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in app browsing
I recently had a complain from a friend who registered for our newsletter but never received our emails. After “interrogating” him I found out that he registered using Instagram app’s browser.
Now, I am yet to test this but I did do a search and found that some webmasters complain that some features of their sites do not work in such browsers. A further check, revealed that there is an easy method to force links to open in a browser using the intent
protocol ie intent://example.com
but this does not work on Android nor for Safari which prefers x-safari-https://example.com
I found this javascript on github but it appears that because of its dependencies is too much of an overkill.
Since social media were established the web, in my opinion, has become a poorer, place. Kids today do not even think that the web extends beyond the apps they use on their mobile. Big platforms like fb, x, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc, prefer to keep monetising their users by keeping them within their apps rather than allowing them to discover other sites that offer a more analytical content.
This is not urgent for me but I’m bringing it to the table.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
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