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#349 2005-02-14 14:04:15

From: Chester, United Kingdom
Registered: 2005-01-03
Posts: 13

Re: rc2 and 1.0

What has happened to this thread? I haven’t seen much talk or information being provided on rc2 and 1.0 recently, what exactly is going on with release 1.0 now? Any chance of an update from dean perhaps?

Last edited by koopd (2005-02-14 14:04:55)

Graphic Designer, Wed Designer and Developer.


#350 2005-02-14 14:58:55

Registered: 2004-03-02
Posts: 152

Re: rc2 and 1.0

<span style=“color:#666666;”>What has happened to this thread?</span>

This thread has gone to <i>hell in a hand basket</i> because there are so many people chompin’ at the bit for some news on V1. They patiently drop by a couple of times every day, couple days a week for the past few months and when they see no news they point their rifles to the sky and fire off a few rounds. Human nature ; )

To put it another way. “<i>All’s quite on the western front</i>” but the natives are gettin’ trigger happy.


#351 2005-02-14 19:26:19

New Member
From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-12-28
Posts: 2

Re: rc2 and 1.0

After following this thread for some weeks now, I suddenly feel a certain urge to post my first post. I mean, if you have to post a first post at a point, I think this is the perfect thread to do it.

Discovered textpattern last Christmas and am actually very happy with it, although it takes some effort and forum-reading to get it all going.
Hope to launch my site before the next textpattern is launched, I wouldn’t mind if Dean would take another month…

A peaceloving native from Holland…

(As this is my first post I suppose I won’t have a nice picture on the side. Well, just imagine a pretty blonde dutch girl that can hold a beer, but who has her grip on a glass of wine right now)

(By the way, about the toadphoto: Is this how they are creating princes these days? By giving toads plastic surgery? Instead of you having to kiss them?)


#352 2005-02-14 20:16:10

From: Provence, France
Registered: 2004-08-11
Posts: 1,578

Re: rc2 and 1.0

> myxo wrote:

> I wouldn’t mind if Dean would take another month…

Not funny.


#353 2005-02-14 20:18:09

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 92

Re: rc2 and 1.0

“Well, just imagine a pretty blonde dutch girl that can hold a beer, but who has her grip on a glass of wine right now…”

“Uh, o-o-okay,” he said, mopping his brow with a handkerchief.


#354 2005-02-14 20:26:13

From: Ohio
Registered: 2004-06-25
Posts: 50

Re: rc2 and 1.0

> “Well, just imagine a pretty blonde dutch girl that can hold a beer, but who has her grip on a glass of wine right now…”

That must a been a picture of you a few posts back. Har har.

I’m going to release a video of this thread which I will sell on late night informercials and call it “Textpattern Threads Gone Crazy” (sorry if this goes over the head of our non american comrades). Then, months from now, a horrified mother will see a photo of her daughter kissing a 40 of high life.

It seems as of late many people have been proceeding with projects that were otherwise delayed for version one. My questions to the denizens of these forums of this:

1) Have/Are you proceeding with any projects that you were originally delaying for v1?

2) If, and this is a pretty big IF (think two stories high), v1 will not end up being released for a few more <del>months</del> weeks, how much longer before you give up and this thread ends up fading away?

Afterwards, think happy thoughts.

Last edited by gonzo409 (2005-02-14 20:27:22)

Liberal. Geek.


#355 2005-02-14 21:03:13

From: Closing in on the capital
Registered: 2004-03-19
Posts: 12

Re: rc2 and 1.0

The only thing I had been holding back on was hacking up my comments.php to get the cool “live comment previews” hack I learned on Jon Hicks’ site. But, my curiousity overcame my sense of reason, so I went ahead and did it; hoping that my unique brand of bad luck would mean that as soon as I finished editing the file, Dean would release 1.0.

In a cruel twist of fate, the one time I rely on my legendary bad luck, it fails me.


#356 2005-02-14 21:17:55

Registered: 2004-03-02
Posts: 152

Re: rc2 and 1.0

I’ve abandoned PM and EE in favor of TP. So I’ll be hanging in there for a little while longer. <b>In for a penny in for a pound</b> as they say<b>; )</b> But ya, I do have two projects sitting on the back burner.

“<i>How much longer</i>” I don’t know.


#357 2005-02-14 21:30:31

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 453

Re: rc2 and 1.0

I am withholding the redesign of my personal site because I desparately hope that zem-style clean URLs will be packaged with the-much-yearned-for.

In the meantime I work on all kinds of imports from the old site but can’t go all the way before one-oh will be bestowed upon us.


#358 2005-02-14 21:35:46

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-05-24
Posts: 44

Re: rc2 and 1.0

I’m working on a project right now using TxP. While I’d love for v1.0 to be released ASAP (hint, hint) I don’t expect it to offer anything which’ll change what I do — i.e. the lack of v1.0 isn’t holding me up. Well, maybe new-style clean URLs could hold me up. I was tempted to wait for 1.0 but sometimes you just gotta forge ahead…

Incidentally, I tried real hard to be open about which open-source CMS to use. Someone highly recommended Mambo so I tried it out and was appalled by (a) the inherent inflexibility of the generated HTML (table-based design) and (b) the non-intuitive nature of the interface.

I also considered Typo, Etomite (and very nearly went with that), WordPress and a few others. But in the end it was TxP.

Last edited by Kibitzer (2005-02-14 21:37:27)

VC200 Member #69 — VCTWO Member — Mixed Gorilla
YES!” “That would be an ecumenical matter!”


#359 2005-02-14 22:06:31

New Member
From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-12-28
Posts: 2

Re: rc2 and 1.0

Back, this time with picture, more wine, no new txp and still my
hands full on the old txp (and the wine afcourse).

How do you actually copy a database?

Hmm, maybe I have to drink more wine…and see it double


#360 2005-02-14 22:12:36

From: Milano, Italia
Registered: 2004-04-13
Posts: 58

Re: rc2 and 1.0

You know what? I’m coming to this tread now since january to see what textpatters are up to, and what the latest news are. It’s becoming a rather pleasant sitting room where to wait confortably and chat. I’m gonna miss it.
So why don’t we just ignore the release of v 1.0, when it will happen? We should just never mind it and keep coming here to complain cozily together. I’d love it.

Last edited by Macubu (2005-02-14 22:32:07)


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