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#1 2022-12-18 18:40:45

From: germany
Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 33

Is it still alive?

Hey there.
I dont want to be rude or want to insult anybody in here, so please don´t get me wrong.

At this moment I use Textpattern for some years. I always stuck on things which you can find in this forum or on the internet. Things which some user´s wanted but which never get into the Textpattern system. Things which are noted back in year 2005…

While talking about to get Textpattern into PHP 5.x we have on the other hand PHP 8. I´m a dev and I know it does makes more fun to work on the system below, not to work on features for the users. But in the end its seems weird to me, it seems that there are nothing new for the users for years. All the things I talking about are old and known for years.

Is Textpattern still alive?

PS: Sorry, for my bad english. And I repeat, this isnt a kind of bashing against Textpattern.

Last edited by franzl (2022-12-18 18:43:30)


#2 2022-12-18 18:56:06

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,637
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Re: Is it still alive?

Yes. Alive and well. New version due imminently.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#3 2022-12-19 11:21:00

From: germany
Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 33

Re: Is it still alive?

Bloke wrote #334318:

Yes. Alive and well. New version due imminently.

Okay, but still just something new in the basic system, nothing new in the admin panel. I´m talking about wishes from the user´s. What will be new?


#4 2022-12-19 12:35:05

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,637
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Re: Is it still alive?

To be clear, when you say no new features, which version are you referring to? Which
version of Textpattern have we released without any new features for users? In the 4.8 series alone we’ve enhanced tags and added global attributes so a heap of plugins are no longer required. Added theme support and a concurrent live/dev staging environment. Improved the UI drastically. Added support for new image formats. Allowed custom date formats. Added languages and improved the language panel. Enabled pageless sections. Improved accessibility, security, …

In the next version we have enhanced the plugin installation process ready for one-click upgrades. Added CSP support for the admin and public sides. Added 3rd party email delivery options. Improved the tags and enhanced their power. Introduced SVG image support. Improved the UI further, …

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#5 2022-12-19 12:35:16

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,325
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Re: Is it still alive?

franzl wrote #334323:

Okay, but still just something new in the basic system, nothing new in the admin panel. I´m talking about wishes from the user´s. What will be new?

If you mean dropping keywords (or replacing them with tags), this is a breaking change, requiring a major release. We more or less admit that txp 5 (custom fields) will be not fully compatible with txp 4. Many core fields (keywords, excerpt, maybe even body and title) could become optional, and users/plugins will be able to easily add their own assets (tags etc) instead.

We are not too far from it, but this is a major code revision, requiring changes in how data is designed/stored/retrieved, and this takes time. Meanwhile, each php 8 version brings its lot of deprecations that need to be patched in txp 4. So it goes.


#6 2022-12-19 14:17:43

From: germany
Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 33

Re: Is it still alive?

It´s 4.8.8 what I´m using.

And please don´t reduced it on Tags, which was one of my last threads.
It´s more than this. Single Sites are an old wish, trailing slash are old, more than two Categories…. There is a lot of things which feels never will come.

As I wrote, I know this all, because I´m a dev too. But I also know that this makes more fun to work on it, than working on things for the user´s. I know this business so far.

Last edited by franzl (2022-12-19 14:23:38)


#7 2022-12-19 15:37:48

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,637
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Re: Is it still alive?

Two categories is only a limitation because we don’t have proper tags. When we reinvent keywords to act like tags things will be a lot more flexible.

Btw, if you are a dev then please help us develop!

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#8 2022-12-19 20:18:31

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,325
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Re: Is it still alive?

franzl wrote #334327:

Single Sites are an old wish, trailing slash are old, more than two Categories…. There is a lot of things which feels never will come.

They will (if not already have) come. Multiple categories look possible in the cf branch. Trailing slash… some want it even for individual articles, some complain about it even on list pages, plus URL disambiguation… I think our current system (slash for lists, no slash for individual items) is a good compromise, otherwise one can easily construct the links by hand or via a plugin.

Single Page sites? Textpattern is very flexible re content output format: html, xml, json, whatever you want. The rest is a theme affair: user interactions, ajax requests etc. Btw, themes was a must have thing few years ago. Amazingly, once it has been implemented (after hours of Stef’s and others work), nobody seems to care very much. Our themes collection is tiny, and the (rare) new ones get close to no feedback.

Frankly, we listen to user’s demand and respond as much as we can. Shortcodes, custom form types, multiple url schemes, pageless sections, large files upload, etc were user’s requests. Most are fun and easy to implement, but some take much time.


#9 2022-12-20 05:50:35

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
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Re: Is it still alive?

Textpattern is getting more and more flexible with new efficient features from developers (and many to come). It’s a perfect CMS.


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#10 2022-12-20 10:21:03

From: germany
Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 33

Re: Is it still alive?

@Pat64: Yes, it is. I like the way how it is. It´s simple, no annoying WYSIWYG editor, PHP support in the editor and its a small size cms. It is really great and I love it and that´s why I asked. If Textpattern would be like other cms, I would leave it and use an another cms. For example WordPress is one of those cms with a whole bunch of clicky-clicky features. I hate it. Really. Thats not what I´m asking for and I hope Textpattern will never turn this way.

What I´m asking for are things about SEO e.g. Trailing slash in the URL. Or static sites for lawsites like diclaimer, privacy police. I would love to have more opportunities in the editor to edit the meta data for each site/article. For example. A simple switch to choose “index” or “noindex”. There are a lot things that were still ask for, but which never get in to the system.

Pleaase dont missunderstood me. I like Textpattern, but I dont want to use plug-ins. They are not nativ and if Texpattern goes further and one of these plug-ins doesnt…. Thats not what I´m looking for. I hope you get a better impress of my thoughts.


#11 2022-12-20 12:39:32

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,325
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Re: Is it still alive?

franzl wrote #334341:

For example WordPress is one of those cms with a whole bunch of clicky-clicky features. I hate it. Really. Thats not what I´m asking for and I hope Textpattern will never turn this way.

+1, really. But this is a bit in contradiction with

A simple switch to choose “index” or “noindex”. I would love to have more opportunities in the editor to edit the meta data for each site/article.

And what for nofollow? You know you can set up a cf/form/page that conditionally (on section or cf) acts as intended. Yes, it’s not user-friendly, but we can not hardcode every ever-changing SEO attribute. The cf interface will be cleaner (on/off switch) in cf branch though.

This said, I’m not a SEO specialist and will follow the community consensus if found.

What I´m asking for are things about SEO e.g. Trailing slash in the URL. Or static sites for lawsites like diclaimer, privacy police.

Again, there is no consensus re trailing slash (just search this forum). And SE do not require it, as long as content duplication is avoided.

Static pages are already possible via flat custom forms. Their URL (like theme/form/html/disclaimer.html) will not be SE-friendly, but .htaccess redirection can help here. Otherwise (advertisement), etc_cache plugin can make your full site dyna-static, caching appropriate pages on disk and refreshing them on site updates. The configuration is not exactly clicky, but the author will gladly help. :-)

Pleaase dont missunderstood me. I like Textpattern, but I dont want to use plug-ins. They are not nativ and if Texpattern goes further and one of these plug-ins doesnt…. Thats not what I´m looking for. I hope you get a better impress of my thoughts.

You are more than welcome. As for plugins… write one yourself? :-)


#12 2022-12-20 14:38:35

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,325
Website GitHub

Re: Is it still alive?

Here is a code you can put at the beginning of a txp Page, for testing and transforming into plugin if ok. It should append / to all txp-generated article links on this page. But the link recognition will not work reliably if your site uses multiple URL schemes. Think of a section named thoughts and an article with thoughts url_title in /title URL mode. Both would have /thoughts/ URL.

global $prefs;

$prefs['custom_url_func'] = function($article_array, $mode) {
    global $prefs;

    if ($mode != PERMLINKURL) return false;

    $url_func = $prefs['custom_url_func'];
    $prefs['custom_url_func'] = null;
    $url = permlinkurl($article_array);
    $prefs['custom_url_func'] = $url_func;

    return rtrim($url, '/').'/';


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