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#229 2005-08-08 01:11:52

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_img_popper

So, on the page where you have the popup link, you get the error? And if you remove it, the error goes away?


#230 2005-08-08 07:09:39

Registered: 2005-05-12
Posts: 428

Re: upm_img_popper

hi mary just a quick question on behaviur, I wrapped the image around with a permalink and placed it in the excerpt block and it actually made hte image disappear, is that expected behaviour?

Here’s what I used:

<txp:permalink><txp:upm_image type=“image” image_id=“89” class=“middle” /></txp:permalink>



#231 2005-08-08 08:02:39

Registered: 2005-06-18
Posts: 33

Re: upm_img_popper

> mary wrote:

> So, on the page where you have the popup link, you get the error? And if you remove it, the error goes away?

When I disable the upm_img_popper, the error is gone.
When I remove the code from the page and the upm_img_popper is active the error is also gone.


#232 2005-08-08 08:04:46

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_img_popper

Textpattern tags can’t be nested. Use a custom form.


#233 2005-08-08 08:06:09

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_img_popper

Okay, can you post the code you’re trying to use, your high details diagnostics page ouput?


#234 2005-08-08 09:57:02

Registered: 2005-06-18
Posts: 33

Re: upm_img_popper

<txp:upm_image image_id=“15t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“16t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“17t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“18t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“19t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“20t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“21t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“22t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“23t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“24t” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“25t” type=“popup” />


Textpattern versie: 1.0rc5 (r705)
last_update: 2005-08-07 15:39:35/2005-08-07 15:29:22
Document root: /var/www/html
$path_to_site: /var/www/html
Pad naar textpattern: /var/www/html/textpattern
Permanente link modus: messy
Tijdelijke bestanden map: /var/www/html/textpattern/tmp
Site URL: www.keysershof.be
PHP versie: 4.3.2
Register globals: 1
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Server: Apache 2.0

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19 Tables: OK

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Last edited by Konijn (2005-08-08 10:00:33)


#235 2005-08-08 11:33:17

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-03-21
Posts: 87

Re: upm_img_popper

Hi Mary

Thanks for making this plugin available. It makes working with images in TXP so much easier. I have one little suggestion if possible. At the moment the Caption field appers as the image title. Would it possible to make the caption appear under the image as well, or have that option to do it? I’d be much appreciated



#236 2005-08-08 13:51:19

Registered: 2005-03-27
Posts: 102

Re: upm_img_popper

> cnolle wrote:

Thanks for making this plugin available. It makes working with images in TXP so much easier. I have one little suggestion if possible. At the moment the Caption field appers as the image title. Would it possible to make the caption appear under the image as well, or have that option to do it? I’d be much appreciated

You can do that already with a custom form.

Mine looks like this:

<img src=”<txp:upm_img_full_url />” alt=”<txp:upm_img_alt />”
height=”<txp:upm_img_full_height />” width=”<txp:upm_img_full_width />” class=“imgpop” />
<div class=“caption”><txp:upm_img_caption /></div>

Voila, you set the img to use your custom form and the caption is in a div under the image.

Check the plugin’s help information for more detail on using custom forms.


#237 2005-08-08 15:43:10

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-03-21
Posts: 87

Re: upm_img_popper

That worked flawlessly. Thank’s very much for pointing it out.



#238 2005-08-08 18:04:06

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_img_popper

Konijn: I don’t know why you’re getting a 500 error, but I can tell you that your tags are incorrect. Corrected tags follow.

bc..<txp:upm_image image_id=“15” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“16” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“17” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“18” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“19” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“20” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“21” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“22” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“23” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“24” type=“popup” />
<txp:upm_image image_id=“25” type=“popup” />

arkham: Thanks for assisting Christian. :)


#239 2005-08-08 18:23:35

Registered: 2005-06-18
Posts: 33

Re: upm_img_popper

Thx mary that works, you are a life-saver.
www.keysershof.be and then “Foto’s”


#240 2005-08-09 14:15:36

Archived Plugin Author
From: Abbotsford, BC Canada
Registered: 2004-06-29
Posts: 68

Re: upm_img_popper

I just installed upm_img_popper 0.7.1 and upm_file_packets 0.2 plugins and can no longer login to my Textpattern admin. All I get is this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_privs() in /home/username/domains/domainname.com/public_html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(379) : eval()’d code on line 3

These are the only two plugins. I’m not sure which plugin is throwing the error, but for now I’m going into phpMyAdmin and removing the plugin manually as there is no other way at the moment.

Or, if I had thought about this, I would have upgraded my Textpattern install first. My site is still on RC3, but this plugin is for RC5? That will probably make more sense (as version 1.0 will be this week).


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