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Re: G1.17 Released
Dean –
Thanks again for the continual stream of updates, feature-adds, bug-fixes and an altogether groovy product.
While I agree that this has the makings of a powerhouse CMS (there, I said it, not a blog in site…oops!), I think it will really hit its stride when you incorporate some sort of workflow control. If you could somehow link it to forum software like the PunBB that this is running on, it’d be a much more complete “CMS”.
As it is now, anyone can post willy-nilly, and while that’s fine for a blog, that’s not okay for a corporate site that has an image to maintain.
I’m looking forward to replacing our Sharepoint installation with Textpattern, but approval of posts is a key item that I’m waiting for…
I didn’t mean this to be faint praise – Textpattern is awesome, and I feel damned lucky to have something like this to work with.
- N
Re: G1.17 Released
Okay – I LOVE the rewrite on organization. Moving the “Sections” area, and restructuring it in the process, was an excellent idea.
Re: G1.17 Released
Yeah, the g116 update went fine, I ran it right back when I upgraded to 116; it gave me a thumbs up.
It’s something rreeaallyl screwy, ‘cos I moved my echo statement right up to the top and still nothing. (!!) the ERROR_REPORTING statement also does nothing, I put it on the line right after the opening <? .
So I made a test.php file:
include ‘./config.php’;
include ‘./publish.php’;
echo ‘got here anyway’;
echo ‘updated database for Textpattern g1.17’;
Which results in:
got here anywayupdated database for Textpattern g1.17…which means the includes are fine and php is working…so something is happening in the _g117update code that squelches everything.
Update: running php 4.3.4, mysql client api 3.23.58
Last edited by jdueck (2004-03-24 15:31:15)
#16 2004-03-24 15:29:54
- Ray
- Member
- Registered: 2004-03-02
- Posts: 155
Re: G1.17 Released
nyberg wrote:
>“I?m looking forward to replacing our Sharepoint installation with Textpattern, but approval of posts is a key item that I?m waiting for?”
I agree. Permissions would be usefull. For the time being I’ve set a simple .htaccess on the current CMS I’m using for my <a href=“http://www.blah.com/” target=“foo”>business site</a>. This area of the site has 30+ regular users.
note: once i’m totally comfortable with Txp I’ll be moving five years worth of old data (posts/comments, static content) to Txp.
Last edited by Ray (2007-04-04 21:39:44)
Re: G1.17 Released
Wait a minute, the top of the file should look like this in the g117 update:
include ‘./config.php’;
include $txpcfg[‘txpath’].’/publish.php’;
If the error reporting gives nothing, try this instead:
Re: G1.17 Released
Tried to run the update script, got this:
Unknown column ‘parent’ in ‘field list’Unknown column ‘parent’ in ‘field list’Unknown column ‘parent’ in ‘field list’Unknown column ‘parent’ in ‘field list’Unknown column ‘parent’ in ‘txp_category’Duplicate column name ‘Keywords’
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site54/fst/var/www/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 130
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site54/fst/var/www/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 130
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/virtual/site54/fst/var/www/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 130
Unknown column ‘lft’ in ‘field list’updated database for Textpattern g1.17
And now certain aspects of the administration side of things are all wacky and codelike.
Re: G1.17 Released
<i> > Dean wrote:
Wait a minute, the top of the file should look like this in the g117 update: …</i>
It does look like that. What I don’t understand is why a simple echo statement, at the <i>very top</i> of the file, produces no output. And no, the ini_set call doesn’t affect it at all either.
Is safe_query an “intrinsic” mysql function or was it user-defined like <a href=“http://us4.php.net/function.mysql-query#23596”>in this comment</a> ??
Again, running php 4.3.4, mysql client api 3.23.58
Re: G1.17 Released
Mapultoid, did you run the g116 update script?
Re: G1.17 Released
safe_query() is a Textpattern function, and it’s certainly available to the script, so long as the includes worked.
I’ve run this update on three different servers, with three different operating systems, so this is baffling.
Check your email.
Re: G1.17 Released
Actually I haven’t updated since 1.15. I just made the leap. What do I need to do?
Re: G1.17 Released
Ben, grab v. g116 from the download page (a slight hack of the url for g117 should get you there).
Upload _g116update.php to your textpattern directory, and run it in a browser. Then run the 117 update, and all should go well.
Re: G1.17 Released
Arrighty, will give it a shot.