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Look what I came upon: HostPapa offers award-winning Textpattern CMS hosting
Anybody we know? Somebody must of given them the go ahead to use the logo.
I’m going to sign up, try it out, why not.
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Re: HostPapa
hcgtv wrote #326847:
Look what I came upon: HostPapa offers award-winning Textpattern CMS hosting
Anybody we know? Somebody must of given them the go ahead to use the logo.
I’m going to sign up, try it out, why not.
wthigo!!… lets us know what you find out
…. texted postive
Re: HostPapa
Hey Bici,
Went to your website, I’m also an avid cyclist.
This is my sig in Thunderbird email client, look familiar?
(_)/ (_)
This is a blog I started when I was living in North Carolina: Bike Charlotte
We Love TXP . TXP Themes . TXP Tags . TXP Planet . TXP Make
Re: HostPapa
It’s a Canadian company. HQ Ontario, judging from their legalese. Pretty well established around the world, though, if their list of offices is any indication.
Should have been HostMama, though.
Looks like another HostGator or GoDaddy for the masses to me. I’m sure they have a similar page for WP, etc. But I can’t be moved to verify.
Re: HostPapa
Destry wrote #326857:
It’s a Canadian company. HQ Ontario, judging from their legalese. Pretty well established around the world, though, if their list of offices is any indication.
Yeah, I did a view source on the site and they have offices everywhere, which really piqued my curiosity.
Why would a company of that size, pick Textpattern, there’s got to be a back story, heck they got our branding on the site.
We Love TXP . TXP Themes . TXP Tags . TXP Planet . TXP Make
Re: HostPapa
Dunno. But of they have a Txp installation, we should reach out. At least offer an affiliate link or something to them from our domain.
Nice find, Bert!
The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.
Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp
Re: HostPapa
Don’t get carried away. They are using some clever SEO. In the footer you can find direct links to CMS Hosting, CRM Hosting and Wordpress Hosting amongst others, but no sign of Textpattern in those links or elsewhere on the website that I could find. A gargoyle search for “textpattern hosting” puts HostPapa on page 2, whereas a search for “textpattern cms hosting” puts them right up at the top.
Re: HostPapa
zero wrote #326862:
We’re listed in this link. Scroll down. Fifth in the list.
The site isn’t very responsive on desktop, but they may be serving a dedicated mobile stylesheet.
The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.
Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp
Re: HostPapa
SEO & keyword stuffing. They have the same for Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal…I stopped checking after that. Nothing to see here.
Re: HostPapa
Bloke wrote #326863:
We’re listed in this link. Scroll down. Fifth in the list.
The site isn’t very responsive on desktop, but they may be serving a dedicated mobile stylesheet.
and notice when on that page the logo icon is non clickable nor is the language toggle… amateurs!
…. texted postive
Re: HostPapa
bici wrote #326873:
and notice when on that page the logo icon is non clickable nor is the language toggle… amateurs!
Or SEO pros perhaps… Notice the link you gave, bici, was a .ca link. The ones I gave were .co.uk and Bert’s first one was a .com. So they are detecting where you are coming from and serving the page accordingly. Not having a clickable logo gives you more incentive (or trying to force you?) to click a Get Started, Learn More or such-like link instead. I haven’t done so but am sure they will present a very good competitive offer that might tempt you before you go.