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#1 2021-09-09 20:49:11
- albatros69
- Member
- Registered: 2021-06-17
- Posts: 25
Clear a custom field on duplicate
Dear all,
I need to clear a specific custom field when a user clones an article. I managed to do it in the Write
panel using JS (by emptying the input field on click). However, I can’t find a solution in case the user duplicates articles in multi-edit. I was first confident to succeed adding a callback on multi_edited.articles>duplicate
. But the callback gets as parameters the selected articles and no the newly created ones, so it’s impossible to perform actions on these one. Second option would be to act on articles>multi_edit.duplicate
, but again, I can only act on the original articles and they must remain as is.
Do you imagine another solution, or an hint to find one?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Clear a custom field on duplicate
We definitely should add new IDs to callbacks data. Meanwhile, I can not see a better solution than
- register a callback on
'articles', 'multi_edit.duplicate', 1
that will store the cf values of the articles being duplicated in aID => value
array and then empty them; - register a callback on
'multi_edited.articles', 'duplicate', 0
that will restore the cf of the duplicated articles.
Re: Clear a custom field on duplicate
etc wrote #331548:
We definitely should add new IDs to callbacks data.
Agree. I’m still working on completely overhauling the callback names and structure so everything we possibly can has pre- and post-action at minimum, and the payloads will be stuffed with as much data as is available.
Seamlessly mapping the old callbacks to the new is the fun part. I’ve got a local branch set up somewhere for testing this all out, and it was working reasonably well with the small subset of callbacks I revamped. Whether it scales to all callbacks I’m not sure yet.
Might make it public at some point so people can weigh in.
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#5 2021-09-10 12:45:14
- albatros69
- Member
- Registered: 2021-06-17
- Posts: 25
#6 2021-09-15 21:03:43
- albatros69
- Member
- Registered: 2021-06-17
- Posts: 25
Re: Clear a custom field on duplicate
albatros69 wrote #331554:
I will do this probably beg of next week and revert back here.
Thanks a lot for the swift reply.!
Seems to work like a charm on my DEV instance. Thanks a lot!
Do you have any date when 4.8.8. will be released?
Re: Clear a custom field on duplicate
albatros69 wrote #331618:
Seems to work like a charm on my DEV instance. Thanks a lot!
Do you have any date when 4.8.8. will be released?
Thanks for testing. Txp 4.8.8 is meant to be php 8.1 compatible, so will probably be released at the same moment (end of November). But you could try to grab the current txp_list.php and use it in 4.8.7, they should be compatible.