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#13 2020-11-16 22:24:44

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

Textpattern 4.6.2 in Debugging mode:

<!-- Trace summary:
Runtime   : 31.51 ms
Query time: 5.19 ms
Queries   : 18
Memory (*): 908 kB

<!-- Trace log:
  Time(ms) | Duration | Trace
      2.42 |     0.23 | [PHP includes, stage 1]
      2.71 |     3.39 | [PHP includes, stage 2]
      2.82 |          | 	[Textpattern autoload dir: 'vendors']
      2.88 |          | 	[Textpattern autoload dir: 'lib']
      4.61 |     0.17 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Txp.php']
      4.70 |     0.04 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/FactoryInterface.php']
      4.77 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Txp']
      5.09 |     0.28 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/Container.php']
      5.17 |     0.16 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/ContainerInterface.php']
      5.36 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Container']
      5.46 |     0.13 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Tag/Registry.php']
      5.53 |     0.03 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/ReusableInterface.php']
      5.58 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Registry']
      6.31 |     0.37 | [SQL: SELECT name, val FROM txp_prefs WHERE prefs_id = 1 AND user_name = '' ]
      6.70 |          | [Rows: 96]
      7.63 |     1.13 | [SQL: SELECT name, data FROM txp_lang WHERE lang = 'en-us' AND name != '' AND event IN ('public','common') ]
      8.77 |          | [Rows: 416]
     12.20 |     0.61 | [Loading plugins]
     12.26 |     0.33 | 	[SQL: SELECT name, code, version FROM txp_plugin WHERE status = 1 AND type IN (0,1,5) ORDER BY load_order ASC, name ASC ]
     12.61 |          | 	[Rows: 0]
     13.23 |     0.23 | [SQL: SELECT page, css FROM txp_section WHERE name = 'default' LIMIT 1 ]
     13.47 |          | [Rows: 1]
     13.69 |     0.44 | [SQL: SELECT user_html FROM txp_page WHERE name = 'default' ]
     14.14 |          | [Rows: 1]
     14.18 |          | [Page: 'default']
     16.48 |     0.08 | <txp:lang />
     16.59 |     0.25 | <txp:text item="lang_dir" />
     16.86 |     0.05 | <txp:page_title />
     16.93 |     0.23 | <txp:css format="link" media="" />
     17.18 |     0.02 | <txp:site_url />
     17.22 |     0.45 | <txp:meta_description />
     17.29 |     0.33 | 	[SQL: SELECT description FROM txp_section WHERE name = 'default' ]
     17.64 |          | 	[Rows: 1]
     17.69 |     0.14 | <txp:meta_keywords separator="," />
     17.85 |     0.51 | <txp:if_search>
     17.97 |          | 	[<txp:if_search>: false]
     18.02 |     0.15 | 	<txp:if_category>
     18.06 |          | 		[<txp:if_category>: false]
     18.08 |     0.06 | 		<txp:if_author>
     18.12 |          | 			[<txp:if_author>: false]
     18.15 |          | 		</txp:if_author>
     18.17 |          | 	</txp:if_category>
     18.18 |     0.16 | 	<txp:if_section name="">
     18.29 |          | 		[<txp:if_section name="">: true]
     18.31 |     0.02 | 		<txp:site_url />
     18.35 |          | 	</txp:if_section>
     18.37 |          | </txp:if_search>
     18.38 |     0.14 | <txp:feed_link flavor="atom" format="link" label="Atom" />
     18.53 |     0.10 | <txp:feed_link flavor="rss" format="link" label="RSS" />
     18.64 |     0.50 | <txp:if_section name="">
     18.69 |          | 	[<txp:if_section name="">: true]
     18.80 |     0.32 | 	<txp:if_search>
     18.82 |          | 		[<txp:if_search>: false]
     18.85 |     0.25 | 		<txp:if_category>
     18.95 |          | 			[<txp:if_category>: false]
     18.99 |     0.09 | 			<txp:if_author>
     19.03 |          | 				[<txp:if_author>: false]
     19.09 |          | 			</txp:if_author>
     19.11 |          | 		</txp:if_category>
     19.12 |          | 	</txp:if_search>
     19.14 |          | </txp:if_section>
     19.16 |     0.10 | <txp:link_to_home>
     19.20 |     0.02 | 	<txp:site_name />
     19.25 |          | </txp:link_to_home>
     19.27 |     0.02 | <txp:site_slogan />
     19.31 |     0.07 | <txp:text item="navigation" />
     19.40 |     1.73 | <txp:section_list default_title='<txp:text item="home" />' include_default="1" wraptag="ul" break="">
     19.47 |     0.16 | 	[attribute 'default_title']
     19.54 |     0.07 | 		<txp:text item="home" />
     19.63 |          | 	[/attribute]
     19.75 |     0.33 | 	[SQL: SELECT name, title, description FROM txp_section WHERE 1 ORDER BY name != 'default', name ASC ]
     20.09 |          | 	[Rows: 2]
     20.14 |     0.19 | 	<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
     20.17 |     0.10 | 		[attribute 'name']
     20.22 |     0.05 | 			<txp:section />
     20.28 |          | 		[/attribute]
     20.32 |          | 		[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: true]
     20.34 |          | 	</txp:if_section>
     20.35 |     0.05 | 	<txp:section url="1" />
     20.41 |     0.05 | 	<txp:section title="1" />
     20.50 |     0.12 | 	<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
     20.51 |     0.06 | 		[attribute 'name']
     20.52 |     0.03 | 			<txp:section />
     20.57 |          | 		[/attribute]
     20.60 |          | 		[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
     20.62 |          | 	</txp:if_section>
     20.81 |     0.18 | 	<txp:section url="1" />
     21.01 |     0.05 | 	<txp:section title="1" />
     21.13 |          | </txp:section_list>
     21.14 |     0.63 | <txp:search_input />
     21.21 |     0.20 | 	[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'search_input' ]
     21.43 |          | 	[Rows: 1]
     21.45 |          | 	[Form: 'search_input']
     21.59 |     0.04 | 	<txp:text item="search" />
     21.64 |     0.01 | 	<txp:site_url />
     21.66 |     0.01 | 	<txp:site_url />
     21.68 |     0.01 | 	<txp:site_url />
     21.70 |     0.02 | 	<txp:text item="search" />
     21.73 |     0.03 | 	<txp:if_search>
     21.74 |          | 		[<txp:if_search>: false]
     21.76 |          | 	</txp:if_search>
     21.78 |     0.03 | <txp:text item="main_content" />
     21.83 |     4.78 | <txp:if_search>
     21.91 |          | 	[<txp:if_search>: false]
     21.98 |     4.01 | 	<txp:if_category>
     22.00 |          | 		[<txp:if_category>: false]
     22.02 |     3.95 | 		<txp:if_author>
     22.04 |          | 			[<txp:if_author>: false]
     22.05 |     3.91 | 			<txp:article limit="5" />
     22.26 |          | 				[filterAtts accepted]
     22.30 |     0.15 | 				[SQL: SELECT name FROM txp_section WHERE on_frontpage != '1' ]
     22.46 |          | 				[Rows: 0]
     22.56 |     0.11 | 				[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM textpattern WHERE 1 = 1 AND Status = 4 AND Posted <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires OR Expires IS NULL) ]
     22.68 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
     22.73 |     0.28 | 				[SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS uPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS uExpires, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS uLastMod FROM textpattern WHERE 1 = 1 AND Status = 4 AND Posted <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires OR Expires IS NULL) ORDER BY Posted DESC LIMIT 0, 5 ]
     23.02 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
     23.06 |          | 				[Article: '1']
     23.12 |     0.12 | 				[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'default' ]
     23.25 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
     23.27 |          | 				[Form: 'default']
     23.28 |          | 				[Nesting forms: 'default']
     23.93 |     0.15 | 				<txp:if_individual_article>
     23.95 |          | 					[<txp:if_individual_article>: false]
     23.97 |     0.07 | 					<txp:permlink />
     24.06 |     0.02 | 					<txp:title />
     24.09 |          | 				</txp:if_individual_article>
     24.10 |     0.04 | 				<txp:text item="posted" />
     24.15 |     0.06 | 				<txp:posted format="iso8601" />
     24.21 |     0.05 | 				<txp:posted />
     24.27 |     0.03 | 				<txp:posted format="iso8601" />
     24.31 |     0.21 | 				<txp:if_comments>
     24.33 |          | 					[<txp:if_comments>: true]
     24.35 |     0.03 | 					<txp:text item="comments" />
     24.39 |     0.05 | 					<txp:permlink />
     24.45 |     0.03 | 					<txp:text item="view" />
     24.49 |     0.01 | 					<txp:comments_count />
     24.51 |     0.01 | 					<txp:comments_count />
     24.53 |          | 				</txp:if_comments>
     24.54 |     0.02 | 				<txp:if_article_image>
     24.55 |          | 					[<txp:if_article_image>: false]
     24.56 |          | 				</txp:if_article_image>
     24.57 |     0.02 | 				<txp:body />
     24.61 |     0.20 | 				<txp:text item="author" />
     24.82 |     0.29 | 				<txp:author link="1" this_section="1" />
     24.90 |     0.15 | 					[SQL: SELECT RealName FROM txp_users WHERE `name` = 'hcgtv' LIMIT 1 ]
     25.05 |          | 					[Rows: 1]
     25.12 |     0.74 | 				<txp:if_article_category>
     25.15 |          | 					[<txp:if_article_category>: true]
     25.17 |     0.03 | 					<txp:text item="categories" />
     25.21 |     0.64 | 					<txp:if_article_category number="1">
     25.24 |          | 						[<txp:if_article_category number="1">: true]
     25.26 |     0.58 | 						<txp:if_article_category number="2">
     25.29 |          | 							[<txp:if_article_category number="2">: true]
     25.30 |     0.24 | 							<txp:category1 title="1" link="1" />
     25.36 |     0.12 | 								[SQL: SELECT title FROM txp_category WHERE name = 'hope-for-the-future' AND type = 'article' ]
     25.49 |          | 								[Rows: 1]
*    25.55 |     0.28 | 							<txp:category2 title="1" link="1" />
     25.60 |     0.11 | 								[SQL: SELECT title FROM txp_category WHERE name = 'meaningful-labor' AND type = 'article' ]
     25.72 |          | 								[Rows: 1]
     25.84 |          | 						</txp:if_article_category>
     25.85 |          | 					</txp:if_article_category>
     25.87 |          | 				</txp:if_article_category>
     25.87 |     0.03 | 				<txp:if_individual_article>
     25.89 |          | 					[<txp:if_individual_article>: false]
     25.91 |          | 				</txp:if_individual_article>
     25.98 |          | 		</txp:if_author>
     25.99 |          | 	</txp:if_category>
     26.01 |     0.19 | 	<txp:variable name="more" value='<txp:newer /><txp:older />' />
     26.04 |     0.12 | 		[attribute 'value']
     26.09 |     0.03 | 			<txp:newer />
     26.12 |     0.02 | 			<txp:older />
     26.16 |          | 		[/attribute]
     26.21 |     0.14 | 	<txp:variable name="prev" value='<txp:newer />' />
     26.25 |     0.08 | 		[attribute 'value']
     26.29 |     0.02 | 			<txp:newer />
     26.33 |          | 		[/attribute]
     26.37 |     0.13 | 	<txp:variable name="next" value='<txp:older />' />
     26.40 |     0.07 | 		[attribute 'value']
     26.44 |     0.02 | 			<txp:older />
     26.47 |          | 		[/attribute]
     26.51 |     0.08 | 	<txp:if_variable name="more" value="">
     26.56 |          | 		[<txp:if_variable name="more" value="">: true]
     26.60 |          | 	</txp:if_variable>
     26.61 |          | </txp:if_search>
     26.63 |     0.23 | <txp:feed_link class="feed-rss" label="RSS" />
     26.88 |     0.15 | <txp:feed_link class="feed-atom" flavor="atom" label="Atom" />
     27.05 |     1.34 | <txp:variable name="links" value='<txp:linklist limit="1" />' />
     27.09 |     1.26 | 	[attribute 'value']
     27.15 |     1.18 | 		<txp:linklist limit="1" />
     27.30 |     0.29 | 			[SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY linksort asc LIMIT 0, 1 ]
     27.61 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
     27.85 |     0.21 | 			[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'plainlinks' ]
     28.06 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
     28.09 |          | 			[Form: 'plainlinks']
     28.10 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     28.18 |     0.10 | 			<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     28.35 |          | 	[/attribute]
     28.40 |     2.24 | <txp:if_variable name="links" value="">
     28.47 |          | 	[<txp:if_variable name="links" value="">: false]
     28.50 |     0.05 | 	<txp:text item="links" />
     28.56 |     2.05 | 	<txp:linklist wraptag="ul" break="li" />
     29.17 |     0.28 | 		[SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY linksort asc  ]
     29.46 |          | 		[Rows: 6]
     29.50 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     29.51 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     29.55 |     0.10 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     29.69 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     29.79 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     29.83 |     0.08 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     29.95 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     29.96 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     29.98 |     0.06 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     30.08 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     30.09 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     30.11 |     0.06 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     30.21 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     30.22 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     30.25 |     0.07 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     30.37 |          | 		[Form: 'plainlinks']
     30.39 |          | 		[Nesting forms: 'plainlinks']
     30.43 |     0.06 | 		<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     30.64 |          | </txp:if_variable>
     30.66 |     0.62 | <txp:text item="published_with" />
     31.32 |     0.06 | <txp:text item="go_txp_com" />
     31.40 |          | [ ~~~ secondpass ~~~ ]

<!-- Query log:
Duration | Query
    0.37 | [SQL: SELECT name, val FROM txp_prefs WHERE prefs_id = 1 AND user_name = '' ]
    1.13 | [SQL: SELECT name, data FROM txp_lang WHERE lang = 'en-us' AND name != '' AND event IN ('public','common') ]
    0.33 | [SQL: SELECT name, code, version FROM txp_plugin WHERE status = 1 AND type IN (0,1,5) ORDER BY load_order ASC, name ASC ]
    0.23 | [SQL: SELECT page, css FROM txp_section WHERE name = 'default' LIMIT 1 ]
    0.44 | [SQL: SELECT user_html FROM txp_page WHERE name = 'default' ]
    0.33 | [SQL: SELECT description FROM txp_section WHERE name = 'default' ]
    0.33 | [SQL: SELECT name, title, description FROM txp_section WHERE 1 ORDER BY name != 'default', name ASC ]
    0.20 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'search_input' ]
    0.15 | [SQL: SELECT name FROM txp_section WHERE on_frontpage != '1' ]
    0.11 | [SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM textpattern WHERE 1 = 1 AND Status = 4 AND Posted <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires OR Expires IS NULL) ]
    0.28 | [SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS uPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS uExpires, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS uLastMod FROM textpattern WHERE 1 = 1 AND Status = 4 AND Posted <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires OR Expires IS NULL) ORDER BY Posted DESC LIMIT 0, 5 ]
    0.12 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'default' ]
    0.15 | [SQL: SELECT RealName FROM txp_users WHERE `name` = 'hcgtv' LIMIT 1 ]
    0.12 | [SQL: SELECT title FROM txp_category WHERE name = 'hope-for-the-future' AND type = 'article' ]
    0.11 | [SQL: SELECT title FROM txp_category WHERE name = 'meaningful-labor' AND type = 'article' ]
    0.29 | [SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY linksort asc LIMIT 0, 1 ]
    0.21 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name = 'plainlinks' ]
    0.28 | [SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY linksort asc  ]


#14 2020-11-16 22:25:38

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

Textpattern 4.8.3 in Debugging mode:

<!-- Trace summary:
Runtime   : 33.28 ms
Query time: 5.44 ms
Queries   : 20
Memory (*): 994 kB

<!-- Trace log:
  Time(ms) | Duration | Trace
      1.35 |     0.14 | [PHP includes, stage 1]
      1.52 |     1.08 | [PHP includes, stage 2]
      1.60 |          | 	[Textpattern autoload dir: 'vendors']
      1.65 |          | 	[Textpattern autoload dir: 'lib']
      2.67 |     0.27 | [SQL: SELECT nonce, name, RealName, email, privs FROM txp_users WHERE name = 'hcgtv' ]
      2.95 |          | [Rows: 1]
      3.03 |     0.33 | [SQL: SELECT name, val FROM txp_prefs WHERE user_name IN ('','hcgtv') ORDER BY FIELD(user_name, '','hcgtv') ]
      3.38 |          | [Rows: 110]
      3.93 |     0.19 | [Loading plugins]
      3.96 |     0.14 | 	[SQL: SELECT name, version, load_order FROM txp_plugin WHERE status = 1 AND type IN (0,1,5) ORDER BY load_order ASC, name ASC ]
      4.11 |          | 	[Rows: 0]
      4.43 |     0.17 | [SQL: SELECT * FROM txp_section WHERE 1 ]
      4.61 |          | [Rows: 2]
      4.64 |     1.24 | [PHP includes, stage 3]
      4.76 |     0.07 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Txp.php']
      4.80 |     0.01 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/FactoryInterface.php']
      4.83 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Txp']
      4.87 |     0.05 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/Container.php']
      4.90 |     0.01 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/ContainerInterface.php']
      4.92 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Container']
      4.96 |     0.05 | 	[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Tag/Registry.php']
      4.99 |     0.01 | 		[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Container/ReusableInterface.php']
      5.01 |          | 		[Class loaded: 'Registry']
      5.96 |     0.03 | [Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/Date/Timezone.php']
      5.99 |          | 	[Class loaded: 'Timezone']
      6.52 |     0.01 | [Loading plugins]
      6.93 |     0.06 | [Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/L10n/Lang.php']
      6.98 |          | 	[Class loaded: 'Lang']
      8.26 |     0.57 | [SQL: SELECT name, data FROM txp_lang WHERE lang = 'en' AND name != '' AND (event IN ('public','common') OR owner != '') ]
      8.84 |          | [Rows: 286]
     12.20 |     0.28 | [SQL: SELECT user_html FROM txp_page WHERE name = 'default' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     12.49 |          | [Rows: 1]
     12.52 |          | [Page: 'four-point-eight.default']
     12.56 |          | [true]
     14.27 |     0.11 | <txp:lang />
     14.39 |     0.39 | <txp:text item="lang_dir" />
     14.80 |     0.29 | <txp:page_title />
     15.11 |     0.17 | <txp:css format="link" media="" />
     15.29 |     0.08 | <txp:page_url type="theme_path" />
     15.39 |     1.83 | <txp:if_search>
     15.41 |          | 	[false]
     15.46 |     1.74 | 	<txp:if_author>
     15.49 |          | 		[false]
     15.53 |     0.03 | 		<txp:meta_description />
     15.58 |     1.60 | 		<txp:if_category>
     15.60 |          | 			[false]
     15.64 |     0.52 | 			<txp:variable name="page" value='<txp:page_url type="pg" />' />
     15.69 |     0.39 | 				[attribute 'value']
     15.71 |          | 					[true]
     15.77 |     0.24 | 					<txp:page_url type="pg" />
     16.09 |          | 				[/attribute]
     16.18 |     0.87 | 			<txp:if_variable name="page" value="1">
     16.59 |          | 				[true]
     16.63 |     0.03 | 				<txp:site_url />
     16.67 |     0.17 | 				<txp:site_name escape="json" />
     16.87 |     0.06 | 				<txp:if_description>
     16.91 |          | 					[false]
     16.94 |          | 				</txp:if_description>
     16.95 |     0.07 | 				<txp:site_url escape="json" />
     17.05 |          | 			</txp:if_variable>
     17.07 |     0.09 | 			<txp:variable name="front-page" value="1" />
     17.18 |          | 		</txp:if_category>
     17.20 |          | 	</txp:if_author>
     17.22 |          | </txp:if_search>
     17.23 |     0.16 | <txp:feed_link flavor="atom" format="link" label="Atom" />
     17.42 |     0.11 | <txp:feed_link flavor="rss" format="link" label="RSS" />
     17.55 |     0.09 | <txp:if_variable name="front-page">
     17.60 |          | 	[true]
     17.63 |          | </txp:if_variable>
     17.65 |     4.82 | <txp:output_form form="body_header" />
     17.88 |     0.26 | 	[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_header' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     18.16 |          | 	[Rows: 1]
     18.19 |          | 	[Form: 'four-point-eight.body_header']
     18.21 |          | 	[Nesting forms: 'body_header']
     18.22 |          | 	[true]
     18.71 |     0.29 | 	<txp:text item="go_content" />
     19.02 |     0.10 | 	<txp:link_to_home>
     19.05 |          | 		[true]
     19.07 |     0.02 | 		<txp:site_name />
     19.13 |          | 	</txp:link_to_home>
     19.14 |     0.10 | 	<txp:evaluate>
     19.17 |          | 		[true]
     19.19 |     0.02 | 		<txp:site_slogan />
     19.24 |          | 	</txp:evaluate>
     19.25 |     0.06 | 	<txp:text item="site_nav" />
     19.33 |     1.83 | 	<txp:section_list default_title='<txp:text item="home" />' include_default wraptag="ul" break="">
     19.38 |     0.12 | 		[attribute 'default_title']
     19.39 |          | 			[true]
     19.44 |     0.05 | 			<txp:text item="home" />
     19.50 |          | 		[/attribute]
     19.65 |     0.30 | 		[SQL: SELECT name, title, description FROM txp_section WHERE 1 AND name IN('default','articles') ORDER BY name != 'default', name ASC ]
     19.96 |          | 		[Rows: 2]
     20.00 |          | 		[true]
     20.03 |     0.23 | 		<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
     20.07 |     0.14 | 			[attribute 'name']
     20.08 |          | 				[true]
     20.14 |     0.06 | 				<txp:section />
     20.21 |          | 			[/attribute]
     20.25 |          | 			[true]
     20.27 |          | 		</txp:if_section>
     20.28 |     0.07 | 		<txp:section url />
     20.36 |     0.08 | 		<txp:section title />
     20.47 |          | 		[true]
     20.50 |     0.17 | 		<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
     20.52 |     0.10 | 			[attribute 'name']
     20.53 |          | 				[true]
     20.55 |     0.05 | 				<txp:section />
     20.62 |          | 			[/attribute]
     20.66 |          | 			[false]
     20.68 |          | 		</txp:if_section>
     20.69 |     0.16 | 		<txp:section url />
     20.86 |     0.06 | 		<txp:section title />
     21.17 |          | 	</txp:section_list>
     21.19 |     1.26 | 	<txp:search_input />
     21.32 |     0.28 | 		[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='search_input' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     21.62 |          | 		[Rows: 1]
     21.65 |          | 		[Form: 'four-point-eight.search_input']
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     22.30 |     0.06 | 		<txp:text item="search" />
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     22.40 |          | 			[false]
     22.43 |          | 		</txp:if_search>
     22.49 |     0.07 | <txp:text item="main_content" />
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     22.61 |          | 	[false]
     22.92 |     6.72 | 	<txp:if_variable name="front-page">
     22.97 |          | 		[true]
     23.00 |     6.63 | 		<txp:article limit="5" />
     23.38 |          | 			[filterAtts accepted]
     23.43 |     0.16 | 			[SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM textpattern WHERE 1 AND `Posted` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (Expires IS NULL OR from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires) AND Section IN('default','articles') AND Status IN (4) AND Section IN('default','articles') ]
     23.60 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
     23.63 |          | 			[Found: 1 articles, 1 pages]
     23.66 |     0.29 | 			[SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS uPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS uExpires, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS uLastMod FROM textpattern WHERE 1 AND `Posted` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (Expires IS NULL OR from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires) AND Section IN('default','articles') AND Status IN (4) AND Section IN('default','articles') ORDER BY Posted DESC LIMIT 0, 5 ]
     23.96 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
     24.00 |          | 			[Article: '1']
     24.07 |     0.11 | 			[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='default' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     24.19 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
     24.21 |          | 			[Form: 'four-point-eight.default']
     24.22 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'default']
     24.23 |          | 			[true]
     24.82 |     0.20 | 			<txp:permlink />
     25.03 |     0.19 | 			<txp:if_individual_article>
     25.05 |          | 				[false]
     25.07 |     0.06 | 				<txp:permlink />
     25.14 |     0.05 | 				<txp:text item="read_more" />
     25.19 |     0.02 | 				<txp:title />
     25.23 |          | 			</txp:if_individual_article>
     25.24 |     0.04 | 			<txp:text item="posted" />
     25.28 |     0.22 | 			<txp:posted format="iso8601" />
     25.39 |     0.03 | 				[Load: 'vendors/Textpattern/L10n/Locale.php']
     25.41 |          | 					[Class loaded: 'Locale']
     25.51 |     1.42 | 			<txp:posted />
     26.95 |     0.11 | 			<txp:modified format="iso8601" />
     27.08 |     0.37 | 			<txp:if_comments>
     27.11 |          | 				[true]
     27.16 |     0.08 | 				<txp:text item="comments" />
     27.25 |     0.09 | 				<txp:permlink />
     27.35 |     0.06 | 				<txp:text item="view" />
     27.43 |     0.02 | 				<txp:comments_count />
     27.46 |          | 			</txp:if_comments>
     27.47 |     0.04 | 			<txp:if_article_image>
     27.49 |          | 				[false]
     27.51 |          | 			</txp:if_article_image>
     27.60 |     0.41 | 			<txp:body />
     27.64 |          | 				[true]
     27.83 |     0.15 | 				<txp:permlink id="1">
     27.92 |          | 					[true]
     27.98 |          | 				</txp:permlink>
     28.03 |     0.06 | 			<txp:text item="author" />
     28.10 |     0.56 | 			<txp:author link this_section />
     28.20 |     0.24 | 				[SQL: SELECT RealName FROM txp_users WHERE `name` = 'hcgtv' LIMIT 1 ]
     28.45 |          | 				[Rows: 1]
     28.68 |     0.80 | 			<txp:if_article_category>
     28.70 |          | 				[true]
     28.71 |     0.03 | 				<txp:text item="categories" />
     28.75 |     0.71 | 				<txp:category_list categories='<txp:category1 />,<txp:category2 />' children="0" break=", " trim>
     28.78 |     0.11 | 					[attribute 'categories']
     28.79 |          | 						[true]
     28.82 |     0.03 | 						<txp:category1 />
     28.86 |     0.03 | 						<txp:category2 />
     28.89 |          | 					[/attribute]
     29.02 |     0.14 | 					[SQL: SELECT name, parent, title, description, lft, rgt FROM txp_category WHERE name IN ('hope-for-the-future','meaningful-labor') and type = 'article' order by FIELD(name, 'hope-for-the-future','meaningful-labor') ]
     29.16 |          | 					[Rows: 2]
     29.21 |          | 					[true]
     29.22 |     0.08 | 					<txp:category title link />
     29.31 |          | 					[true]
     29.33 |     0.08 | 					<txp:category title link />
     29.46 |          | 				</txp:category_list>
     29.53 |          | 			</txp:if_article_category>
     29.54 |     0.02 | 			<txp:if_individual_article>
     29.55 |          | 				[false]
     29.56 |          | 			</txp:if_individual_article>
     29.64 |          | 	</txp:if_variable>
     29.65 |     0.25 | 	<txp:evaluate test="newer,older">
     29.69 |          | 		[true]
     29.74 |     0.08 | 		<txp:newer rel="prev">
     29.80 |          | 			[false]
     29.82 |          | 		</txp:newer>
     29.83 |     0.06 | 		<txp:older rel="next">
     29.88 |          | 			[false]
     29.89 |          | 		</txp:older>
     29.91 |          | 	</txp:evaluate>
     29.92 |          | </txp:if_search>
     29.92 |     3.03 | <txp:output_form form="body_aside" />
     29.99 |     0.13 | 	[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_aside' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     30.12 |          | 	[Rows: 1]
     30.13 |          | 	[Form: 'four-point-eight.body_aside']
     30.14 |          | 	[Nesting forms: 'body_aside']
     30.15 |          | 	[true]
     30.23 |     0.08 | 	<txp:feed_link class="feed-rss" label="RSS" />
     30.31 |     0.07 | 	<txp:feed_link class="feed-atom" flavor="atom" label="Atom" />
     30.39 |     2.55 | 	<txp:evaluate test="linklist">
     30.42 |          | 		[true]
     30.44 |     2.44 | 		<txp:linklist wraptag="ul" break="li" />
     30.58 |     0.63 | 			[SQL: SELECT unix_timestamp(date) as utime FROM txp_link WHERE 1=1 having utime > 1605563713 order by utime asc limit 1 ]
     31.22 |          | 			[Rows: 0]
     31.26 |     0.86 | 			[SQL: UPDATE txp_prefs SET val = '2147483647' WHERE name = 'sql_now_date' AND user_name = '' ]
     32.17 |     0.10 | 			[SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE `date` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) ORDER BY linksort asc  ]
     32.27 |          | 			[Rows: 4]
     32.31 |     0.07 | 			[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='plainlinks' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
*    32.38 |          | 			[Rows: 1]
*    32.49 |          | 			[Form: 'four-point-eight.plainlinks']
     32.50 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'body_aside' / 'plainlinks']
     32.52 |          | 			[true]
     32.56 |     0.07 | 			<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     32.65 |          | 			[Form: 'four-point-eight.plainlinks']
     32.66 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'body_aside' / 'plainlinks']
     32.67 |          | 			[true]
     32.68 |     0.03 | 			<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     32.73 |          | 			[Form: 'four-point-eight.plainlinks']
     32.74 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'body_aside' / 'plainlinks']
     32.74 |          | 			[true]
     32.75 |     0.03 | 			<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     32.79 |          | 			[Form: 'four-point-eight.plainlinks']
     32.80 |          | 			[Nesting forms: 'body_aside' / 'plainlinks']
     32.80 |          | 			[true]
     32.81 |     0.03 | 			<txp:linkdesctitle rel="external" />
     32.90 |     0.03 | 		<txp:text item="links" />
     32.94 |          | 	</txp:evaluate>
     32.96 |     0.28 | <txp:output_form form="body_footer" />
     33.00 |     0.10 | 	[SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_footer' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
     33.10 |          | 	[Rows: 1]
     33.11 |          | 	[Form: 'four-point-eight.body_footer']
     33.12 |          | 	[Nesting forms: 'body_footer']
     33.13 |          | 	[true]
     33.17 |     0.03 | 	<txp:text item="published_with" />
     33.20 |     0.03 | 	<txp:text item="go_txp_com" />
     33.24 |          | [ ~~~ secondpass (1) ~~~ ]

<!-- Query log:
Duration | Query
    0.27 | [SQL: SELECT nonce, name, RealName, email, privs FROM txp_users WHERE name = 'hcgtv' ]
    0.33 | [SQL: SELECT name, val FROM txp_prefs WHERE user_name IN ('','hcgtv') ORDER BY FIELD(user_name, '','hcgtv') ]
    0.14 | [SQL: SELECT name, version, load_order FROM txp_plugin WHERE status = 1 AND type IN (0,1,5) ORDER BY load_order ASC, name ASC ]
    0.17 | [SQL: SELECT * FROM txp_section WHERE 1 ]
    0.57 | [SQL: SELECT name, data FROM txp_lang WHERE lang = 'en' AND name != '' AND (event IN ('public','common') OR owner != '') ]
    0.28 | [SQL: SELECT user_html FROM txp_page WHERE name = 'default' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.26 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_header' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.30 | [SQL: SELECT name, title, description FROM txp_section WHERE 1 AND name IN('default','articles') ORDER BY name != 'default', name ASC ]
    0.28 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='search_input' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.16 | [SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM textpattern WHERE 1 AND `Posted` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (Expires IS NULL OR from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires) AND Section IN('default','articles') AND Status IN (4) AND Section IN('default','articles') ]
    0.29 | [SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS uPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS uExpires, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS uLastMod FROM textpattern WHERE 1 AND `Posted` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) AND (Expires IS NULL OR from_unixtime(2147483647) <= Expires) AND Section IN('default','articles') AND Status IN (4) AND Section IN('default','articles') ORDER BY Posted DESC LIMIT 0, 5 ]
    0.11 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='default' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.24 | [SQL: SELECT RealName FROM txp_users WHERE `name` = 'hcgtv' LIMIT 1 ]
    0.14 | [SQL: SELECT name, parent, title, description, lft, rgt FROM txp_category WHERE name IN ('hope-for-the-future','meaningful-labor') and type = 'article' order by FIELD(name, 'hope-for-the-future','meaningful-labor') ]
    0.13 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_aside' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.63 | [SQL: SELECT unix_timestamp(date) as utime FROM txp_link WHERE 1=1 having utime > 1605563713 order by utime asc limit 1 ]
    0.86 | [SQL: UPDATE txp_prefs SET val = '2147483647' WHERE name = 'sql_now_date' AND user_name = '' ]
    0.10 | [SQL: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS uDate FROM txp_link WHERE `date` <= from_unixtime(2147483647) ORDER BY linksort asc  ]
    0.07 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='plainlinks' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]
    0.10 | [SQL: SELECT Form FROM txp_form WHERE name ='body_footer' AND skin = 'four-point-eight' ]


#15 2020-11-16 22:32:34

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

The above 2 posts is the Debugging output from 4.6.2 and 4.8.3 – default installs.

Well, I’ve tried most everything that I can think of:

a) Change a setting, run AB, change another setting, etc.
b) Tried different themes, that’s not it.
c) CSS file from disk, nope.

What’s left is open the code base in Komodo and see where the slow ups might be, compared to what I know of 4.6.2 and how I’ve observed it running in the past.


#16 2020-11-17 01:13:47

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

Textpattern 4.8.4, Live site setting, short tags are off, default install.

bert@jessie:~$ ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost/projects/textpattern-dev/

Document Path:          /projects/textpattern-dev/ (4.8.4)
Document Length:        11955 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   6.991 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      12188000 bytes
HTML transferred:       11955000 bytes
Requests per second:    143.03 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       69.913 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       6.991 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1702.45 [Kbytes/sec] received

TXP 4.8.4-dev runs nice on my local system, have not encountered any issues.


#17 2020-11-17 14:03:30

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,321
Website GitHub

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

I have tested 4.6.2, 4.7.3 and 4.8.4 with empty page (just html header and body, nada mas):

Document Path:          /textpattern462/
Document Length:        51 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   5.448 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      267000 bytes
HTML transferred:       51000 bytes
Requests per second:    183.54 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       54.484 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       5.448 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          47.86 [Kbytes/sec] received


Document Path:          /textpattern473/
Document Length:        51 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   6.122 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      267000 bytes
HTML transferred:       51000 bytes
Requests per second:    163.34 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       61.224 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       6.122 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          42.59 [Kbytes/sec] received


Document Path:          /textpattern484/
Document Length:        51 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   6.216 seconds
Complete requests:      1000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      267000 bytes
HTML transferred:       51000 bytes
Requests per second:    160.87 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       62.163 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       6.216 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          41.94 [Kbytes/sec] received

It looks like we have lost ~7ms per request between 4.6 and 4.7. This is not surprising, given how much we have squeezed out of 4.6 and all we have added to 4.7 (themes, global attributes). We loose this 7ms mainly in preamble (preloading classes etc) and I don’t see how to compress it. There is more stuff to load in 4.7, period.

There is however a case where 4.8 is much faster than 4.6: 304 Not Modified responses. A regular visitor revisiting a not modified site will get a response up to 3 times faster in 4.8 than in 4.6.


#18 2020-11-17 14:49:39

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

etc wrote #326864:

I have tested 4.6.2, 4.7.3 and 4.8.4 with empty page (just html header and body, nada mas):

Glad to have someone confirm jessie’s findings.

TXP is still pretty fast compared to let’s say Joomla! or Drupal, which are the ones right behind WP in popularity.

Over the years I’ve seen the downloadable .zip file of TXP go from:

TXP 4.0.0.zip (250 KB (256,088 bytes)
TXP 4.5.0.zip (0.99 MB (1,043,767 bytes)
TXP 4.8.3.zip (1.87 MB (1,970,951 bytes)

Progress, I reckon, but I’m glad the core is still plenty fast.

Oh, just for reference, the poetry people:

WP 5.5.3.zip (13.3 MB (14,012,416 bytes)


#19 2020-11-17 15:43:45

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,321
Website GitHub

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

hcgtv wrote #326866:

Glad to have someone confirm jessie’s findings.

Without concurrent requests the game is more equal:

Document Path:          /textpattern462/
Document Length:        47 bytes

Concurrency Level:      1
Time taken for tests:   3.340 seconds
Complete requests:      100
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      26300 bytes
HTML transferred:       4700 bytes
Requests per second:    29.94 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       33.398 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       33.398 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          7.69 [Kbytes/sec] received


Document Path:          /textpattern484/
Document Length:        47 bytes

Concurrency Level:      1
Time taken for tests:   3.371 seconds
Complete requests:      100
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      26300 bytes
HTML transferred:       4700 bytes
Requests per second:    29.67 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       33.707 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       33.707 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          7.62 [Kbytes/sec] received

Over the years I’ve seen the downloadable .zip file of TXP go from:

TXP 4.0.0.zip (250 KB (256,088 bytes)
TXP 4.5.0.zip (0.99 MB (1,043,767 bytes)
TXP 4.8.3.zip (1.87 MB (1,970,951 bytes)

These are swallowed plugins :-)


#20 2020-11-17 15:55:57

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

etc wrote #326869:

Without concurrent requests the game is more equal:

Interesting, wonder why?

These are swallowed plugins :-)

I know, my very popular, #1 on the download list, is the hcg_templates plugin, and now it’s been swallowed by the core, I’m very happily upset ;)

Logically, I always thought the most popular plugins would make it into core one day.


#21 2020-11-17 16:42:26

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,321
Website GitHub

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

hcgtv wrote #326870:

Interesting, wonder why?

Physical limitations? When I switch from -c 1 to -c 10, 4.6.2 climbs from 33ms to 55ms. 4.8.4 being fatter, it might arrive to saturation more quickly. This would also explain why WP is so bad in your tests.

But your site must be very popular to get concurrent requests.


#22 2020-11-17 17:21:40

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,617
Website GitHub

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

hcgtv wrote #326866:

Over the years I’ve seen the downloadable .zip file of TXP go from: TXP 4.0.0.zip (250 KB (256,088 bytes) TXP 4.5.0.zip (0.99 MB (1,043,767 bytes) TXP 4.8.3.zip (1.87 MB (1,970,951 bytes)

The file size spike from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 is mainly docblock comments and beginning to migrate to a more object-oriented code base, which has far more files that contain our text preamble.

From 4.7.0+ it’s also because every language file is bundled with core instead of being fetched from rpc.textpattern.com. Local vs network access = more deterministic response times (generally).

Last edited by Bloke (2020-11-17 17:24:00)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#23 2020-11-17 17:29:07

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

Bloke wrote #326881:

The file size spike from 4.7.0+ is also because every language file is bundled with core instead of being fetched from rpc.textpattern.com. Local vs network access = more deterministic response times (generally).

Yeah, I saw all those .ini files in setup.

Also, in 4.6.0 the textpattern/vendors folder showed up. Sneaky vendors :)


#24 2020-11-17 17:50:32

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,617
Website GitHub

Re: Textpattern 4.8.3 Apache Bench

hcgtv wrote #326882:

Also, in 4.6.0 the textpattern/vendors folder showed up. Sneaky vendors :)

Yeah, and one of those ‘vendors’ is /Textpattern. Tsk.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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