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#25 2005-05-19 08:44:01

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,135

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

> Sencer wrote:

- IMHO you should deactivate your plugin, and let jpcache handle the compression. Reason: For ob_gzhandler to work, you have to send the correct header. If you turn off gzip in jpcache those headers are not being sent. And there is actually a “hack” in jpcache to uncompress compressed content before dealing with it, because the default textpattern gzips feeds, but not regular pages. Turning off gzip in asy_jpcache makes (IMHO) only sense, when you use mod_gzip/mod_deflate in Apache, or zlib.output_compression in php.ini.

Turning off the ob_gzhandler in the plugin (and for my css files, which are served separately fom txp via a php file) wouldn’t be a problem at all. The ob_gzhandler is in the plugin, because my host doesn’t support mod/gzip yet.
When first tested, it was faster to disable that one line in your php files, ‘cuz I had them open in front of me :-)))). Call me lazy…
I was just a bit playing while dealing with some client issues which are pretty boring.

- Change the saved default header in file.php on line 104 (after the //Content-Sniffing…)

Here we’ll run into problems. Serving application/xhtml+xml to Gecko browers and to Opera 7.54+ is OK, Safari isn’t too happy, and then that browser ‘with dropping market share’ (aka IE) isn’t happy at all. Hence the content negotiation in the plugin.

Possible Problem: The header is saved in the cached file. If you only want to serve the xml-mimetype to those browsers that understand it, and text/html otherwise, you will also have to change the method “jpcache_restore” (in the same file.php) to not just read the type, but to check it against the Accept-Headers of the Browser.
If that all would solve the problem, I would adjust the code for the next release.

If that would be possible. I haven’t had a look at that part of the file yet.
The one thing that have to be kept in mind here, don’t force the TXP user to use application/xhtml+xml as it is tricky. You probably know that. The casual user doesn’t.

Questions: If an HTML Document starts with:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>
will it always be sent as “application/xhtml+xml;charset=utf-8” (if we assume the browser understands it)? If a document should be served with that mimetype, does it always begin with that snippet?

Not necessarily, the xml declaration is optional anyway. I add it, in case a person want to save the page locally. The difference I use is in the DTD: xhtml1.1. or xhtml 1.0. But I know some TXP user who serves xhtml 1.0 anyway (UberNostrum), but a different mime-type.
As you see in the plugin code, the difference is all based on the accept-headers. It is all explained on this page, and a couple of forum threads around here.

edit: Nevermind my questions, I am looking at the code of your plugin right now. Thinking how best to take care of that…

Me too, although I won’t have time to really concentrate on this atm. And I’m looking forward to any idea that might come.

BTW, for a plain vanilla TXP site, your code does work very nicely. I’ve put it for a friend site, and he did notice a difference.

edit I disabled the ob_gzhandler in the plugin and the same in the php file that handles my stylesheets. Enabled asy_jpcache. This part works perfectly. On first load, I get the correct mime-type. A reload however, as expected, gives text/html.

Last edited by phiw13 (2005-05-19 09:18:33)

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#26 2005-05-19 11:54:24

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

Thanks Etz, It’s running. I’ll have to save that link.


#27 2005-05-19 12:02:29

Registered: 2004-09-20
Posts: 79

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

Ok, I have a question now.

I run AdSense on a couple of my sites. Do the ads get cached too? They are a javascript include.



#28 2005-05-19 13:24:03

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

For the moment application/xhtml+xml should not be used at all with this Plugin (version 0.8), even if you are on PHP5.

@edburdo: Javascript is executed client-side, therefore the result of that cannot be cached by PHP. You should be fine.


#29 2005-05-23 12:00:46

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

Ok, update to 0.9.5 (0.9 was not publicly released)
Download and read FAQ in the first post of this topic.

Here are the changes:
  • - added option to enable txp’s logging (defaults to off)
  • - clean cache on editing links
  • - extended help section in admin-plugin
  • - added statistics on read-write-ratio in admin-plugin (only if logging is enabled in jpcache and set to ‘all’ in Textpattern)
  • - work-around for bug in some php-versions
  • - added option to skip caching for feeds (defaults to off)
  • - skip caching of feeds if the request can result in partial content (A-IM/feed, RFC3229)
  • - skip caching when there is too little content (for example when doing redirects)
  • - added some code & explanation to hack in application/xhtml+xml support
  • - added Content-Length header

If you are upating:
Replace all files, clean the cache and re-upload the admin-plugin and re-examine the installation instructions! Here is the changed part:
Edit your index.php in the main directory and after <notextile><pre>include ‘./textpattern/config.php’;</pre></notextile><br />
append the following line:<br /> <notextile><pre>include ‘./jpcache/jpcache.php’;</pre></notextile><br />

(Formerly it said to append the line at the top, now it is included after config.php)

Last edited by Sencer (2005-05-23 12:01:09)


#30 2005-05-23 14:31:37

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

This is working great Sencer! Thanks for all the work on this. Could this work on the backend as well? /textpattern/index.php?
<span style=“font-size: 9px”>
Sorry if thats a dumb question. I don’t know the implications, of using it there. :)</span>


#31 2005-05-23 15:39:25

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

On the backend, it would mainly get in the way. The Caching has an upfront cost: Writing the cache-file (and some overhead of running). The benefit only starts kicking in, upon serving the identical (unchanged) page several times. The backend is way too dynamic for that (with permissions and all), and there is too little traffic by too few people for it to be worth it.


#32 2005-05-23 16:39:45

From: Always Sunny Charleston
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 669

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

That’s what I figured, really the only page that would be nice to cache on the backside would be the images admin area.


#33 2005-05-23 18:10:43

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

Images are served as static files, and the list (i.e. html) itself is quick to load. So your browser should be already caching the images locally. Anyway, there’s nothing a modification/plugin could do about that.


#34 2005-08-02 17:50:28

Archived Developer
From: cgn, de
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 1,803

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

Minor updates, released 0.9.8.

I don’t have the time for a lot of testing, so please be cautious and test it before you rely on it.


#35 2005-10-10 15:19:38

Plugin Author
From: Valencia, Spain
Registered: 2005-05-16
Posts: 485

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

I get this error with version 0.9.8:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: doslash() in /users/home/juanjonavarro/domains/versioncero.com/public_html/jpcache/jpcache-main.php on line 143

Version 0.9.5 works well for me.


#36 2005-10-26 05:47:14

New Member
From: Vancouver, BC
Registered: 2004-11-24
Posts: 7

Re: asy_jpcache 0.9.8 - Fast Full Page Caching

has anyone experienced a slowdown since installing this plugin? I think my webhost is suffering from low processing power, so the addition of this plugin slow down the page even more, from 5.5 sec —> 7 sec.

Maybe I’m not using it right?


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