try later again.
If you’re talking about the fact that you can’t download the plugin, it looks like my site is down. It seems that the stampede to download my plugin has brought DreamHost to their knees!
Or they had a power failure.
Monkeys could have written a better post..
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
Hey Lee,
Sorry for not replying to your email before – I was busy today but thanks for reaching out to offer help. I’ll post here in case anyone else has the same issue.
I was able to download the plugin and followed the instructions.
First install the hit_logger plugin and activate it. Now go to the new Extensions:Logger Prefs tab (note that the Extensions tab isn’t visible from the Admin:Plugins tab, you’ll have to click somewhere else to make it appear). When you go to this tab for the first time the plugin will configure the database.
Instead when I got to that screen I saw an error message about the tables already existing. I’m sorry but I didn’t save it.
I left that screen, looked at the db and when I came back then I saw the “warning that the hit_viewer isn’t installed” so I installed it. When I went to the logging tab after that I saw a new interface for logging and for a second thought I was about to use your app but then I was redirected away or something. Now when I click on the logging tab under extensions all I see is:
Textpattern · 4.0.1
Logged in as arkham
Log out
under a select drop-down with the admin page navigation.
Weird, wild stuff… any ideas or suggestions?
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
Yeah, I had all the silly ‘table exist’ errors as well.
So I ‘uninstalled it’ and re installed it – only to be told that it wasn’t installed(!) But then it all seemed fine after that.
It’s working nicely… many thanks Lee.
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
Yeah, I had all the silly ‘table exist’ errors as well.
If you go to the Extensions:Logger Prefs tab, the system will attempt to create the necessary tables. If that fails somewhere, the next time you go to that page you’ll get SQL errors about the tables existing.
Are you saying that the “table exists” error appears the first time you click on the Extensions:Logger Prefs tab?
So I ‘uninstalled it’ and re installed it – only to be told that it wasn’t installed(!) But then it all seemed fine after that.
The option to reinstall will cause hit_logger to drop all tables and create them again. You’ll get a warning about hit_viewer not being installed because the config for that module is no longer found. Going to view the log from the admin tab will cause hit_viewer to be configured.
arkham: When you go to view the log, do you always get that empty screen?
By the way, you can always disable my plugin from the Textpattern preferences page, which should let the standard log appear. It’s always running in the background (unless you disabled it, natch), so you won’t lose any logging info.
Monkeys could have written a better post..
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
I tried deleting the plugins and then reinstalling but when I went back to the logger_prefs tab after installing the logger part of the plugin I get the same old thing:
I then went ahead and installed the viewer and again tried going back to that tab… same thing.
And yes the old logs tab does look like it did before Lee. Whether I have the plugin enabled or not.
Last edited by arkham (2005-09-13 15:27:40)
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
> arkham wrote:
> I tried deleting the plugins and then reinstalling but when I went back to the logger_prefs tab after installing the logger part of the plugin I get the same old thing:
Yeah, uninstalling the plugin doesn’t call any of my code so none of the database problems were cleaned up.
Can you post a screenshot of your plugins page? Also, what version of MySQL are you running?
Monkeys could have written a better post..
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
I’m running MySQL v4.0.17-standard
as for the plugin request… ok… but there’s a whole lot of plugins there
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
> LeeStewart wrote:
> bq. Yeah, I had all the silly ‘table exist’ errors as well.
>If you go to the Extensions:Logger Prefs tab, the system will attempt to create the necessary tables. If that fails somewhere, the next time
>you go to that page you’ll get SQL errors about the tables existing.
>Are you saying that the “table exists” error appears the first time you click on the Extensions:Logger Prefs tab?
Yep, thats what happened. To be honest, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the precise order that things happened in… but I’ll install it on another site today and report back. ;-)
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
arkham wrote:
I’m running MySQL v4.0.17-standard
I haven’t heard of anyone else using that release, I think the oldest my alpha testers tested under was v4.0.24.
as for the plugin request… ok… but there’s a whole lot of plugins there
Holy hell! I was going to install any plugins you had and see if there was a conflict, but I don’t have that sort of free time! Can you disable all of those and see if the log configuration screen under the extensions tab starts working?
Monkeys could have written a better post..
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
Hi lee,
I’m not sure about your spammer option in “log_advanced_view”. I have a few spammer hits I select them, I choose spammer and I would expect these links to either have a symbol next to them or/and to be listed in the “view details/ Quick Stats/Spammer Hits…
Maybe it is me who is doing something wrong but on clicking ‘go’ the page reloads, the selected box <strike>remains selected</strike> is deselected and that’s it… no spammer is counted in the quick stats
Last edited by colak (2005-09-14 13:12:53)
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
creativesplash wrote:
and … One last request (before its too late): I would be grateful to you if you include Browser Resolution logs of Visitors.
First off – there’s no such thing as “too late”. Any time you have an idea, let me know!
I’ve been researching resolution, color depth, JavaScript being enabled (and version), cookies enabled, Java plugin support, etc.
Right now I have some test code that uses a <txp:hit_logger_advanced_detector />
tag, which is put in the <head>
of a page template. I convert it into a bit of JavaScript that detects those things and reports them back to hit_logger. It works pretty well, although I need to figure all of the details out (like how to detect if Java is available).
This is a future version, not sure if it’ll make it into the next couple releases or not…
Monkeys could have written a better post..
Re: hit_logger and hit_viewer plugins v0.9.04 alpha version available!
colak wrote:
I’m not sure about your spammer option in “log_advanced_view”.
Yeah, that bit’s not fully coded, yet – I think it’s listed on my site as “planned for version 0.9.06”, but we’ll see. It’s one of the pieces that I had to abort when the code size got too large. I think I’m moving those checkboxes and the code that control them to a third plugin.
I’m not happy with that whole section. My thinking was that these checkboxes would let you enter a string that would flag certain things when a match is found. I thought about using regular expressions, but that’s such a pain for the user – you never really know if it’s working 100%.
We’ll see what I can come up with, but first I want to polish v0.9.05. I’m not feeling very confident about these charts…
Monkeys could have written a better post..