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Brain-teaser: processing order
In 4.8.4+ we have two ways to alter the order in which tags are processed: the nominal/positional one
<txp:container evaluate="2, tag3">
<txp:tag1 /> <!-- will be processed last -->
<txp:tag2 /> <!-- will be processed first -->
<txp:tag3 /> <!-- will be processed next -->
and the ordinal one:
<txp:tag1 /> <!-- will be processed last -->
<txp:tag2[2] /> <!-- will be processed next -->
<txp:tag3[1] /> <!-- will be processed first -->
Both are fine, but I can’t see how to make them cohabitate: what should the order be here
<txp:container evaluate="2, tag3">
<txp:tag1 />
<txp:tag2[2] />
<txp:tag3[1] />
Help :-)
Re: Brain-teaser: processing order
etc wrote #326509:
Help :-)
Undefined1 :-) Tags will be processed in order of appearance, the internal conflicts in the logic crashed.
1 please don’t throw the freshly harvested pomegranates at me… that is reserved for the ghost of an ancient poet and mathematician form northern Khorasan
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Pages: 1