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#49 2025-01-14 23:05:36

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,316
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

giz wrote #338782:

Will com_article_image remain as a plugin, or be rolled into core?

Core plugin, I would say, since not every article needs article_image field. But this is true also for Title, Excerpt and so on, they might all become cfs. We need to imagine an interface that will adapt itself to any cf collection.


#50 2025-01-15 16:20:16

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

etc wrote #338790:

Core plugin, I would say, since not every article needs article_image field. But this is true also for Title, Excerpt and so on, they might all become cfs. We need to imagine an interface that will adapt itself to any cf collection.


An adaptable ui will be Luvly.


#51 2025-01-15 18:15:23

Registered: 2010-11-11
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

I think it’s safe to presume that an important part of the content interface will be composed by cfs (they can be rendered in textareas etc). So the cf block probably needs to be set apart.


#52 2025-01-15 20:45:20

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

jakob wrote #338762:

BTW: any chance of perusing the scss via GitHub?

Initial cleanup done: https://github.com/gizulor/txp5-ui-styling


#53 2025-01-16 10:19:30

From: England
Registered: 2006-01-27
Posts: 565

Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

phiw13 wrote #338763:

…Make it available as a theme is OK, just like there are core themes now.

giz wrote #338779:

…Why on earth would I go to so much effort for ‘another theme’?

So, is the intention for this work to replace the Textpattern Hive framework and its design patterns or to rework Hive for Textpattern 5?


#54 2025-01-16 17:03:50

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

Algaris wrote #338828:

So, is the intention for this work to replace the Textpattern Hive framework and its design patterns or to rework Hive for Textpattern 5?

Hive 4.9 and other themes would continue (although they may need to be modified to suit changes to core html).

My plan is to prepare a core styling module for the UI; think of it as a glorified css reset. It specifies default styling for all the little bits, all controlled via a handful of css variables.

Future theme authors could build on this, adding layout / styling etc., or they can roll their own css. Its entirely feasible to use core css to style a future pHive theme (Hive 4.9 look and feel) for a fraction of the css size.


#55 2025-01-16 19:10:01

From: England
Registered: 2006-01-27
Posts: 565

Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

Interesting. Thank you for sharing your vision 🙂

So is your core styling module intended to become the basis for a new default admin theme for Textpattern 5 to replace the current one? I get that the Hive theme wouldn’t be technically abandoned, will still be around and could be updated to work with your core styling.

I guess I’m just curious as to what will ship with Textpattern 5 when it arrives.


#56 2025-01-16 19:22:38

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

Bloke wrote #338825:

Here’s a counter approach

As custom fields are turning into generic, can-do fields, does this structure look correct for Content: Write in its default state:

  • div.txp-layout-4col-3span
    • h1.txp-heading
    • div#main_content
      • div#pane-text.text
        • div.txp-form-field.title (cf default location)
        • div.author (cf default location)
        • div.txp-form-field.txp-form-field-textarea.body (cf default location)
        • div.txp-form-field.txp-form-field-textarea.excerpt (cf default location)
        • div.txp-form-field.txp-form-field-textarea.cfname (new cf textareas display here unless they have a different family)
  • div.txp-layout-4col-alt
    • div#txp-article-actions.txp-save-zone
    • div#supporting_content
      • p.txp-actions
      • section#txp-write-sort-group.txp-details
      • section#txp-dates-group.txp-details
      • section#txp-categories-group..txp-details
      • section#txp-meta-group.txp-details
    • section#txp-image-group.txp-details
    • section#txp-custom-field-group.txp-details
      • div.#custom1 (new cfs display here unless they have a different family)
      • div.#custom2
    • section#txp-comments.txp-details
    • section#txp-recent-group.txp-details1

Any field group can be relocated in the dom via a plugin (or other mechanism) when coupled with the family relation.

1 Moving recent articles here would require an update to jcr_writenav_buttons. I now use jakobs plugin regularly, but missed the reasons why these panels were removed…

Last edited by giz (2025-01-16 19:23:49)


#57 2025-01-17 00:26:57

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,285

Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

giz wrote #338845:

As custom fields are turning into generic, can-do fields, does this structure look correct for Content: Write in its default state:

That seems fine, assuming the final CF functionality remains close to what is being talked about now…
I am curious though why you mark as del the .txp-actions block (containing the “Expand all” / “Collapse all” buttons). I use those all the time. And no using the <details /> element with the name attribute set is not a substitute.

Moving recent articles here would require an update to jcr_writenav_buttons. I now use jakobs plugin regularly, but missed the reasons why these panels were removed…

Decluttering at some point, discussed somewhere on GH 2 years ago or so (together with the removal of the recent article subpanel). The previous/next button set was not really useful, in the sense it only navigates between the most recent articles. It is, for instance useless if you’re article list panel is populated with the result of a search query and you are editing articles from that list. Ireally don’t miss that. It is fine to have it as a plugin.

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#58 2025-01-17 09:53:32

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,316
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

Difficult to say atm. It seems reasonable to reserve 4col-3span to textareas, to be consistent with current admin themes. But I suspect that not all types of article will have a body, excerpt, article image etc, supposed to become type-dependant cf. And even if they have, there is a notion of cf ordinal that might be used to change the output order.

We can also imagine that large blocks (textareas, cf groups) become collapsible and open in a modal dialog, but UX is not my area of expertise.


#59 2025-01-17 10:37:46

Registered: 2010-11-11
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

phiw13 wrote #338846:

The previous/next button set was not really useful, in the sense it only navigates between the most recent articles. It is, for instance useless if you’re article list panel is populated with the result of a search query and you are editing articles from that list.

Not exactly, the sort order in 4.9 is this used on the articles list, iirc. But you are right re search criteria, they are not retained.


#60 2025-01-17 16:36:24

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: Textpattern 5 UI css development

phiw13 wrote #338846:

I am curious though why you mark as del the .txp-actions block

I wanted to flag it as redundant / cluttering :)

I suspect users will be all over the spectrum on this one. Is there a consensus whether it’s worth the space it uses up? For me, the ‘remember which panels are expanded’ functionality is enough…


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