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New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
Launched https://pxd.gd a few months ago.
I chose Txp because of its flexibility and blazing speed. CHECK HOW FAST IT LOADS!!!
It’s pretty swanky.
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
agovella wrote #326473:
Launched https://pxd.gd a few months ago.
I chose Txp because of its flexibility and blazing speed. CHECK HOW FAST IT LOADS!!!
It’s pretty swanky.
Swanky indeed! Great job!
Are you planning on moving your main site to Txp as well?
…. texted postive
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
I like the minimalism of the design. And it is indeed very fast. One I few I saw that gets 100% on pagespeed both on desktop and mobile devices.
NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
bici wrote #326477:
Are you planning on moving your main site to Txp as well?
Not for a while. The maintenance and work on the one is all I can make time for, so I use Squarespace for the other.
I used to use Textpattern for all of my sites, but I code much less, day-to-day, so ramping up and fixing things, maintaining upgrades, and watching for problems is a lot harder for me to switch to from my typical tasks.
Last edited by agovella (2020-10-21 21:59:01)
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
colak wrote #326478:
One I few I saw that gets 100% on pagespeed both on desktop and mobile devices.
THANK YOU FOR NOTICING. I worked on that. My goal is for it to be quick(er) to download in Nigerian backcountry or rural China.
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
Your book looks good, Austin. Allow me to bring it to everyone’s attention: Collaborative Product Design
Torrey’s Strategic Writing for UX also looks good.
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
zero wrote #326498:
GTmetrix shows it could be slightly faster. Dareboost too can help you squeeze it to the max :-)
So many resources nowadays to check speed, heck if my sites would pass W3C tests, that was it for me, knowing full well that TXP could deal with the traffic.
Just tried GTmetrix on one my TXP sites running a Bootstrap theme.
GTmetrix Grade
Do you think people running other popular blogging platforms have come across GTmetrix, should we send a link to Matt in Sri Lanka?
We Love TXP . TXP Themes . TXP Tags . TXP Planet . TXP Make
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
hcgtv wrote #326919:
So many resources nowadays to check speed, heck if my sites would pass W3C tests, that was it for me, knowing full well that TXP could deal with the traffic.
Just tried GTmetrix on one my TXP sites running a Bootstrap theme.
GTmetrix Grade
92%Do you think people running other popular blogging platforms have come across GTmetrix, should we send a link to Matt in Sri Lanka?
I see Textpattern as a basis for creating a website where the design can go in many directions. If I make a theme, I imagine anyone finding it useful will also change it quite a bit to achieve their desired design. Maybe some people will just use basic themes as they are, in which case your numbers show that TXP is fast, but anyone with the slightest knowledge of html and css will surely use txp flexibility to present their content in some unique way, not just be the same as many other websites.
GTmetrix and such like then come in very handy for showing where slowdowns occur and what is likely to hinder them in the SERPS. I don’t really care about comparisons with other sites, I just want my sites to be about the best they can be and because I’m not the most technically gifted person, it’s nice to know about sites that can help with those technicalities.
Re: New site: Product & Experience Design Guide
I redesigned my PXD site and took advantage of some newer txp tags I just noticed like related articles.
It’s still blazing fast, and TxP is still the only CMS that lets me do a lot of the little metadata/querying things I want to do—easily.
I installed 4.9 on a test server to give it a whirl. Feels a tinge snappier. Can’t wait to upgrade.