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#121 2005-07-26 15:54:22
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
Just wondering, has anyone tried adapting this code to create an “email this article” web form?
There’s a plugin that does this: mrh_email_article_link
Last edited by andreas (2005-07-26 15:56:59)
#122 2005-07-26 16:28:49
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
There’s a plugin that does this: mrh_email_article_link
Thanks but the issue we’re having with that is that we’re looking for more than just a mailto link so that an email client isn’t required.
#123 2005-08-07 03:58:05
- nardo
- Member
- From: tuvalahiti
- Registered: 2004-04-22
- Posts: 743
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
I think one function never got implemented… ?
from the docs @ threshold state:
<code><txp:zem_contact_secret /></code>
This tag has no effect on the form or HTML output, but will include a specific value in the email. It’s similar to an <code><input type=“hidden” … /></code> field, except that the label and value are not included in the HTML source and cannot be viewed or modified by the user. It can be used to distinguish between multiple zem_contact forms, for example. Attributes:
label – this will be used to identify the field in the email. Required.
value – the value included in the email. Required.
This would be handy when using zem_contact multiple times — anyone or even Zem able to set me straight on this one?
Last edited by nardo (2005-08-07 03:59:35)
#124 2005-08-08 23:24:31
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
Did anyone ever figure out how to hack the plugin to validate strict? Should we just wait to bug Zem after official TXP 1.0 release (and requisite time off for good behavior ;) ?
After enduring years of Art School, mild mannered Owen Waring noticed some unusual changes… the constant bombardment of criticism, it seems, had altered his DNA. Half pixel pusher, half programmer, he had become…. THE BIZARTIST
#125 2005-08-11 15:51:51
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
Since updating one of my sites to rc5, I’ve experienced a slight change in behavior: Everything works fine except when I’m redirected to my thank you page. Instead of getting the thank you article, I get what appears to be a “200” notice…white screen that says…
The document has moved here.</pre>
…where “here” is a link to my Thank You location.
I’ve checked the paths in all the places I can think of, but don’t see anything wrong. I’m guessing it’s an rc5 thing because my other site is still rc3 and it works as it’s supposed to, and the two methods were identical.
Last edited by Destry (2005-08-11 15:58:25)
#126 2005-08-11 17:31:37
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
Just updated to rc5 rev765 and the problem remains.
EDIT: OK, found this thread, which provides some answers to my particular problem.
Last edited by Destry (2005-08-15 18:12:00)
#127 2005-08-11 19:06:16
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
ok, so here’s the plan. We let TXP 1.0 get released, give the boys a good week off, let them go to the bahamas, etc..
Then we kidnap Zem, strap him to a chair, and make him run on caffeine and cheese until zem_contact is fixed (and 1.0 strict compliant). Ummm, and then we’ll buy him a Swedish massage and ask him very nicely not to press charges…
good plan, no?
After enduring years of Art School, mild mannered Owen Waring noticed some unusual changes… the constant bombardment of criticism, it seems, had altered his DNA. Half pixel pusher, half programmer, he had become…. THE BIZARTIST
#128 2005-08-31 17:56:03
- kszostek
- New Member
- Registered: 2004-11-18
- Posts: 4
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
I’m using zem contact on a client’s site. The client has her email addresses with GoDaddy. Her hosting is elsewhere. Forms from zem contact seem to be getting rejected from GoDaddy. She’s not seeing them at all, even as spam. I assume it has something to do with the return path being “nobody@vermeer.hmdnsgroup.com” Does anyone know if/how I can modify the return path, or if that’s even something I should try? I can receive the form emails just fine, so there’s nothing wrong with the installation.
#129 2005-09-01 01:30:17
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
The documentation for zem_contact describes the “mailto” attribute thus:
“destination address. Optional; if not specified, the email address of the first Textpattern publisher account will be used.”
If I do not specify “mailto”, I get an error “No mailto address specified”.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how I might hack the plug-in’s code so that the mailto address can be grabbed from a stipulated user’s account? – something like
if (!$mailto) // return ‘No mailto address specified’; $mailto = somePHPMagic($publisherEmail);
ahem. I’m no php guru. ;)
#130 2005-09-07 06:02:10
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can make this form validate for xhtml?
See here to see what I mean
Validation link at the bottom of the page.
I can send this over to css/layout if appropriate, but I thought I would start here.
Last edited by ma_smith (2005-09-07 07:03:57)
- I am Squared Eye and I
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#131 2005-09-13 11:05:30
- bartekk
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-09
- Posts: 57
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
if I use this <code><txp:zem_contact form=“email” mailto=“my@email.com” thanksform=“thanks” /></code> in the article excerpt i get only email as output.
My form email:
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_text label=“name” required=1 break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” min=7 /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_text label=“street” break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” min=7 /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_text label=“zipcode” break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” max=5 /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_text label=“city” break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” min=3 /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_text label=“phone” required=1 break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_email required=1 break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_textarea label=“message” required=1 break=”</div><div class=inputbox>” /></div></div>
<div class=“both”><div class=“label”><txp:zem_contact_submit label=“post” /></div></div>
What is wrong?
If I use the simplest form <code><txp:zem_contact mailto=“dest@example.com” /></code> it works fine!
#132 2005-09-15 15:09:43
- bartekk
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-09
- Posts: 57
Re: [outdated] zem_contact, flexible mailto form
one more question.
It is possible to use an image instead of normal send button?
If yes, how does it work?