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#1 2020-07-27 22:26:46
- gomedia
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2008-06-01
- Posts: 1,373
Plugin help sidebar styling
This is not a bug as such. And it’s really caused by my sledgehammer styling … but in the new (4.7+) plugin help screen format, where there’s a panel of links, the heading styling is being transferred unchanged from the plugin onto the link. For example:
Note that the links after “Documentation” are in bold. That’s because in the plugin help section they’re styled:
h2. *Installation*
… to force my will over the styling. Regardless of the rights or wrongs of me doing this, perhaps any residual plugin help styling should be stripped out to prevent any embarrassment?
As I’m in moan mode … the idea of splitting the plugin help into sections is great until one needs to search the help text for something. When the whole text was presented on the page it was simple to do a browser text search for pertinent information. Not now though.
Don’t suppose there could be a toggle switch?
Re: Plugin help sidebar styling
gomedia wrote #324919:
the heading styling is being transferred unchanged from the plugin onto the link.
Fixed. Thank you.
the idea of splitting the plugin help into sections is great until one needs to search the help text for something. When the whole text was presented on the page it was simple to do a browser text search for pertinent information. Not now though. Don’t suppose there could be a toggle switch?
There could… but not now as it involves a new language string (we have “show” but no “hide” for some reason).
Having some way to see all the text in one go is a nice idea. Issue raised.
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#3 2020-07-28 11:49:06
- gomedia
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2008-06-01
- Posts: 1,373
Re: Plugin help sidebar styling
Fab, thanks … I see I’ve got a hat-trick in HISTORY.txt.
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