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#13 2024-09-06 10:21:05

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,134
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Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

Bloke wrote #337788:

Or maybe we don’t pass the thing directly to SQL but preprocess it? Internally replace underscores with \_ and just document it that if people want to use wildcards they need to use * which we internally preprocess to a regular underscore before passing to SQL.

Bit of a hack.

Done, under your responsibility :-)

Bloke wrote #337760:

Not ideal, but less work than splitting the filename on a delimiter and adding headers when the prefix changes.

These bits are actually easy:

    <txp:file_download_name breakby="-" limit="1" />


#14 2024-09-10 07:44:09

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,138

Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

Just so I understand correctly (I can’t easily test atm):

Two wild cards: % and * (as an alias for the SQL _). Do those two cover the same, e.g all assets in the example above?

Question: is the - delimiter required? Or is that just a convenience (it certainly does make for a readable category names in the example).

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#15 2024-09-10 08:15:31

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,134
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Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

phiw13 wrote #337814:

Two wild cards: % and * (as an alias for the SQL _). Do those two cover the same, e.g all assets in the example above?

Yes, % is for any number of characters, and * matches one character, à la sql _. The underscore _ itself acts as a literal character, since it can be part of category names, unlike % and *.

Question: is the - delimiter required? Or is that just a convenience (it certainly does make for a readable category names in the example).

Not required at all, but is one of rare characters allowed in category names that is readable as delimiter when you need to split a name.


#16 2024-09-10 08:28:18

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,138

Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

etc wrote #337816:

Yes, % is for any number of characters, and * matches one character, à la sql _. The underscore _ itself acts as a literal character, since it can be part of category names, unlike % and *.

Thanks! I understand now. The is certainly a useful feature. And yes the - as part of the category name makes for readable and thus easy to use names.

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#17 2024-09-10 08:31:07

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,134
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Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

We already use wildcards in cf queries, so there is nothing really disruptive here.


#18 2024-10-14 23:15:16

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,705

Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

Have finally been able to test this and while I think the idea is very neat, it leads to a proliferation of file categories in my case: I have one general category and (currently) 20 local office location categories, resulting in 21 × 4 = 84 categories for four file types (more if I nest the types under each location)… making for very long select menus.

If I have a thinking mistake here, please let me know.


So I investigated my original idea of using jcr_file_custom, if_different and sort. This works, but I’m struggling again with the correct syntax for breakby and breakform. This is what I have so far:

<txp:variable name="internal_file_types">logo, template, form, report</txp:variable>
<txp:file_download_list category='_all, <txp:article_url_title />' 
     wraptag="" break="" form="internal_downloaditem" 
     sort="FIELD(jcr_file_custom_2,<txp:variable name="internal_file_types" breakby="," escape="trim, quote" break="," />), category asc" />

where jcr_file_custom_2 is the column name for the file_download_type file custom field. The FIELD(…) bit is just to ensure the file type headings appear in the desired order as set in the variable, and I have renamed the general category _all to make sure it always sorts before the various office locations.

The internal_downloaditem form is as follows (slightly simplified here for better readability):

<txp:jcr_file_custom name="file_download_type" wraptag="h4" />
<ul class="internal-downloads">
    <a href="<txp:file_download_link />" class="item-url">
            <txp:file_download_name title wraptag="strong" />
            <txp:file_download_size wraptag="span" />
        <txp:file_download_description wraptag="p" class="item-desc" />

It works okay, but I have a stray </ul> at the very beginning of the code. If I put <txp:if_first_file not></ul></txp:if_first_file> in the first line of the if_different conditional, it prevents the first </ul> but of course results in two first file type headings because the if_different output differs due to the if_first_file.

I can’t help thinking it would be neater with breakby, breakform and <+>, but I can’t work out the correct breakby attribute. Using breakby="<txp:jcr_file_custom name='file_download_type' />" causes txp to complain about using file-type tags out of context. I’ve tried regex expressions for the <h4>…</h4> tag but to no avail. Any suggestions?

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#19 Yesterday 10:27:46

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,134
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Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

jakob wrote #338016:

If I put <txp:if_first_file not></ul></txp:if_first_file> in the first line of the if_different conditional, it prevents the first </ul> but of course results in two first file type headings because the if_different output differs due to the if_first_file.

You can try (untested)

<txp:if_different test='<txp:jcr_file_custom name="file_download_type" />'>
    <txp:if_first_file not></ul></txp:if_first_file>
    <txp:jcr_file_custom name="file_download_type" wraptag="h4" />
    <ul class="internal-downloads">

Using breakby="<txp:jcr_file_custom name='file_download_type' />" causes txp to complain about using file-type tags out of context.

That’s strange, will check.


#20 Yesterday 21:54:36

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,705

Re: Ideas for emulating two file download categories?

Cool! It works!

Using test as an attribute of txp:if_different to point to the bit of code that we’re interested in watching for changes is something I didn’t know about or rather, something I have overlooked, as I can see from a site search that you have provided a few examples of it going back to 2018.

Getting rid of the leading closing tag was always a problem in the past and that neatly deals with it.

Thanks for pointing it out again.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


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