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#1 2023-03-07 11:50:35

From: India
Registered: 2013-03-19
Posts: 278

Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

I have a news website with lots of images, to prevent from duplicate images I need to search and use the old uploaded images.
The plugin of com_article_image is useful, but there is no search option to find specific image from hundreds and use that.
Is there any recommendation please?
Or maybe the team can improve that plugin in the future.


#2 2023-03-07 12:10:17

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,576
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

I’m not sure if it still works but if your images are categorized, you can search by category using the smd_imagery plugin.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#3 2023-03-07 18:44:36

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

Yes, search would be useful in this plugin, will think of it. We also could add some Use as article image option to image list widget, though it would be unpractical with hundreds of articles.


#4 2023-03-09 14:19:11

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

I have (rather lazily) updated com_article_image code, please test it by uploading to your plugin cache directory. Note that in v.0.2 all image records will be retrieved at once (but mostly hidden), so it could be slow to load with thousands of images (not tested).


// This is a PLUGIN TEMPLATE for Textpattern CMS.

// Copy this file to a new name like abc_myplugin.php.  Edit the code, then
// run this file at the command line to produce a plugin for distribution:
// $ php abc_myplugin.php > abc_myplugin-0.1.txt

// Plugin name is optional.  If unset, it will be extracted from the current
// file name. Plugin names should start with a three letter prefix which is
// unique and reserved for each plugin author ("abc" is just an example).
// Uncomment and edit this line to override:
$plugin['name'] = 'com_article_image';

// Allow raw HTML help, as opposed to Textile.
// 0 = Plugin help is in Textile format, no raw HTML allowed (default).
// 1 = Plugin help is in raw HTML.  Not recommended.
# $plugin['allow_html_help'] = 1;

$plugin['version'] = '0.2';
$plugin['author'] = 'Textpattern Community';
$plugin['author_uri'] = 'https://github.com/textpattern';
$plugin['description'] = 'Article image helper on the Textpattern Write panel';

// Plugin load order:
// The default value of 5 would fit most plugins, while for instance comment
// spam evaluators or URL redirectors would probably want to run earlier
// (1...4) to prepare the environment for everything else that follows.
// Values 6...9 should be considered for plugins which would work late.
// This order is user-overrideable.
$plugin['order'] = '5';

// Plugin 'type' defines where the plugin is loaded
// 0 = public              : only on the public side of the website (default)
// 1 = public+admin        : on both the public and admin side
// 2 = library             : only when include_plugin() or require_plugin() is called
// 3 = admin               : only on the admin side (no AJAX)
// 4 = admin+ajax          : only on the admin side (AJAX supported)
// 5 = public+admin+ajax   : on both the public and admin side (AJAX supported)
$plugin['type'] = '4';

// Plugin "flags" signal the presence of optional capabilities to the core plugin loader.
// Use an appropriately OR-ed combination of these flags.
// The four high-order bits 0xf000 are available for this plugin's private use
if (!defined('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS')) define('PLUGIN_HAS_PREFS', 0x0001); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_prefs.{$plugin['name']}" events
if (!defined('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY')) define('PLUGIN_LIFECYCLE_NOTIFY', 0x0002); // This plugin wants to receive "plugin_lifecycle.{$plugin['name']}" events

$plugin['flags'] = '3';

// Plugin 'textpack' is optional. It provides i18n strings to be used in conjunction with gTxt().
// Syntax:
// ## arbitrary comment
// #@event
// #@language ISO-LANGUAGE-CODE
// abc_string_name => Localized String

$plugin['textpack'] = <<<EOT
#@language en, en-gb, en-us
com_article_image => Article image helper
com_article_image_external => External image format
com_article_image_internal => Internal image format
com_article_image_limit => Maximum number of images
com_article_image_dropzone => Click or drop files on this zone

if (!defined('txpinterface'))

 * com_article_image
 * A Textpattern CMS plugin for inserting/uploading article images:
 *  -> Upload images directly in the Write panel
 *  -> Drag/drop images from Txp/your computer/other web pages
 *  -> Drag images directly into article fields to insert/upload
 * @author Textpattern Community
 * @link   https://github.com.com/textpattern
if (txpinterface === 'admin') {
    new com_article_image();

class com_article_image
    protected $event = 'com_article_image';
    protected $version = '0.1.0';
    protected $privs = '1,2,3,4,5,6';

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        global $event;

        add_privs('plugin_prefs.'.$this->event, $this->privs);
        add_privs($this->event, $this->privs);
        add_privs('prefs.'.$this->event, $this->privs);

        register_callback(array($this, 'prefs'), 'plugin_prefs.'.$this->event);
        register_callback(array($this, 'install'), 'plugin_lifecycle.'.$this->event);

        if ($event === 'article' && has_privs('image.edit.own')) {
            register_callback(array($this, 'upload'), 'article_ui', 'article_image');
            register_callback(array($this, 'save'), 'article_posted');
            register_callback(array($this, 'save'), 'article_saved');
            register_callback(array($this, 'head'), 'admin_side', 'head_end');
            register_callback(array($this, 'js'), 'admin_side', 'body_end');

        if (gps('com') === 'article_image') {
            register_callback(array($this, 'post_upload'), 'site.update', 'image_uploaded');


     * Installs prefs if not already defined.
     * @param string $evt Admin-side event
     * @param string $stp Admin-side step
    public function install($evt = '', $stp = '')
        if ($stp == 'deleted') {
            // Remove predecessor abc_article_image prefs too.
            safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name LIKE 'abc\_file\_%' OR name LIKE 'com\_article\_image\_%'");
        } elseif ($stp == 'installed') {
            safe_update('txp_prefs', "event='".$this->event."'", "name LIKE 'com\_article\_image\_%'");

            if (get_pref('com_article_image_limit', null) === null)
                set_pref('com_article_image_limit', 12, $this->event, PREF_PLUGIN, 'text_input', 300, PREF_PRIVATE);
            if (get_pref('com_article_image_internal', null) === null)
                set_pref('com_article_image_internal', '<txp:image id="{#}" />', $this->event, PREF_PLUGIN, 'longtext_input', 500, PREF_PRIVATE);
            if (get_pref('com_article_image_external', null) === null)
                set_pref('com_article_image_external', '', $this->event, PREF_PLUGIN, 'longtext_input', 700, PREF_PRIVATE);

     * Redirect to the preferences panel
    public function prefs()
        header('Location: ?event=prefs#prefs_group_com_article_image');
            '<p id="message">'.n.
            '   <a href="?event=prefs#prefs_group_com_article_image">'.gTxt('continue').'</a>'.n.

     * Inject style rules.
     * @return string CSS style block
    public function head()
        $sel = 'p:not(.hidden)';
        $limit = intval(get_pref('com_article_image_limit'));

        if (!$limit) {
            $paginator = new \Textpattern\Admin\Paginator('image');
            $limit = $paginator->getLimit();

        for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) $sel .= '~p:not(.hidden)';

        echo <<<EOCSS
    #txp-image-group-content img {max-width:100%;height:auto}
    #txp-image-group-content .sortable {position:relative}
    #txp-image-group-content .destroy {position:absolute;right:0;z-index:100;visibility:hidden}
    #txp-image-group-content .sortable .destroy {visibility:visible}
    #txp-image-group-content .txp-summary a:before {content: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23333' d='M4 12h8v2H4zm4-1l5-5h-3V2H6v4H3z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");display:inline-block;width:13px}
    #txp-image-group-content .txp-summary.expanded a:before {content: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23333' d='M4 2h8v2H4zm4 3l-5 5h3v4h4v-4h3z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E")}
    #article-file-reset {visibility:hidden}
    #article-file-container, #article-file-select {display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap}
    #article-file-container p, #article-file-select p {margin: 0.15rem}
    #article-file-input {height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 50; position: absolute; opacity: 0}
    #article-file-drop>div.txp-form-field-value {position: relative; outline: 1px solid #e3e3e3; min-height: 5ex; overflow:hidden}
    #article-file-drop p {margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; line-height: 4em;cursor: pointer}
    #article-file-select p.hidden, #article-file-select $sel {display: none} // awaiting nth-match
    #main_content {position:sticky;top:0}

     * Inject the JavaScript
     * @return string HTML &lt;script&gt; tag
    public function js()
        global $img_dir;

        $internal_tag = escape_js(get_pref('com_article_image_internal', '<txp:image id="{#}" />'));
        $external_tag = escape_js(get_pref('com_article_image_external'));
        $img_location = escape_js(ihu.$img_dir);

        echo script_js(<<<EOJS
function comArticleImageFormat(format, data) {
  var ids = [], text = "";
  if (format.match(/\{##\}/)) {
    data.forEach(function(img) {
    text = format.replace(/\{##\}/g, ids.join(","));
  } else data.forEach(function(img) {
      let chunk = img.id ? format.replace(/\{#\}/g, img.id) : format;
      for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(img)) if (typeof value == "undefined") {
        chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp("\\s+\\w+=[\"']{"+key+"}[\"']", "g"), "").replace(new RegExp("{"+key+"}", "g"), "");
      } else {
        let val = value.toString().replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
        chunk = chunk.replace(new RegExp("{"+key+"}", "g"), val)
      text += chunk;
  return text;

function readfiles(files, input) {
    var formData = new FormData(), count = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        if (files[i].type.match(/^image\//) && files[i].size <= textpattern.prefs.max_file_size) {
            formData.append("thefile[]", files[i]);

    var text = "Upload "+count+" image"+(count == 1 ? "" : "s")+"?";
    if (!count || !window.confirm(text)) return 0;

    formData.append("_txp_token", textpattern._txp_token);
    $(input).prop("disabled", true);

        url: "index.php?event=image&step=image_insert&app_mode=async&com=article_image",
        type: "POST",
        data: formData,
        async: true,
        success: function (data) {
            var text = typeof comArticleImage == "undefined" ? "" : comArticleImageFormat(imageTag, comArticleImage);
            textpattern.Relay.data.fileid = comArticleImage = [];
            $(input).prop("disabled", false);
            insertAtCursor(input, text);
        cache: false,
        contentType: false,
        processData: false
    return count;

$("#body, #excerpt").on("dragover", function(evt) {
    e = evt.originalEvent;
    if (e.dataTransfer.types.includes("Files")) {
        e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
}).on("drop", function(evt) {
    var e = evt.originalEvent, count = 0
    if (e.dataTransfer.files.length) {//console.log(e.dataTransfer.files)
        count = readfiles(e.dataTransfer.files, this);
    if (count)
    else {
        let img = $("<div>"+e.dataTransfer.getData("text/html")+"</div>").find("img");
        var text = "";
        if (img.length) {
          img.each(function( index ) {
            var me = $(this);
            if (me.attr("src") || me.attr("srcset")) {
              var atts = {
                src: me.attr("src"),
                srcset: me.attr("srcset"),
                sizes: me.attr("sizes"),
                alt: me.attr("alt"),
                title: me.attr("title"),
                h: me.attr("height"),
                w: me.attr("width")
              if (imageLink) {
                text += comArticleImageFormat(imageLink, [atts]);
              else {
                var tmpimg = $("<img />").attr(atts);
                text += tmpimg.prop("outerHTML");
        if (text || !this.setRangeText) {
          insertAtCursor(this, text || e.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain"));

$("#txp-image-group-content").on("click", "#article-file-reset", function(e) {
    $("#article-file-reset").css("visibility", "hidden");
}).on("click", ".sortable .destroy", function(e) {
}).on("dragstart", "#article-file-container a, #article-file-select a", function(e) {
//      console.log(e.originalEvent)
        var dragged = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text/html") || e.originalEvent.target;
        var imgs = $(dragged).find("img");
        var text = "", data = [];
        imgs.each(function() {
        data.push({alt: $(this).attr("alt"), id: $(this).data("id"), w: $(this).data("width"), h: $(this).data("height"), src: imageDir+"/"+$(this).data("id")+$(this).data("ext")});
      text = comArticleImageFormat(imageTag, data);
        e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", text);
        e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/html", "");
}).on("sortupdate", function( event ) {
    var myContainer = $("#article-file-container"),
        list = $("#article-image").val().split(",").filter(isNaN);//[];
    myContainer.children("p.sortable").each(function() {
}).on("click", "#article-file-select a", function(e) {
}).on("keydown", "#article-file-name", function(e) {
    if (e.originalEvent.key !== "Enter") return;
    this.filterValue = this.value;
    let id = new URL(window.location.toLocaleString()).searchParams.get('ID');
        url: "index.php?event=article&ID="+id+"&app_mode=async&com=add_image",
        type: "POST",
        data: {image_name: this.value},
        async: true,
        success: function (data) {
        cache: false
}).on("input", "#article-file-name", function(e) {
    if(this.value.includes(this.filterValue)) this.setCustomValidity("");
    else this.setCustomValidity(this.filterValue);
    if (this.value !== "") $("#article-file-select").find("p:not([title*='"+$.escapeSelector(this.value)+"' i])").addClass("hidden");

$("#txp-image-group-content").on("dragend", "#article-file-container a", function(e) {
    items: ".sortable",
    out: function (event, ui) {
        if (!!droppedOutside) $(this).sortable("disable");
    over: function (event, ui) {
    beforeStop: function (event, ui) {droppedOutside = false;
    start: function (event, ui) {droppedOutside = true;

function insertAtCursor (input, textToInsert) {
  // IE 8-10
  if (document.selection) {
    const ieRange = document.selection.createRange();
    ieRange.text = textToInsert;

    // Move cursor after the inserted text
    ieRange.collapse(false /* to the end */);


  const [start, end] = [input.selectionStart, input.selectionEnd];
  input.setRangeText(textToInsert, start, end, 'select');
    // Notify any possible listeners of the change
    const e = new Event("input", {"bubbles":true, "cancelable":false});

window.comArticleImagePreview = function (input) {
    let createObjectURL = (window.URL || window.webkitURL || {}).createObjectURL

    if (createObjectURL && input.files.length) {
        $("#article-file-reset").css("visibility", "visible");
        $(input.files).each(function () {
            var valid = this.type.match(/^image\//) && this.size <= textpattern.prefs.max_file_size,
            img = valid ? "<img src=\'" + createObjectURL(this) + "\' />" : "<del>"+textpattern.encodeHTML(this.name)+"</del>";

            if (!valid)
              textpattern.Console.addMessage(['<strong>'+textpattern.encodeHTML(this.name)+'</strong> - '+textpattern.gTxt('upload_err_form_size'), 1], 'comImageUpload');

var imageTag = "{$internal_tag}",
    imageLink = "{$external_tag}",
    imageDir = "{$img_location}";
        , false, array('article'));

     * Send script response after each upload completes
     * @param string $evt Admin-side event
     * @param string $stp Admin-side step
     * @param array  $rs  Uploaded image metadata record
    public function post_upload($evt, $stp, $rs)
        global $img_dir;

        $img = array_intersect_key($rs, array(
            'id'  => null,
            'alt' => null,
            'h'   => null,
            'w'   => null))
        + array(
            'src' => ihu.$img_dir.'/'.$rs['id'].$rs['ext']

        send_script_response('comArticleImage = ['.json_encode($img).'].concat(typeof comArticleImage == "undefined" ? [] : comArticleImage)');

     * Alter the upload form markup to include the image thumbs and dropzone
     * @param  string $evt  Admin-side event
     * @param  string $stp  Admin-side step
     * @param  array  $data Existing upload form markup
     * @param  array  $rs   Uploaded image metadata record
     * @return string       HTML
    public function upload($evt, $stp, $data, $rs)
        $ids = $images = array();
        $fields = 'id, name, ext, thumbnail, alt, h, w';

        if (!empty($rs['Image'])) {
            $images = array();

            foreach (do_list_unique($rs['Image']) as $id) {
                if (!is_numeric($id))
                    $id = (int) fetch('id', 'txp_image', 'name', $id);
                if ($id) {
                    $ids[] = $id;

            $id_list = implode(',', $ids);
            $rows = $ids ? safe_rows($fields, 'txp_image', 'id IN ('.$id_list.') ORDER BY FIELD(id, '.$id_list.')') : array();

            foreach ($rows as $row) {

                $images[] = '<p class="sortable" data-id="'.$id.'" title="'.txpspecialchars($name).'"><a href="index.php?event=image&step=image_edit&id='.$id.'" title="'.txpspecialchars($name).' ('.$id.')">'
                .'<img src="'.imagesrcurl($id, $ext, $thumbnail).'" data-id="'.$id.'" data-ext="'.$ext.'" data-width="'.$w.'" data-height="'.$h.'" alt="'.txpspecialchars($alt).'" loading="lazy" />'
                .'</a><button class="destroy"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close">'.gTxt('delete').'</span></button></p>';

        $article_image = '<div id="article-file-container">'.implode(n, $images).'</div>'.n;

        $images = array();

        if (gps('com') == 'add_image') {
            $sname = doSlash(ps('image_name'));
            $rows = safe_rows($fields, 'txp_image', ($ids ? 'id NOT IN('.$id_list.')' : '1')." AND name LIKE '%$sname%' ORDER BY ".get_pref('image_sort_column', 'id').' '.get_pref('image_sort_dir', 'DESC'));

            foreach ($rows as $row) {

                $images[] = '<p data-id="'.$id.'" title="'.txpspecialchars($name).'"><a href="index.php?event=image&step=image_edit&id='.$id.'" title="'.txpspecialchars($name).' ('.$id.')">'
                    .'<img src="'.imagesrcurl($id, $ext, $thumbnail).'" data-id="'.$id.'" data-ext="'.$ext.'" data-width="'.$w.'" data-height="'.$h.'" alt="'.txpspecialchars($alt).'" loading="lazy" />'//image(array('id' => $id))
                    .'</a><button class="destroy"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close">'.gTxt('delete').'</span></button></p>';


        $select_images = inputLabel(
            '<input id="article-file-name" form="" type="text" size="32" />'.n, gTxt('search'),
            array('', 'instructions_article_image'),
            array('class' => 'txp-form-field article-image')
        .'<div id="article-file-select">'.n
            .implode(n, $images)

        return $data.n.$article_image.n
            '<button id="article-file-reset" class="destroy"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close">'.gTxt('delete').'</span></button>'.n.
            '<input id="article-file-input" type="file" name="article_file[]" multiple="multiple" accept="image/*" onchange="comArticleImagePreview(this)" />'
            .'<p class="secondary-text">'.gTxt('com_article_image_dropzone').'</p>'.n
            .'<div id="article-file-preview"></div>'.n, gTxt('upload'),
            array('', 'instructions_article_image'),
            array('id' => 'article-file-drop', 'class' => 'txp-form-field article-image')

     * [save description]
     * @param string $evt Admin-side event
     * @param string $stp Admin-side step
     * @param array  $rs  Uploaded image metadata record
    public function save($evt, $stp, $rs)
        if (empty($_FILES['article_file']['tmp_name'][0]) || !has_privs('image.edit')) {

        include_once 'lib'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class.thumb.php';

        $ids = array();
        $files = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Server\Files')->refactor($_FILES['article_file']);

        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $meta = array('alt' => $file['name']);  // @todo: caption, category?
            $img_result = image_data($file, $meta);

            if (is_array($img_result)) {
                list($message, $id) = $img_result;
                $ids[] = $id;

        $GLOBALS['ID'] = intval($rs['ID']);
        $ids = implode(',', $ids);
        $ids = implode(',', do_list_unique($rs['Image'].','.$ids));

        safe_update('textpattern', "Image='".doSlash($ids)."'", 'ID='.$GLOBALS['ID']);

if (0) {


#5 2023-03-11 15:55:36

From: India
Registered: 2013-03-19
Posts: 278

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

Thanks for your kind support.
I tested the above plugin, still all images load on <div id="article-file-select" ... and it’s hidden through CSS, after clicking the add button just the div will be displayed. As you mentioned the loading of all images case, my client is telling when I add/edit article, it’s taking more time as he don’t know the backend process ;-) but I know the issue is with that it’s loading all images !
If possible to enhance the plugin, at first no images should be loaded, when we clicked add button a popup should come with listing all images and a search button at the top, then we can easily find and chose that.
I saw such plugin on wordpress before.


#6 2023-03-11 22:11:46

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

raminrahimi wrote #335044:

If possible to enhance the plugin, at first no images should be loaded, when we clicked add button a popup should come with listing all images and a search button at the top, then we can easily find and chose that.

Sounds reasonable and should be doable, but there is already a search field (by name), am I wrong?


#7 2023-03-12 15:02:45

From: India
Registered: 2013-03-19
Posts: 278

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

Yes, I can see the search option by name, but the issue is it will load all images to the browser at first on each article load just hiding through CSS :-(
Also, maybe we can have an ajax search when we type to find specific image.


#8 2023-03-12 17:40:34

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

That’s doable, but requires some code refactoring. Leave it with me.


#9 2023-03-12 21:25:34

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

I have updated the code, please test.


#10 2023-03-13 06:49:33

From: India
Registered: 2013-03-19
Posts: 278

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

Wow that’s great !
Thank you so much :-)
Just if you please consider search by ID as well, because sometime we need to search by name or maybe by ID.


#11 2023-03-13 12:09:04

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,576
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

etc wrote #335057:

I have updated the code, please test.

Fabulous. Any chance you could officially update the code please?

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#12 2023-03-13 13:08:01

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,318
Website GitHub

Re: Any solution to find and use the uploaded images in article?

Bloke wrote #335063:

Any chance you could officially update the code please?

Sure, once debugged/optimized and split in css/js/etc parts. I also think of adding image-from-URL import abilities (à la etc_import), but it would be for a next version.


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