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#1 2021-01-25 17:52:28

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,137
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file download

In previous versions of txp, I seem to remember that I was able to download hidden and pending files from the back end, by clicking the download link. The latest version no longer allows this, and directs me to the 404 page. I do not think that it is a big issue as I can still access those files via sftp, but is this behaviour by design? I would think that for an admin or an author of a file, downloading from the back end should be acceptable, no matter what the status of the file is.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#2 2021-01-27 09:54:14

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,321
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Re: file download

Hi Yiannis,

I have no memories of this behaviour. AFAIK, there is no ‘back-end download’ feature, the download links are the public ones. We could allow authors download their files for any status, but this would work on the public side too if the author is logged in.


#3 2021-01-27 10:18:18

Plugin Author
From: South-Western Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,329

Re: file download

etc wrote #328355:

I have no memories of this behaviour. AFAIK, there is no ‘back-end download’ feature, the download links are the public ones. We could allow authors download their files for any status, but this would work on the public side too if the author is logged in.

Like Yiannis, I have vague memories of this being possible in the past. “Vague” doing quite a bit of work here… That said, it would be an useful feature, I think – e.g author uploads (status: pending) a PDF as companion to a soon to be published article, admin/editor-in-chief wants to review it before going live with the article (and variations of this workflow). I only admin & author have access to it, it should be OK ?

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#4 2021-01-27 10:21:17

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,137
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: file download

etc wrote #328355:

Hi Yiannis,

We could allow authors download their files for any status, but this would work on the public side too if the author is logged in.

That would be good. If the file is not linked from the front side, authors would still need to find its url from the db.
The reason, I posted the above, is that we have a number of hidden pdfs, sent to us by their authors, and we keep them in the db for archival purposes but not for public consumption. Admittedly, we have them online to save space in our computers, as some of them a quite large. We download some files when we need to refer to them.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#5 2021-01-27 11:12:46

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,616
Website GitHub

Re: file download

That’s actually a pretty good feature idea. I have no problem with logged-in authors being able to access any files subject to their file permissions. So Staff Writers, for example, can only access their own live, hidden and pending files, as well as the live files of Copy Editors and higher.

Freelancers and below won’t have access to any hidden/pending files at all, only what’s available publicly, right?

I can’t see any issues with that, besides possible confusion if you’ve pulled a file off the site by changing its status to hidden, and then access it directly via URL, expecting it to be missing… but it downloads for you. Visiting the file download list area of the site would, of course, only show the ones that are live.

Anyone else see any holes in this? And if not, is it a small enough change to sneak into 4.8.5 without Pete noticing (shhhhh!) or should we do it properly and wait ‘till 4.9.0 now we’re in feature freeze?

Last edited by Bloke (2021-01-27 11:13:38)

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