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#1 2005-01-02 22:55:25
- zem
- Developer Emeritus
- From: Melbourne, Australia
- Registered: 2004-04-08
- Posts: 2,579
Re: How to write a plug-in / What can it do at all?
> LonelyPixel wrote:
> So I guess you’re all insiders, are involved in TXP development and all know what to do. I am not. I am a new user of this system and have the order to write simple plug-ins that operate on another application upon certain events. Can someone of you point me to the resource telling me how to?
There isn’t one. You’re welcome to write it.
You can view the source of a plugin by installing it (you don’t have to activate it) and clicking on the plugin name.
Read the plugin template thread at the top of this forum, download it, and start with Hello World.