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#409 2005-02-17 18:06:55

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 92

Re: rc2 and 1.0

The best way to get 1.0 released is to go out, find a comment spammer, and chain him to your basement radiator while Dean goes back to work on Txp.
Even if each of us just incapacitates two spammers, we can make a difference.


#410 2005-02-17 18:22:14

Plugin Author
From: Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-08-27
Posts: 656

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Is it just me or does everyone else think that 1.0 is being uploaded to the server everytime the forum goes down for a couple minutes?

Looks like I’ll have to keep an eye on the Textdrive forum too.


#411 2005-02-17 21:49:02

Registered: 2004-03-02
Posts: 152

Re: rc2 and 1.0

<code><Open post to the mother hens in the crowd /></code>

I don’t believe, even for a second, that any member of this forum doesn’t understand or appreciate the effort Dean is putting into TextPattern.

When people say, “Hey man, how about an update or a post…” … or what ever, they’re just blowing off steam. Kinda the same way when we were ALL kids we would ask… “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” It’s human nature for people to inquire again and again about the things they have a strong attachment to. It’s also human nature for people to… how shall we put this… <i>poke around with a stick</i>. I haven’t read anything even remotely disrespectful or rude on this thread. Mind you, if I had a thin skin I might not know how to interact and join the fray. But I don’t have thin skin so I really wouldn’t know about that.

I believe what we have here is just some edgy excitement from an enthusiastic and fiercely loyal community.

Back to you <a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Brokaw”>Tom</a>

{edit open and closing tags…. grrrr /}

Last edited by Ray (2005-02-18 02:26:15)


#412 2005-02-17 22:15:10

From: Oxfordshire UK
Registered: 2004-03-22
Posts: 256

Re: rc2 and 1.0

To be serious for a moment (and for once) there is one point that I would like to make. No one is denying that Dean has put an awful lot of hours into this project, but he isn’t the only one. Every week, textpatterners are promoting it, using it, creating support web sites, helping newbies on this forum, writing up articles on ‘how to…’ and building plug ins.

In short, adding value to it.

I’m not too bothered about getting a final release, or a fixed date for it. It’ll come when its ready. Sometimes you just need reassurance that the time and effort you’re investing in something is worthwhile. That there will actually be a Textpattern in 6 months time, and where its going. I’ve used Textpattern on one clients site, and I would use it on many more, if I was confident that it will continue, and knew roughly that it was going somewhere. Just a little more communication, that’s all.

That’s me done. Back to the poking sticks…

Jon VC#9


#413 2005-02-17 22:21:41

From: Humberside - uk
Registered: 2004-06-21
Posts: 90

Re: rc2 and 1.0

My sentiments exactly Jon though i’m glad you said it first.

oh yeah… poke!


#414 2005-02-17 22:26:36

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 453

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Well said, Jon.


#415 2005-02-17 23:21:25

From: Deep in the north woods
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 20

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Overall, some of you are really coming off like a bunch of spoiled ingrates. This is really really simple — it will be done when it’s done. All of the bitching and questioning of Dean’s methodology is not going to do a damn thing to change that. If it was me (you know, if I actually could code something) I would be sorely tempted to walk away after reading a thread such as this. Fortunately, Dean is a little more mature and tolerant than I am, so I have no doubt you’ll get your precious release. Then can get back to making feature requests and complaining about how the software you paid nothing for still can’t make a decent martini.

Myself, I couldn’t care less about the release. TXP is doing exactly what I need it to do on a variety of production sites. These are so hacked up, and I am so incompetent when it comes to documentation, that I doubt I’ll be in a hurry to upgrade. I’m going with the, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, theory and TXP in it’s current incarnation is a long way from broken.

It goes without saying that the above is addressed to the chronic complainers, not to those who take delays in stride and have the manners not to piss on the carpet invites you into their home and give you stuff.


#416 2005-02-18 00:06:06

From: Memphis, TN, USA
Registered: 2004-05-24
Posts: 184

Re: rc2 and 1.0


Last edited by 6sigma (2005-02-18 00:07:55)

“Well, I, uh, don’t think it’s quite fair to condemn a whole program because of a single slip-up, sir.” General ‘Buck’ Turgidson


#417 2005-02-18 00:09:56

Registered: 2004-05-30
Posts: 52

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Al, you should read what John and Ray have said more carefully because your post doesn’t respond to them, and it doesn’t take their points into account at all.

I think the reason you don’t see Dean making your arguments is because he knows that OSS is more than creating something and then saying “Do with it what you will but don’t you dare complain you lil ingrates”. It’s a community of people who add to software by supporting other users, or extending its functionality, or offering their insights into what could make the software better.

Dean benefits from a vibrant TXP community just like everybody else, and then maybe some. While TextDrive is a great hosting service in its own right, it is also popular because it helps host a number of vibrant OSS communities, TXP being perhaps the premier one. Some of the people you are labeling as ingrates have contributed substantially to the TXP community.

A lot of people interested in contributing know that community development relies on standards, and on the fact that everyone is on the same page, that everyone knows where the project “is at”. What I hear more than anything isn’t ungratefulness, it is that people are eager to move this software forward either by adding to the code, or by using it and evangelizing it (and greater use brings more development). These people just want to be on the same page as Dean, though they express it in different ways. If you think everything is good now and no moving forward is needed, good for you, but don’t yell at everyone who has ideas of their own.

None of this should be taken as a criticism of Dean. I think for the most part he’s handled this fine. He’s given us every reason to believe that he will release 1.0 and that it will be great. If he handled it wrong he would risk mutiny and forking of the code. Obviously that isn’t going to happen, which is a testament to the fact that most people continue to believe in TXP and are greatful to Dean as the main developer.

I just think that most people who are “poking” for a new release are doing it with good intentions and in good humour. So we could really do without people taking the attitude that they are so mature, and that everyone else that posts to this thread is a “spoiled ingrate.”

Last edited by bleveck (2005-02-18 00:13:37)


#418 2005-02-18 00:13:38

Registered: 2005-02-15
Posts: 62

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Bleveck -

Amen! Thanks for your post. I agree wholeheartedly.


#419 2005-02-18 00:20:32

From: Deep in the north woods
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 20

Re: rc2 and 1.0

As I said, “It goes without saying that the above is addressed to the chronic complainers, not to those who take delays in stride and…”

If the shoe doesn’t fit, leave it for Cinderella.


#420 2005-02-18 00:35:05

Registered: 2004-05-30
Posts: 52

Re: rc2 and 1.0

I recognize that you vaguely let some people off the hook. Though I don’t know who you think is doing what. Sentences like

Overall, some of you are really coming off like a bunch of spoiled ingrates.

are especially hard to parse. I don’t know how large “some” is, but since you say “Overall” I take that to mean that this is the general feeling you get from this thread. If this isn’t what you meant, and you think that only a small number of posters are the culprits then you should really just name them separately and state specifically what they are saying that pisses you off. It would be more productive. And who knows? They might appologize or clarify their intentions.

What I’m saying is that on the whole this thread isn’t that ungrateful. Even many of the people who come across as upset are just trying to share legitmate concerns they have for TXP as a project.


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