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#1 2021-06-21 14:44:55

From: Cyprus
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web colours

This article by Lea Verou, discusses that the colours we only see about 50% of the colours on websites that monitors are capable of displaying, because CSS standards haven’t caught up.

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#2 2021-06-21 20:48:18

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
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Re: web colours

colak wrote #330582:

This article by Lea Verou, discusses that the colours we only see about 50% of the colours on websites that monitors are capable of displaying, because CSS standards haven’t caught up.


…. texted postive


#3 2021-06-21 23:14:22

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,302

Re: web colours

colak wrote #330582:

Of note of course is that many laptop & cheaper standalone monitors did a poor job at displaying colours. It is only the last 5 years that this has started to improve.

Rather, CSS has been very slow in implementing more/better colour formats1. And (some) browsers – ahem Firefox – have done a very bad job at displaying and calibrating colours. Is is only since last summer (2020) that Firefox can colour calibrate CSS colours, something Safari has been doing since forever. Firefox still does not understand the color-gamut media query. FWIW.

But yeah, having those lab() and lch() formats will be great. You can already use them with Safari 14.1.

PS – it is a good article by Lea.


1 HEX and rgb() are evil and should never have been supported. There, I said it.

Last edited by phiw13 (2021-06-22 00:01:38)

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#4 2021-06-22 09:41:19

From: England
Registered: 2006-01-27
Posts: 565

Re: web colours

Now that’s an interesting article. I need to read this in depth and digest it.

I love working with colours in CSS and enjoy collecting them for future projects. I have a colours.scss file where I keep any interesting ones I find.

phiw13 wrote #330587:

HEX and rgb() are evil and should never have been supported. There, I said it.

I’m more of an HSLA person myself, it makes way more sense to me then HEX or RGBA. I love working with HSLA colours and using SASS to manipulate them using scale-color.

Last edited by Algaris (2021-06-22 09:42:20)


#5 2021-06-22 10:11:49

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,302

Re: web colours

Algaris wrote #330600:

I’m more of an HSLA person myself, it makes way more sense to me then HEX or RGBA. I love working with HSLA colours and using SASS to manipulate them using scale-color.

Ditto that. I’ve started creating a library of CSS custom properties to manipulate those, though. And with those future color formats it will be much easier, as , I think Lea partly illustrates in her article

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


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