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Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Please provide any feedback here related to Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements.
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Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
4 out of 5 sites updated & it was eazy-peazy smooth. although only one update didnt like that i had deleted the RPC directory. so i uploaded the RPC dir, and diagnostics stoped complaining.
…. texted postive
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Good to hear the upgrades went smoothly.
You can usually stop Diagnostics complaining about RPC if you turn off Enable XML-RPC server? in Prefs[Admin].
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Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Bloke wrote #329605:
Good to hear the upgrades went smoothly.
You can usually stop Diagnostics complaining about RPC if you turn off Enable XML-RPC server? in Prefs[Admin].
thanks. that worked for my final update. All 5 sites now running latest version 4.8.5.
…. texted postive
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Updated a website from 4.5.7 and all goes well (i had only changed plugin zem_contact to com_connect).
Thanks for the hard work.
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
I have just upgraded all my Textpattern-powered websites smoothly.
- az.on.lt with no plugins 4.8.4 → 4.8.5 on PHP 8.0.3
- m.on.lt with no plugins 4.8.3 → 4.8.5 on PHP 8.0.3
- on.lt with 3 plugins 4.8.4 → 4.8.5 on PHP 7.4.16
- HTTP server — Hiawatha 10.12,
- database — MariaDB 10.1.48 (MySQL 5.5.5), and
- OS: Debian 9.13 (Linux 4.9) — the same for all.
Thank you all very much!
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Updating the neme site from 4.8.4 to 4.8.5 was a breeze. Thanks so much guys!!
PHP version: 7.4.14
MySQL: 5.7.28
Server: Apache
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Just updated Wandering Sardinia and Wandering Italy and all went well. After things settled a bit, the problem I had with rss titles has gone away. Thanks for fixing that.
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
Once again, I win the silliest bug award for plugging an argument into a wrong function. This line should be
$articles = parseList($rs, $thisarticle, 'populateArticleData', compact('allowoverride', 'thing') + array('form' => $fname));
Failing this, override forms will not work in article lists in 4.8.5.
Sincerely sorry, my eyes start playing tricks on me.
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
etc wrote #329642:
[…] Failing this, override forms will not work in article lists in 4.8.5.
Sincerely sorry, my eyes start playing tricks on me.
Ahh, that might be what I saw when upgrading one site :-( “override form” is used sparingly over there. I immediately reverted to 4.8.4 as I did not have time to investigate and even less time to attempts fixing the site.
Which begs the question, maybe there is a need to advertise more, or rather more in detail, what goes into those patch releases. not everybody is well versed in reading abstract PHP code…
Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
phiw13 wrote #329646:
Ahh, that might be what I saw when upgrading one site :-( “override form” is used sparingly over there. I immediately reverted to 4.8.4 as I did not have time to investigate and even less time to attempts fixing the site.
Which begs the question, maybe there is a need to advertise more, or rather more in detail, what goes into those patch releases. not everybody is well versed in reading abstract PHP code…
I apologize. The history file is rather complete in describing the 4.8.5 changes. There is nothing specifically concerning override forms, it’s just a silly bug that could have broken anything else as well.
Re: Feedback for: Textpattern CMS 4.8.5 released: bug fixes & improvements
etc wrote #329647:
I apologize. The history file is rather complete in describing the 4.8.5 changes. There is nothing specifically concerning override forms, it’s just a silly bug that could have broken anything else as well.
So can we expect a quick 4.8.6 bug-fix follow up (the ever lying feedreader told me about it) or do I better patch up 4.8.5 if I want to use that (PHP 8 fixes, and something) ?
Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern