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#1 2005-01-10 16:36:25
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Questions about tcm_rating
I´ve just installed the tcm_rating plug-in and wanted to modify this plug-in a little bit. There are three things I would like (but I dont know how):
1. Get rid of the Submit-button. (submit onchange)
2. Use a select-dropdown instead of the radio-buttons.
3. Output the average besides the star-images something like this: * * * * * (4,8)
Could anyone help me on this?
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
joel: I can help you later tonight. If you are comfortable editing the PHP yourself, you can just check out the ratings on the photos in my archives
#3 2005-01-11 02:27:38
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
I would just love to be able to change the plug-in into something like yours.
I´m not very good with php, so I would gladly appreciate some assistance over here :)
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
alright i wrote up some instructions on how to make it just like mine. Changing things to a dropdown wouldn’t be that complicated. Just edit the ratings_input to output options instead of input type=“radio” and delete the images off from where I put all that code.
#5 2005-01-11 12:56:10
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
Thanks for the article :) I have a small question though.
When I look at the source-code i notice the following:
<code><form name=“ratingform action=”/textpattern/ratings.php” method=“post”></code>
one “ is missing after the “name”. Is that the reason why this thing won´t fly?
The php-code looks like this:
<code>$data = “Rate this photo:</p>\n<form name=\“ratingform\” action=\”“.$path_from_root.“textpattern/ratings.php\” method=\“post\”>\n”;</code>
Last edited by joel (2005-01-11 12:57:27)
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
It should be returning another quote after name=“ratingform” because \” returns a double-quote. It is also returning it on my installation.
#7 2005-01-11 16:56:35
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
I see… here is the full code for “ratinginput”
function tcm_ratinginput($atts)
if (is_array($atts)) extract($atts);
global $pretext; extract($pretext);
global $thisarticle; $id = $thisarticle[‘thisid’];
$ip= @getHostByAddr($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]); $previous = safe_field(“posted”, “txp_tcm_ratings”, “ip = ‘$ip’ AND parentid = ‘$id’ ORDER BY posted DESC”);
$data = “Rate this photo:</p>\n<form name=\“ratingform\” action=\”“.$path_from_root.“textpattern/ratings.php\” method=\“post\”>\n”;
$data .= “\t<input type=\“hidden\” name=\“id\” value=\”$id\” />\n”;
$range = 5;
for($i = 1;$i <= $range;$i++)
$data .= “\t<input type=\“radio\” name=\“rating\” value=\”$i\” onclick=\“submitform();\” /><img src=\”/images/”.$i.“star.jpg\” alt=\”$i Star\” border=\“0\” class=\“no\” />\n”;
$data .= “</form>\n\t<p>You will only be able to vote once, so choose wisely.</p>\n”;
$data = “\tYou have already rated this photo.</p>”;
$data = $data.‘You have already rated this photo.</p>’;
return $data .=”\n”;
I´ve been staring at this for some time now I can tell ;)
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
so is it working for you or not?
#9 2005-01-11 19:26:32
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
no not really.
I click on the radio-button but nothing happends.
The script still outputs this: <code><form name=“ratingform action=”/textpattern/ratings.php” method=“post”></code> with the double-quote missing.
Do you think this may be the problem?
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
yes, that is the problem. I’m not sure why it isn’t outputting the closing double quote on name=“ratingform”. I don’t know what to tell you other than try replacing the code for rating_input again.
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
Also, make sure that you put the javascript on the page that you have the rating form on.
#12 2005-01-11 21:55:43
- joel
- Member
- Registered: 2004-11-26
- Posts: 162
Re: Questions about tcm_rating
Right now I have the javascript placed in the “rating-form”. Perhaps it might be better to place it on the actual “page”. Let me play around for a while and I´ll get back to you with a status-report :)