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#361 2005-05-13 21:32:39

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

Ronald Hubbard used to be an occultistist freak, before he founded his organization(.I have done some research about ronald Hubbard ,Scientology and this Dianetics nonsense.I’d be able to tell you some more, but it would’t be as exciting as textpattern.

⌃ ⇧ < ⌃ ⇧ >


#362 2005-05-13 21:51:31

From: Copenhagen
Registered: 2004-03-06
Posts: 205

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

Marios >

Yeah – I also spent an evening browsing/reading his most famed book Dianetics. Some of the stuff seems fair enough – but … My mom and me also took a test at their Copenhagen outlet some years ago. They we’re better at having you elaborate on your answers than any psychologist I’ve ever met … They really tried hard to make me admit I have a wide variety of problems. And they sold my mom some mini-books that had the answer to everything covered.

But as you say; Textpattern. Sorry I go off-topic when I’m bored;-)

As far as TXP 1.0 – I’m very satisfied with the recent development, so it can take as long time as it needs. Curious though, that Dean, when he finally speaks up with an announcement, gives very short deadlines. But I’ve learnt to consider that to be one of his undeniably charming features;-)

I don’t think he’s a scientologist;-)


#363 2005-05-13 22:54:06

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

I don’t think he’s a scientologist;-)
Of,course then he wouldn’t have been able to do Textpattern.
(BTW I hade the chance to see some of these psycho-junkies in action,doesn’t impress me at all.I’ts all based on stupid robotics,exploiting, without really using your mind,lying(mostly lying) and a complete immature idea about healthy human relationships.It happenen to me allso to participate in
a U-Mann personnality test ,which was of course none of my choice (But the employers),so when you look at the results you might get impressed by how accurate these results are about yourself.(But I’m pretty much sure that ron Hubbard didn’t design these test runs by himself but rather exploited some other talented poeple to do it for him.but don’t get me wrong,I’m not an ex-Member of this shit)

But now enough,
regards, marios

⌃ ⇧ < ⌃ ⇧ >


#364 2005-05-14 09:31:33

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-05-24
Posts: 44

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

> raveoli wrote:

> I don’t think he’s a scientologist;-)

Well, perhaps Dean’s not a Scientologist. But it’s clear he’s subversive, a demon worshipper, in contact with aliens and heavily involved with f****** George W. Bush. Consider:

“Textile” — an anagram of:

—> text lie

“Dean Allen Textile” — an anagram of:

—> Telex Dental Alien

—> Alienate Dell Next — wish to dominate the world showing through

—> Next, Detain All Eel — some kind of prejudice against seafood

“Dean Allen Textpattern” — an anagram of:

—> Alternated Planet Next — ominous, Lovecraftian

—> Texan Treat Needn’t Pall — clear reference to George W. Bush

—> Ante: Pretend Texan Tall — another Dubya reference

—> Latent Plan: Texan Treed — Dubya at the top of the tree?

—> Exalt Leaden Inlet — more Dubya?

—> Later: Extend Neat Plant — a plant? where? some kinda sleeper agent?

—> Taxed Repellant Tenant — reference to those on this very forum he doesn’t like?

“Dean Allen Textdrive” — an anagram of

—> Relax: Tenant Deviled — subversively recruiting forum members

—> Texan Villa Tendered — some kinda kickback from Dubya?

—> Antlered Texan Devil — a tribute to Dubya

—> Dante External Devil — speaks for itself

VC200 Member #69 — VCTWO Member — Mixed Gorilla
YES!” “That would be an ecumenical matter!”


#365 2005-05-14 15:54:52

From: California
Registered: 2004-12-27
Posts: 52

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

> Kibitzer wrote:

> “Textile” — an anagram of:
etc. etc. etc.

Someone has too much time on their hands!

<del>Go work on TextBook…</del>

Oh oh, now we’re in for more anagrams.


I am not a professional woman


#366 2005-05-22 14:33:08

From: Paris, France
Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 719

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

@Kibitzer : you had me in for a nice laugh !
Hilarious :)

Do you have some kind of anagram software or is it a past-time ???

.: Retired :.


#367 2005-05-22 16:11:50

Registered: 2004-03-02
Posts: 154

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

<span style=“color:#cc0000;”>> ubernostrum wrote: Duke Nukem Forever.</span>

Don’t even joke about that… please.


#368 2005-05-23 21:59:26

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-05-24
Posts: 44

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

> davidm wrote:

> Do you have some kind of anagram software or is it a past-time ???

Software. Just Google for “anagrams” — there’s more than you wanted to know about!

> MsContrary wrote:

> Go work on TextBook…

> Oh oh, now we’re in for more anagrams.

I shame-facedly confess I actually tried anagramming TextBook! However, I think the best it could do was “Book Text”…

VC200 Member #69 — VCTWO Member — Mixed Gorilla
YES!” “That would be an ecumenical matter!”


#369 2005-05-23 22:33:36

Registered: 2004-03-02
Posts: 154

Re: Txp 1.0 RC3 Available

This forums gone to Honk Kong in a hand basket. Too much fun 8 <b>)</b>


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