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#1 2025-03-16 23:05:45
- bashirnoori
- Member
- From: Afghanistan
- Registered: 2012-10-02
- Posts: 80
Error with hostinger when saving pages and forms
I usually disable mod_security through cPanel because an error occurs when saving pages. However, one of my clients is with Hostinger, and I couldn’t find mod_security there. I’m encountering the following issue: when I make changes and save the page or form, a popup appears with the message, “Sorry, the form could not be submitted. Please try again later.” Additionally, the console shows the error: “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()”
Last edited by bashirnoori (2025-03-16 23:37:05)
Re: Error with hostinger when saving pages and forms
I bet if you ftp into the server and place the revised form or page that it will work. Years ago we had a similar problem with DreamHost that used CPanel. Their security is over the top.
…. texted postive