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#1 2005-02-24 18:10:53
- Smaavie
- Member
- Registered: 2005-02-07
- Posts: 25
TxP + E-commerce
Hello all,
I’m trying to find TxP powered sites out there that include online shop functionality.
Specifically, I would like to know:
a) Are there any TxP sites that include an online shop?
b) If so, what solutions/technologies are used for the online shop functionality?
Ideally, someone will tell me that it is amazingly simple to add an online shop to a TxP site. More realistically, I expect to learn that it is possible, but slightly tricky to initially set up.
I’ll appreciate any information and advice that you can give me.
Kind regards
Re: TxP + E-commerce
The approach to this would probably be to just create all the necessary pseudo-static pages you would need for the usual static article stuff (about, product info, contact, etc.), and then perhaps a couple more such pages where you directly insert the shopping cart code (where people do the shopping, as it were).
From an architecture standpoint, it would be easy enough. Whether or not the e-commerce apps and TxP like eachother on the backend is another matter, which I can not confidently say.
Last edited by Destry (2005-02-24 18:54:34)
Re: TxP + E-commerce
My first TXP+commerce launch will be Saturday, if all goes according to plan. Then I will sleep for a long time. Then I will explain how it’s done. It’s mostly not that hard, and involves custom fields and careful site organization.
Last edited by ubernostrum (2005-02-24 19:17:43)
You cooin’ with my bird?
Re: TxP + E-commerce
:) ‘will look to seeing it and then hearing the explanation.
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#5 2005-02-24 19:34:40
- Smaavie
- Member
- Registered: 2005-02-07
- Posts: 25
Re: TxP + E-commerce
ubernostrum … I very much look forward to seeing your new site.
From your post, I get the impression that you had to ‘invent’ the techniques for yourself. Is this correct?
(Are there no other Txp + commerce sites out there that you found to learn from?)
Re: TxP + E-commerce
Well ubernostrum, I guess we will be adding a new section to Chapter 3 in TextBook then? The “E-Commerce Model” or something such.
Make good notes ;)
Re: TxP + E-commerce
Smaavie: I think Dean has done some e-commerce sites with TXP but I don’t know where any of them are. As for other existing sites, I’ve seen a couple realty sites using TXP and some hacks to tie into a rental DB, but I seem to be the only one who pokes his head up when people ask about doing more ecommerce stuff. I’m sure it’s out there, though.
But anyway… yes, I am basically making it up as I go along. But it’s working… I’ve got TXP generating ‘add to cart’ and ‘view cart’ buttons on each product page, and some very nice clean URLs, without having to do too terribly much work for it. And no hacks.
Destry: who needs notes? I’ve got the site right in front of me… ;)
Last edited by ubernostrum (2005-02-24 20:16:44)
You cooin’ with my bird?
#8 2005-02-24 20:17:29
- Smaavie
- Member
- Registered: 2005-02-07
- Posts: 25
Re: TxP + E-commerce
Many thanks for your reply. I look forward to seeing your site on Saturday, and I can’t wait for your explanation.
#9 2005-02-24 20:26:43
- King Rat
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-11
- Posts: 20
Re: TxP + E-commerce
I’m also interested in seeing this.
#10 2005-02-24 21:01:53
- davidm
- Member
- From: Paris, France
- Registered: 2004-04-27
- Posts: 719
Re: TxP + E-commerce
I am also curious to see that, since there’s not many open-source e-commerce solutions. Yet I am not sure I would use TXP for this…
.: Retired :.
#11 2005-02-24 21:12:15
- Smaavie
- Member
- Registered: 2005-02-07
- Posts: 25
Re: TxP + E-commerce
Hi davidm
There are many existing purpose-built e-commerce solutions that I would use instead of TxP if I was planning to build a large shopping site.
For my current purposes, I really want to have the ease of TxP for updating my content combined with some simple e-commerce functionality to power a very small shop with only a few products. (less that 30, I think).
Re: TxP + E-commerce
An ecommerce add-on / plug-in / hack (whatever!) would be ssssoooooo neat! Especially a solution that can also sell tengible goods!
I’ve been looking for it many times in the past, and it in fact made me dump Textpattern for that (only that;-) project – so now I’m with Mambo phpShop – a Mambo add-on, based on the open source “phpShop” …
Actually, I’ve tried and tested pretty much ALL open source eCommerce scripts available on this planet =)
Including, but not limited to;
osCommerce (sucks – outdated and no override system for modifications)
Zen Cart (rocks but has way too many bells and whistles)
Drupal with commerce add-on (too limited)
ezPublish (as advanced as typo3 – the install was 50 MB – wutdafuk)
Cube Cart (nasty non-open source community. Pay for add-ons)
AgoraCart (just as disgusting as its name implies)
However, I can recommend phpShop, if any php-aware Textpatterner would like a starting point for a commerce add-on to Textpattern!
A few links:
Lets get some ecommerce in TXP ROCKIN!!!